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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

Gibberings CXXV: Shameful Moderating

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lets get a fukin timeshare shack or get one of the EADD Builders on the job .

I can think of 2 that have both been their b4 & they are proper , n they love smack . What could go wrong ?
How longs the lease brimz or you own?

I would stay with pontifex just to mingle with his misses..

Adderal inc would be better again

Are they pikies marmalade?

Snatch is a place and a movie I enjoy
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Nothing worse than being poor under a Tory Govt.

being poor under a Tory government during the worst recession in living memory? :\

Its the vulnerable that are the first to (really) suffer, I'm very fortunate in that I have my health, for now. its an easy thing to take for granted.

I hope your resourcefulness and life skills get you through these rough waters Brimz.
Being poor generally sucks no matter the government, being poor in one of the barrios of Venezuela is terrible even though they might have "comrade" Chavez in government claiming he's helping those less fortunate.
being poor under a Tory government during the worst recession in living memory? :\

Its the vulnerable that are the first to (really) suffer, I'm very fortunate in that I have my health, for now. its an easy thing to take for granted.

I hope your resourcefulness and life skills get you through these rough waters Brimz.

They are my most effective weapons Ms Wicked . :)

Unlike yerself i do have ongoing Health problems some things that are recognized as permanent . Of course one does the best they can but their is no compassion out their from the Govt.
It is fortunate that we have some very good but stupidly Over worked Charities .
EADD den of vice and happy :


at least the tories are making such cunts of themselves + ukip splitting their vote, might lead to a labour/liberal coalition, when we get to vote.

I hope all the kids too young to remember thatcher and major etc who voted tory now realise they are actually cunts.
A lick of paint and a chest of drawers from Ikea and I'm ready to move in.
That's been my dream for ages man.

I think we should all petition for Pontifex to establish an EADD bungalow of vice and happy for us to move in, all logistics to be taken care by him of course.

Shit, I established such a premises nearly three years ago. Get a flight;)

Marmalade? Could you do me a favour please and decipher these symbols I see in the above post. I know you understand this kind of stuff and would find it really quite useful in my attempt to maybe consider understanding half the stuff that gets posted on this site. If however you find such a request repugnant and totally un 'hip' (that's right yeah?) then I meant it be ironic or whatever outcome that doesn't make come across as a complete clueless tool. Thank you <3 <---There you go proof that I do really appreciate your understanding of this baffling situation.

I'd ask Ceres but he has root access to my computer and knows me better than I know myself, however cannot reveal this information as it would be admission of criminal activity. Which I know he isn't doing even slightly, it's a joke. I know you are Ceres, it's fine, there is bugger all I can do about it. ha ha about what? lulz/or not... :sus:/<3 <--- decide whatever the most likely to be correct outcome is. Thanks all.

Fuck it's hard work this BL shit, you lot are all so good at it. <3 Really <3 I DO mean it <3 I must do, it's a little heart shape.

Brimz are you saying you own a penthouse containing drugs, women of questionable intent and a 50inch widescreen? Spooky innit, well Aceeid_ed (the guy who was over last night spending all your dollar on your visacard, shagging all those hoes you paid for took loads of durgs which you paid for) tried to access pornography on your xbox at some time during the night while you were asleep. Thought you should know that and maybe notify MS so they handle the matter in a more lawful manner.

Brimz I'm fucking warning you that if you don't fucking get TOP QUALITY like you always are soon I may be forced to call you something along the lines of <3 and yes this is for real, despite what Ceres may inform to the contrary.

Fuck that shit, was well out line. I'm a cunt. Yes I said it mate. It finally happened. I love you deeply and in a way I can never fully understand and would like to say this: Shit man, I'm sorry things are not good for you man. Please if you fancy a rant PM the shit out of me or something. <3 See I was telling the truth, I just posted one of those little heart things.
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Doesn't look that bad.

