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Giddy bbc sickeners

Paying for a service that doesn't interrupt your viewing/listening with interminable fuckin adverts is fine by me.

Having said that, the only BBC content I actually use is iplayer, Radio 4 and the World service.
Fuck the BBC and the propaganda that all of the mainstream news outlets put out, they're all owned by the same Friggin shadow Corp.

How many times do they protect kiddie fiddlers ect ie Prince fucking Andrew.

They fabricate stuff all the time, to create devide and fear.

Never have I paid a TV licence once. Never will.

A big fuck you and huge lecture ensued last time they knocked on my door. The bloke didn't have a fucking clue... He was saying it was the law... No, it's an ACT, which is an invitation for you to pay them.

They hire courts, and last time they tried to fine me there was half of my town up in a closed courtroom with a fake hired judge where we weren't allowed to represent ourselves. They got told where to shove it too and nothing happened of it.

I won't even bother to entertain letting them know I don't watch the telly, as I have access to but choose not too.

Big bunch of Eatonised wankers with estates/mantions ect telling folk in flats to put themselves under house arrest.....
Spreading So much fear people comply at the drop of a hat click of the fingers.


BBC news is the largest broadcast news organisation in the world. Our annual budget is in excess of 350 million pounds. Our 3,500 staff work incredibly hard to bring you the very latest news around the world 24 hours a day 7 days a week across both radio and television services.

That's my department. No doubt colleagues who deal with Radio, Education, Weather, Sport, iPlayer, documentaries can also give similar testaments as to what great effort and resources go into their broadcasting.

Only by charging a compulsory tax can we deliver such quality and provide the security of the BBC culture we see today.

The TV inspector is only doing his job and is entirely justified in his conduct. We provide you with a world-class quality service; we are entitled to charge for our services in the same way anyone else would. It is our legal and moral right to clamp down on those we suspect are unfairly stealing from us.

The rest of your post just looks like conspiracy theories to try and bring justification to what appears to be blatant theft from the BBC on your part.

The BBC is operationally independent of the government and we are required to report impartially. If you feel there is political bias within the BBC you are entitled to that intepretation but the facts still remain: we work hard to provide you world-class television. The TV inspector is only doing his duty to try and prevent crime. You (two) appear to be thieves who drive up the cost of a TV license for everyone else.


I've yet to pay for a TV license, nor will I. I rarely watch "live" television anyway, I usually pirate everything I want to watch to avoid the pointless (almost 6/7 minutes long these days) advertisements.
I've yet to pay for a TV license, nor will I. I rarely watch "live" television anyway, I usually pirate everything I want to watch to avoid the pointless (almost 6/7 minutes long these days) advertisements.
me too and standing proud

almost went wrong once mind...in the late 90's the bastards knocked on the door and spoke to my (Ph.D) ex about it

"we are from tv licensing, you do not have a license - do you use a TV?" "Yes we do!" ffs

she got done for it though, not I :ROFLMAO:

further proof (as if any were needed) that intellect and intelligence often don't share a bed
me too and standing proud
Stealing and feeling 'proud', of course the easy thing to do. Actually paying your way and appreciating the content we provide much more difficult, no!?


If figures continue to rise, there may well be implementations so that you must pay for the content you receive before being able to view it. BBC are aware of the increase in theft and discuss measures to prevent this trend.
Stealing and feeling 'proud', of course the easy thing to do. Actually paying your way and appreciating the content we provide much more difficult, no!?


If figures continue to rise, there may well be implementations so that you must pay for the content you receive before being able to view it. BBC are aware of the increase in theft and discuss measures to prevent this trend.
Can you please also reply as 'accurately' as you've done here with the other 'accusations' brought by us to the 'BBC' or are you obviously just blind fondly blinded and worried by what your next pay check will be as per usual ego wannabe journo?
Obviously nothing of value to contribute, just hoping to extort and twist a bullshit non story as per BBC usual by some nobody clueless wannabe pansy.

