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good combo to reduce anxiety when stoned


Dec 8, 2013
so basically, i really cant think of anything better then playing video games or watching a good movie while stoned.. some of the time. my problem is that 90% of the time i get too anxious to appreciate the positive effects. when i was smoking daily the positive effects were replaced by actually feeling alive again. so i dont want a dependency like that but what i do want is to get stoned now and then and enjoy a movie.

whats a good combo to go with marijuana? preferably a downer. if you have the same experience of negative thoughts and anxiety while stoned, do you have any coping methods?
Weed + Benzodiazepines, alcohol (low dose), GHB/GBL, Kava kava, Kratom, opiates/opioids - weed + one of them that is.

You could also try some anxiety reducing activities pre-smoking like Yoga, meditation, mindfullness exercises, physical exercise, sex and stuff like that.
It might help to start off with a lower dose too. Like, if you normally smoke, lets say, 0,3 g in one setting, then try and divide this amount into 2-3 doses instead and wait at least 15 minutes between redosing.
smoke less or don't smoke at all. or as mentioned above take a benzo or alcohol or ghb or any other gabaergic drug with it.
try smoking indica strains, and smaller amounts.

as far as combos go, alcohol and benzodiazepines work, but IMO they can muddy the cannabis high for people who don't regularly use them.
would the fact that its hydroponic make a difference? im not sure ive ever smoked bush bud or if i have i wasnt told it was bush. maybe they were my good highs. indica bush migh make all the difference
^I personally kinda liked the bush weed I had in Oz. It's pretty weak, and it seems to be mostly indica anyway, but it's nice to smoke, like you can roll a fat personal joint and you'll get decently high, but not baked.

However I've only been there once and it wasn't for very long, so my experience is subjective.
Black tar heroin and IV meth mixed in one needle and shot directly into the neck while taking a hit of nitrous.
I`ve found that without an opiate or benzo, just not being around a bunch of people that make you feel like you need to get higher than what`s comfortable to you is the best thing. I also remember when I was on ssris a long time ago I enjoyed weed more, but that was like 5 years ago and my brain chemistry is waaay different now from all the drugs haha.
you are just covering up bad side effects from one drug with another which will just make it worse. I used to do this for years, couldn't smoke without the paranoid but was addicted and needed it or i couldn't sleep. Its best to just move on.
Paranoia/anxiety are always problems when smoking weed...alcohol is a good solution only in the short term...pretty much the same with any other downer drug...it'll work, but it might get to the point where you feel the need to start incorporating that drug/downer to help you out when smoking weed all the time.

Honestly, with weed, if you're going to smoke, you should just learn to not become anxious when high...because everything else is a temporary (and usually not healthy...esp. with alcohol and such) solution to a permanent question.

I have found that when I take week long breaks from smoking, the most I can do when I get high again is just chill at my apartment, usually by myself...so, it's not uncommon what you're experiencing. I've just gotten used to it and really don't give a fuck, if I have to be a little paranoid/introverted when I get high, so be it, it was worth it.

Also, it might just be a question of atmosphere...have some jazz music playing in the background while you're smoking, put on a chill radio program, I don't know, do something relaxing while you're getting high to change it up, see what works...
Most of the anxiety comes from obsessing over your stressors. You just gotta accept them as thoughts and try to let them move on. Imagine your thought process as a train speeding by. Different cars represent different emotions. When you see an anxious car come by, and you jump at it and grab on for dear life, you can imagine how much that would hurt. Just let that shit pass cause your mind has a lot more things to throw at you. And like omnipresent said, put some relaxing music on. It's hard to think negative when your music is relaxing.
would the fact that its hydroponic make a difference? im not sure ive ever smoked bush bud or if i have i wasnt told it was bush. maybe they were my good highs. indica bush migh make all the difference

Nah probably not. I used to think that was the case but strong bud grown well is going to do its thing wether its indoor or outdoor. Your frame of mind before you smoke will make a big difference though. Often you can get weak bush weed if you think thats a contributing factor. Or you could just smoke strong bud and put less in. Also its possible to get paranoia from indica and a floaty laughing high from sativa but both can definitely turn paranoid if your mind takes it that way.

The type of bush weed you get depends on the grower and to some extent where in Australia you are. In the tropics you are more likely to find the pure sativas elsewhere hybrids and some indicas.

As far as mixing weed with other stuff goes I use alcohol or benzo's but I don't recommend them as they are both worse than weed. Also kanna (sceletium tortuosum) I do recommend as a combination it has mild ssri properties and seems to lift the mood a little.
Nah probably not. I used to think that was the case but strong bud grown well is going to do its thing wether its indoor or outdoor. Your frame of mind before you smoke will make a big difference though. Often you can get weak bush weed if you think thats a contributing factor. Or you could just smoke strong bud and put less in. Also its possible to get paranoia from indica and a floaty laughing high from sativa but both can definitely turn paranoid if your mind takes it that way.

The type of bush weed you get depends on the grower and to some extent where in Australia you are. In the tropics you are more likely to find the pure sativas elsewhere hybrids and some indicas.

As far as mixing weed with other stuff goes I use alcohol or benzo's but I don't recommend them as they are both worse than weed. Also kanna (sceletium tortuosum) I do recommend as a combination it has mild ssri properties and seems to lift the mood a little.

Yup. The whole "kids today" argument is bunk. I remember my dad talking about "zombie weed" that was grown by the Mafia in Griffith in the 1970s (like, big, five acre crops weren't unusual), they'd grow super-crops, the plants so big that a single cola would weigh a pound - he insisted it'd go (excuse the pun) pound-for-pound with any of the "skunk weed" the kids today smoked - he described his 21st birthday as an absolute nightmare of anxiety and paranoia because all the pot-heads were blazed on "zombie weed" while all the "juice-heads" drank beer in the back yard and had a great old time.

Embellished, obviously, but the moral is - pot used to make people anxious and paranoid long before they started growing under lights. If you get good pot and smoke too much you're going to suffer unpleasant side-effects. It really is that simple.
I too get anxious when i smoke. I used to be relaxed about it, but nowadays it's different. My tips for you is: Remember the peak high only last for about 30 mins, after that the chill effects start to take over, and your mind will clear. Even if not completly true, this helps to be aware of. Second is to take a walk outside, and see people and see that everything is as should be in the world.
If you don't want to take benzos for the anxiety, phenibut could help; it has excellent anxyliotic effects without sedation. Phenibut and weed or noids is one of my favourite combos, as I think the phenibut has dopamine activity, and always puts me in a great mood.
I find doing chores help with weed anxiety. Like I'll smoke some bud and go cut the grass. Plus the exercise and getting fresh air/sun help refresh the soul.

By the time I'm done, I'm chilling on a nice weed plateau which is really the effect I'm after. Sometimes I'll go exercise. Sounds counter intuitive, but it gives you something repetitive to do while tiring you out. Plus it's good for you and gives you that awesome work out high.

Doing dishes, sorting bills, and other mundane activities can help as well.
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