Just spent the morning sitting in whilst the plumbers replaced all our radiator valves. When it came to turning the boiler back on, it turned out that the boiler had completely broken in the time that it was turned off. Now I have to wait while they have their lunch and tell us we need a new boiler.
I'm well'ard.

I don't for a second doubt it, unless you were being obtuse or whatever. Anyway, hi. Not chatted before and I think I'm heading for what I can only describe as Pontifex syndrome (Albion will be along at some point to correct my terminology). Is it inevitable in every instance around the 2k post mark or can it possibly be avoided (without lower drug intake) in any way you can see from your recent thing that happened. Also does it include any pain. I don't like pain. Just kidding man, love you. Ha ha joking lol, seriously though yeah?

oh fuck I almost forgot to seal the deal, here you go....<3

As long as the internet is working and acceptably fast for streaming videos and I have a bag of pv, a very big bag of pv. That's a perfect set up

No I can't stop trying to make do that again. It ends in a sort of squelchy sound. Every single time. Unless you happen to be Shambles the unbreakable man. If so please carry on and enjoy yourself but please try not to subject me to such obvious temptation in future. Thank you. In other news yeah I want that. PV in a room. End......................<3 it's better when you have to wait abit for one isn't it?
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haha, means 'too long; didn't read'.

^^ this

And whatever stim you've been caining Ben, your posts recently have made me lol a fuckton while lurking. I just hope you're managing any potential fallout AFK (if there is any). I'm a stims gurl, (when I actually indulge in powders, which isn't that often anymore) so I know it can be hard to keep that balance.


Also Ben, if you bookmark Urban Dictionary, most of the techy/net speaky stuff is there so you can search anything that's not familiar there
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A'ternoon, all :)

What a shitey week that was. Bleedin' router died last Monday so phoned the intrawebz folk and said "Me bleedin' router died" and they said "No it didn't" and I said "Bet it did" and they said "Looks fine from here" and I said "You should see it from here then seeing as you're in some call centre elsewhere than here" and they said "Can you fix it yourself? and I said "No" and they said "Well, we could send out an engineer but if it turns out that you could've fixed it yourself we'll have to charge you £150" and I said "Fuck off" and they said "No, really we will" and I said "That's a bit shit" and they said "Policy innit" and I said "Apparently so but I would quite like me intranetz to work seeing as I'm paying for access I don't have due to me router breaking" and they said "If you insist. We'll try to get somebody there by the end of the week - you gonna be in?".

*time passes*
*more time passes*
*boring time-based, lacking in intranetz interlude passes... very, very slowly*

Engineer arrives and says "You're router's broken" and I said "I know" and he said "That's odd" and I said "I know" and he said "Shouldn't be broken" and I said "I know" and he said "We don't provide replacement routers so I'll file a report and your intranetz provider should send out a replacement" and I said "Woot. When" and he said "Dunno".

*time passes*
*more time passes*
*boring time-based, lacking in intranetz interlude passes... very, very slowly*

Intranetz provider finally calls on Saturday evening and says "Is your router working yet?" and I said "No" and he said "That's odd" and I said "No more odd that it was at the beginning of the week really" and he said "I suppose not. You probably need a new one cos the engineer said your one is broken" and I said "I know" and he said "Would you like another one?" and I said "Yes" and he said "We'll send one out next week then" and I said "Oh".

*time passes*
*more time passes*
*boring time-based, lacking in intranetz interlude passes... very, very slowly*

Then I switched to an old router in a moment of inspired desperation and it worked and I could've done it within seconds of the other one breaking thus saving not only a week of frustrating lack of intranetz but also y'all having read this and me having to write this.

*takes deep breath and relaxes*
Fuk even i knew that , ni'm one of these folk that shouldn't be allowed on the internet cos i only got a computer 3 years ago or summink ;)

Or does my certified 135 I.Q mean that i'm allowed ?

Why Hello Senor Shammy how nice to see you .
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