Trust me you won't last long here. I'll make sure of that one or will you be raising the 'racist' flag?
The last one took me three years to prove my claims.
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BBC news is the largest broadcast news organisation in the world. Our annual budget is in excess of 350 million pounds. Our 3,500 staff work incredibly hard to bring you the very latest news around the world 24 hours a day 7 days a week across both radio and television services.

That's my department. No doubt colleagues who deal with Radio, Education, Weather, Sport, iPlayer, documentaries can also give similar testaments as to what great effort and resources go into their broadcasting.

Only by charging a compulsory tax can we deliver such quality and provide the security of the BBC culture we see today.

The TV inspector is only doing his job and is entirely justified in his conduct. We provide you with a world-class quality service; we are entitled to charge for our services in the same way anyone else would. It is our legal and moral right to clamp down on those we suspect are unfairly stealing from us.

The rest of your post just looks like conspiracy theories to try and bring justification to what appears to be blatant theft from the BBC on your part.

The BBC is operationally independent of the government and we are required to report impartially. If you feel there is political bias within the BBC you are entitled to that intepretation but the facts still remain: we work hard to provide you world-class television. The TV inspector is only doing his duty to try and prevent crime. You (two) appear to be thieves who drive up the cost of a TV license for everyone else.

I remember the good old days when there was a bomb going off outside your Hammersmith offices this while I used to drive past there daily on the motorbike.
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Very sickening. From the winter they were tryna normalise outdoor own doorstep next to your other half mask wearing. They had it going on on an outdoor market. Thing too back then. There's never been an outdoor mask mandate and these lot have been projecting outdoor mask enthusiasm as an honourable thing.
Likewise the celebration of mediocrity that is the variant vaxine shops.....it doesn't quite work so keep carrying on regardless the way its obvious the majority aren't.. Seriously all the rounds of applause each time a sleeve is rolled up.
Plus, lies..
Dion Dublin said Yardley was down the road from villa Park. Nope Yardley is blues territory.
Then the other day they were on about the St Patrick's parade cancellation.... As the parade been go ng since the 50 s and now cancelled for covid. Third largest in world. The parade stopped for 20 years from the mid 70 s. Due to the bombing. Are they hook ng to tell us next that it didn't happen. Ministry of truth indeed. Adjust me ts.
Stealing and feeling 'proud', of course the easy thing to do. Actually paying your way and appreciating the content we provide much more difficult, no!?


If figures continue to rise, there may well be implementations so that you must pay for the content you receive before being able to view it. BBC are aware of the increase in theft and discuss measures to prevent this trend.
I haven't watched your propaganda channels for decades - I feel no shame avoiding the license, burn down the beeb

ymmv alreet(a)
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Reeta Chakrabarti
Where is your licence fee going to? see above.

Edit: this is from when Mary Anne Hobbs was still working for Radio 1 so donkey years ago.
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@Reeta Chakrabarti

Is it true that the most common drug used among the BBC staff is cocaine?

Has anyone ever arrived there high on the ol disco biscuits?

Any crackheads about that you know off?

Please enlighten us.

You live in the 'modern London world' denying this shit goes on there is like being a flatliner.
Excellent 4-mta stuff that one.

Do you have any other inside goss about what goes on there.

I have me thoughts on why you join up and start posting on a degenerate's forum.

Any help or drug suggestions, maybe join up with a fake name and ask for advice innit.
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@Reeta Chakrabarti
Btw you're dealing with one of them degenerate's here who has provided the corrupt police with black and white proof to charge me with slander on multiple times.
They finally cracked and them brainless numpties charged me with slander.

Due to covid I'd written out my statement already calling a a chief police commisionar of the Police Complaints authority once again a corrupt pedo mafia piece of shit and sent it through to another police force doing the 'investigation', and explained in my statement or this is going the good way to court or it's going to court the bad way.

