GI Problems - Opiates stopped being effective - In mild withdrawal


Feb 22, 2018

For the last few years I have had a modest Tramadol and/or DHC habit depending on where in the world I am. I have suffered withdrawal symptoms several times upon running out of my DOC in a foreign land. At it?s highest ebb I would take up to about 800mg of tramadol in one sitting but would rarely keep at this rate for more than 48 hours. About 2 weeks ago I was in one of these periods but wasn?t really feeling high and suffered nausea, diaherrea and some vomiting. Kept taking fairly large doses in the hope of feeling better (going through around 1000mg a day for about a week). This stopped the diaherra except when there was a reasonably large gap between dosing (around 12 hours). By this time my pupils would be wide and I would have diaherrea again - this is on a much shorter timeframe than would be usual for me.

Over the 2 weeks i?ve Felt shit but have slowly improved to feel a bit more human. I basically feel like i?m Going through withdrawal while taking record uamounts of my DOC. I assumed my tramadol was counterfeit (bought in Thailand) but have just returned to the UK and taken record amounts of DHC (paramol CWE) to almost zero affect apart from constricted pupils and cessation of diaherrea. I am not itchy.

What the fuck is going on, I?m fine battling through withdrawal but not while taking record levels of my DOC. I was thinking maybe GI problems mean I am not absorbing the drug but to be honest there are some effects like constricted pupils. The fact even large doses don?t seem to provide specific relief of symptoms (feel shit, no appetite, sweats) in a small or causal way is driving me mad.

I?m happy to try and stop but I want to know what is going on and have the hope I can have a small break from feeling shit at some point....

Any suggestions? Should I try snorting some tramadol?
I doubt you want to hear this but your best bet is to stop taking any/all opiates. I have never abused opiates but I unwittingly abused loperamide/immodium when I was traveling and using it preventatively for GI problems in South America. It got so bad that I thought I must have a parasite or some awful infection but it turns out that I had created the problem myself by giving my poor gut a total inflammation due to overuse. Now, any and all opiates and even immodium give me severe cramping, diarrhea and nausea. This is particularly scary when you have pain that needs to be addressed with a short term high dose of morphine, etc.

If I were you I would try to taper off and say goodbye to them for quite a while. Let your gut heal. Perhaps some of us we develop worse sensitivities over time.
Hi herbivore,

I appreciate the reply and your suggestions, I understand what you suggest is the correct course of action. The only thing i would say is that I feel like i have been in withdrawal these last few weeks rather than having some kind of gut problem.

I managed to get hold of some 30mg DHC tablets, i dissolved 3 in warm water then held the solution under my tongue for 15 minutes. I felt better within 15 minutes, this seems to suggest that I do have some kind of GI tract problem where in I can’t absorb drugs. It’s a relief knowing that i have’t just had a spiralling out of control tolerance and i am probably not a million miles from getting over the WDs. However I am worried that if i do have a medical emergency and I am administered drugs orally they would be ineffective. Does anyone have any idea of the kind of condition I might be suffering from. I’m a bit loathed to visit the doctor and tell them I’m to able to get high, please fix me lol
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