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Gibberings Episode CCIV - A New Hope

I don't pay much attention to the latest hollywood releases and such....but i really was genuinely shocked to find out they did a "remake" of that pile of shit movie.
Hollywood is truly dead. Good riddance, but it is still kinda freaky watching an industry eat its own re-animated corpse.

Point Break? Fucking Jesus.

C'mon, Point Break (the original) is a bit of a cult classic - surfin' bank robbers who wear ex-pesident rubber masks, ski dive, chases through people's homes, red hot chili pepper cameos - YES PLEASE!!!
Nice. Point break is easily one of my top five movies of all time. I still take the skin off my chicken

The things 14 yr old busty would have done to lori petty.

41 yr busty would probably still pity fuck her today, but she would be getting the better deal


God, so many classic lines in that film - 'Get me two Utah! Two...' 'I've been to every city in Mexico. I came across an unclaimed piece of meat in Baja, turned out to be Rosie. I guessed he picked a knife fight with somebody better. Found one of your passports to Sumatra, I missed you by about a week at Fiji. But, I knew you wouldn't miss the fifty year storm, Bodhi....'


I've never been one for hollywood movies ( unless it's a Tim Burton film ) nor have I been one for being "American" as such but this makes me feel dirty and not in thee good way!


Tim Burton has aways been a better set designer than a director in my opinion, although I do consider some of his early work (80/90s) classics - Batman, Batman Returns, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands - his more recent stuff in the 2000s and beyond is utter pish!

I'm thankful to Hollywood for some of the films produced there, yeah they are far more mainstream than arthouse and world cinema independent flicks, but that's not to say that there are gems to be found year in year out...

Sometimes i feel sad that online file sharing killed the recording industry, even though the companies deserved it.
But Hollywood's bad remake deja-vu bad trip nightmare from hell only serves to remind me that i'm not at all sad that the internet killed Hollywood. Fuck 'em.

I thought Point Break was good when it came out...but i probably liked Pearl Jam at the same time.
Fuck, i can't believe i admitted to either of those things.
The shame :|

Defo been a surge of reboot and remakes that's becoming tiresome, same as the infatuation with comic book franchises, just please STOP! It is becoming boring.

I went to see Peal Jam in Hyde Park about 6 years ago, it was pretty good I must say, the played 'Black' right at the end and the crowd went wild!!!
Morning FG - it is Friday, everything is always better on a Friday!
yeah i guess so if it wasnt pissing it down and i am still working the benzos out of my system so cant go drinking :(
I guess Point Break is a "bit of a cult classic" of its time. I guess what i mean is that its classic early 90s cheese - does it really warrant a 'remake'?

I admit that i've never understood the purpose of cinematic remakes; it just seems like a lack of originality/ideaa - am i missing something?
Every time i go to the "hollywood blockbuster" cinemas (which admittedly is not often) - they seem to have been playing the same handful of movies for the past 20-30 years; Mad Max, Jurassic Park, Terminator, Star Wars...i dunno, i guess it's the whole series/franchise thing, but it does my head in.
This constant cycle of rehashing and nostalgia. I'm a cynical bastard though, it must be said.

Edit - yeah, pearl jam played near my place about 6 years ago too.
Funny thing was Eddie Vedder went down to my local and watched one of my friends' bands play.
Nobody recognised him in the local music venue...
Then he talked about them (my friends' band) onstage at the pearl jam show - to the huge audience of non-local gig concert attendees.
Weird how it is like 2 different worlds, with little to no crossover. It was a cool gesture on Mr Vedder's part, though.
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I guess Point Break is a "bit of a cult classic" of its time. I guess what i mean is that its classic early 90s cheese - does it really warrant a 'remake'?

I admit that i've never understood the purpose of cinematic remakes; it just seems like a lack of originality/ideaa - am i missing something?
Every time i go to the "hollywood blockbuster" cinemas (which admittedly is not often) - they seem to have been playing the same handful of movies for the past 20-30 years; Mad Max, Jurassic Park, Terminator, Star Wars...i dunno, i guess it's the whole series/franchise thing, but it does my head in.
This constant cycle of rehashing and nostalgia. I'm a cynical bastard though, it must be said.

Edit - yeah, pearl jam played near my place about 6 years ago too.
Funny thing was Eddie Vedder went down to my local and watched one of my friends' bands play.
Nobody recognised him in the local music venue...
Then he talked about them (my friends' band) onstage at the pearl jam show - to the huge audience of non-local gig concert attendees.
Weird how it is like 2 different worlds, with little to no crossover. It was a cool gesture on Mr Vedder's part, though.

I agree, it definitely DOES NOT warrant a remake, it should just be left alone, it was made in the 90s for Christ sake, it's not that long ago!