The cop from another district interviewing me for the slander charge towards the corrupt pedo wankers was totally fabberglasted and told me looks like you want to get sent down. (them fuckers are not blessed with braincells down here).

Once they've taken your statement these days down here you get a video interview with a public prosecutor.
She firstly admitted that only one public prosecutor was under disciplinary investigation this despite me filing black and white provable criminal charges against three of them. You only blame 'one' of them and my criminal charges will be nill and void, right yeah they're not known to be unbiased straight and honest either etc down here...

She did admit that my slander charge would be discharged on the spot for calling the police multiple times corrupt pedo mafia pieces of shit.

I also provided them, the cps, with black and white proof calling them pedo cunts too at least they had the braincells not charge me with me slander as well.

At a guess even they, who are a bit brainier than your chief police commissioner of the police complaints authority or any of them other brainless clueless police cunts, do not want to go court with me :cry: , fucking band of tossers innit. I'll let you guess why that is.

I'm that kinda of degenerate btw... I could add more how I went to the police station to explain to the cunts if I catch one of the cunts the next day you'd read about it in the papers, only seen them once since when they'd been notified the slander charges had been dropped and they'd sent one of the cunts down on a quad who exited the property three times as fast as he entered it with me in pursuit as I waiting for the corrupt wanker piece of shit.
They've filed criminal charges on a few times against me, I've filed three times as much against them which all have been dropped. I've got a shit load of criminal charges numbers here totalling over 100+ A4's for your perusal.

As one of my latter statements said I call a spade a spade not a fucking shovell.

Trust me I'll deck one of them cunts one of these days, just catching them proves to be a bit hard.

Welcome to bl btw.
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@Reeta Chakrabarti
Btw you're dealing with one of them degenerate's here who has provided the corrupt police with black and white proof to charge me with slander on multiple times.
They finally cracked and them brainless numpties charged me with slander.

Due to covid I'd written out my statement already calling a a chief police commisionar of the Police Complaints authority once again a corrupt pedo mafia piece of shit and sent it through to another police force doing the 'investigation', and explained in my statement or this is going the good way to court or it's going to court the bad way.

The cop from another district interviewing me for the slander charge towards the corrupt pedo wankers was totally fabberglasted and told me looks like you want to get sent down. (them fuckers are not blessed with braincells down here).

Once they've taken your statement these days down here you get a video interview with a public prosecutor.
She firstly admitted that only one public prosecutor was under disciplinary investigation this despite me filing black and white provable criminal charges against three of them. You only blame 'one' of them and my criminal charges will be nill and void, right yeah they're not known to be unbiased straight and honest either etc down here...

She did admit that my slander charge would be discharged on the spot for calling the police multiple times corrupt pedo mafia pieces of shit.

I also provided them, the cps, with black and white proof calling them pedo cunts too at least they had the braincells not charge me with me slander as well.

At a guess even they, who are a bit brainier than your chief police commissioner of the police complaints authority or any of them other brainless clueless police cunts, do not want to go court with me :cry: , fucking band of tossers innit. I'll let you guess why that is.

I'm that kinda of degenerate btw... I could add more how I went to the police station to explain to the cunts if I catch one of the cunts the next day you'd read about it in the papers, only seen them once since when they'd been notified the slander charges had been dropped and they'd sent one of the cunts down on a quad who exited the property three times as fast as he entered it with me in pursuit as I waiting for the corrupt wanker piece of shit.
They've filed criminal charges on a few times against me, I've filed three times as much against them which all have been dropped. I've got a shit load of criminal charges numbers here totalling over 100+ A4's for your perusal.

As one of my latter statements said I call a spade a spade not a fucking shovell.

Trust me I'll deck one of them cunts one of these days, just catching them proves to be a bit hard.

Welcome to bl btw.
All that reads like a bad acid trip. Think it’s time to walk away from whatever slight you’ve perceived “them” to have against you. Sounds like a massive waste of energy for zero in return.