GHB/GBL mixed with caffiene or OJ...


Bluelight Crew
Dec 21, 1999
ok, i dont know where i heard it, but i did hear that mixing GHB/GBL with soda will kill the GHB..and this makes since since one nite i took like, 6 1/3 caps of GBL and didnt feel a thing... i also heard that mixing it with OJ (which i do all the time without any problems) can also be dangerous. can anyone provide me with any insite on these issues, or anything else that will kill/negate/quickly bring u down GHB...
thnx and plur
Life just keeps gettin harder
And it keeps getting harder to hide.
Hi. I'm not an expert, and I'd really like to hear a good answer. Just from personal experience tho, soda hasn't killed my g-high.
It shouldn't effect your GHB high. More than likely something you ate effected your responce to it. I've mixed GHB mith many acidic substances (mainly because when it was made, the finialy solution was basic) and it doesnt do anything, as far as changing the chemistry of it.
[This message has been edited by ultra (edited 25 January 2000).]
Combining GHB with stimulants is a common thing among experienced users. Many people do this to produce a different, synergetic high. As a matter of fact, caffeine and stimulants should 'kill' some of the physiological effects of the GHB high, such as drowsiness, but you should be feeling more alert and have increased awareness of your surroundings.
In your case, this is what I think is happening. Caffeine is hitting you much faster than the GBL/ReNewtrients stuff. That's why you don't feel the G as much as you expect to. Or such that not enough GHB is produced in your body to override the stimulant effects off the soda. (I suggest you try this with Sprite vs. Coke, if you have doubts)
Also: if you want to add caffeine with your G (as an enhancer), then take G first. You might want to increase the dosage a bit though.
Its been a long time, and I forget where I saw it, but I remember reading that caffine affects you exactly opposite of the way G affects you, so they cancel each other. Going on that, one night sitting at home puttering around on the computer I had decided to get high on G while doing it, and took a little too much, started nodding off. I drank a cup of strong coffee and it seemed to work as intended.
Or my memory is shot all to hell and I'm babbling... I'll try to find out where I read it.
Yes, G is a depressant, caffeine is a stimlulant. Therefore, when the 2 are combined they should cancel each other out (to 'some' extent anyway).
This is why alcohol an G should never be mixed. They are both depressants and work together to slow your breathing and heart rate down considerably.. enough to put someone into a semi -'comatose' state. (although I'm sure that there must be other reasons why, seeing as though pot is also a depressant and it works quite well with G)
That's also what makes speed and alcohol such a pleasant experience. You get the giddiness from the alcohol and the chatty, energised feeling from the speed...
That's my take on it all anyway, and I've just realised that it has ABSOLUETLY NOTHING to do with your question! sorry

But you'll forgive me seeing as though I 'just' got home from Ian Pooley and apples is asleep and I'm bored and smashed and in the need of a good chat...won't you???
PLEEEEEEEAAAAAASE! for me? *puppy dog eyes*
I've mixed it with OJ and soda plenty of times, but when I do it's usually just enough to take away some of the taste of the G. I've never had any problems doing this, but like I said, it's usually only like a quarter cup that I mix it with.
peace, head
that's exactly what i do! 1/4 of a cup of OJ or soda. aftertaste still lingers...tried grapejuice? trying it tonight..heee