The new Mad Max was good though, so was the new Star Wars, albeit they aren't remakes and installments in the series. Regarding Terminator and Jurassic Park, to be honest I don't acknowledge anything after the first couple of films. I know what you mean, sometimes they just release a film basically as a big budget trailer for a bigger film further down the line!! Such as all of the films based on solo characters from The Avengers. The X Men franchise I've totally lost the plot with, there are far too many films that I actually can't keep up, I don't really want to to be honest.

Even Rocky has a new film called 'Creed', Apollo Creed's boy being the main character trained my a terribly aged Stallone. 8(

It's a shame the way money controls the film and music industry to such an extent that any artistic merit is unfortunately completely redundant from any work being released. The X Factor generation are seriously lacking any real creativity that it makes me want to puke, such a godawful time that I can't see us scrambling our way back from.
^ good original films and music are still being made, they just take more effort to find because they get no exposure in mainstream media.
^ good original films and music are still being made, they just take more effort to find because they get no exposure in mainstream media.

I agree that you have to dig deep, but I liked when you didn't have to dig that deep.
Yeah, there's not much in the way of anthemic songs that unite people, or films that help define generations or that sort of inspiring creativity obvious in current mass media. I guess there are all kinds of ways to look at it - but we do have ridiculous amounts of information at our fingertips pretty much 24/7.
There are always going to be casualties of such huge social and cultural shifts.
Now we're all just suffering from the postmodern malaise.
Currently feel like a bowl of week old custard that's been molested by Captain Sweatpants.
You guys will all be going squared eyed watching films all the time
My mum always used to say that about watching tv, and i never quite knew what "square eyed" meant.
Fortunately for my eyes (and my bank balance) i never go to the cinema, except the occasional indie flick. I don't get the bloclbuster thing, tbh.
Currently feel like a bowl of week old custard that's been molested by Captain Sweatpants.
Mmmmmmm....sweat custard.
^ I have a Cineworld Unlimited card, it's £16.90 a month plus you get 25% discount when you purchase food of use it at the bar. If I go only twice a month to the pictures then it more than pays for itself, it's a great deal.

Too many blockbusters type films is a sure way to turn your brain to mush, but sometimes I like to switch off and watch something that takes no effort while stuffing handfuls of popcorn into by gob. Just because a film attracts a large audience and makes a lot of money doesn't necessarily make it a bad film, I'm not that much of a snob. Fair enough, there are certain genres and directors that I avoid, but there are plenty of films that fall into the blockbuster category that I wholeheartedly enjoy.
I have sciatica so i cant sit anywhere for an extended period of time so the cinema is a no no for me now
It can be but mine isnt to bad i just have to keep stretching my left leg all the time and i dont have to medicate yet so not really complaining
Yeah, there's not much in the way of anthemic songs that unite people, or films that help define generations or that sort of inspiring creativity obvious in current mass media. I guess there are all kinds of ways to look at it - but we do have ridiculous amounts of information at our fingertips pretty much 24/7.
There are always going to be casualties of such huge social and cultural shifts.
Now we're all just suffering from the postmodern malaise.

The irony is that pre internet all these "original movies" and "anthemic songs" we're the mainstream. Without the means to penetrate every corner of the globe at the stroke of a keyboard, the only way these artworks became known was by word of mouth. The more it was known, the more popular it became.

Being original and different is the biggest chin stroking trait there is. By judging a movie just because it uses the basis of a movie from another is narrow minded. The latest mad max was one of the movies of last year and will no doubt win a few deserving oscars as well as rebooting what looks to be a really cool future series path. Ditto the latest Star Wars.

Despite being a rocky sequel, Creed too is an excellent movie in its own right, with Stallone also being talked about in award terms.

The problem with Pooint Break is the movie completely ignores the central theme of the original, surfing, instead turning a buddy cop movie into a series of extreme action scenes in the vien of fast and the furious. Nothing wrong with that kind of movie, or even nostalgia in general, but shitting on a classic by riding on its coat tails without paying homage to the original is cheap profiteering.
Yeah, i dunno - i consider myself a passive observer of a lot of this culture, so i don't have any investment in it one way or another - but last time i went to a cinema i was sort of surprised that every preview was for a remake.
I always assumed that hollywood had decided to go for "safe" bankable films; familiar, recognisable series, franchises and remakes.
A bit like how modern record companies (assuming there is more than one major label even still in existence) go for "safe" acts to promote - or the sort of cover artists that arise from reality tv talent/kareoke kinda shows.

But maybe you're right, and this is an investment in - and expansion of - existing cultural forms (ie the starwars or mad max films) rather than some cheap knock-off crap, as my jaded mind tends to process a lot of it as.

I prefer to kick back with a good book, me.