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Misc GHB and Amitriptyline


Sep 14, 2011
Do you think this combo would be safe? I know it's probably fine, but I just want to make sure. Apparently amitriptyline has some weak DRI action. Could the GHB combined with this lead to excessive dopamine?
I'm unsure about the dopamine related question but I'd be concerned with the two both being CNS depressants in all likelihood.

If that is so then there could/would be issues with blood pressure and possibly breathing. So with that in mind I'd say no they aren't safe to combine.

Though I am making an educated guess and hopefully someone with better knowledge will be able to give a more concise answer.

Good luck, stay safe and peace.
^^ as stated above, worst case scenario, very possible od from the relatively strong CNS depressant effects of the amitriptyline. Not advised. Bad combo.
I'm not concerned with the depressant effects of amitriptyline as I've used it with alcohol before without a problem and it's not that sedating. I do not intend to combine these at the same time to get high. It just so happens that I'm prescribed ami and I want to know if it's OK to have in my system with the GHB. The only thing that concerns me is the effect on dopamine. Will there be a buildup of too much dopamine from this? (amitriptyline is a weak dopamine reuptake inhibitor.)

I know it's probably not at all a problem, but I just want to be sure.
Anyone have an answer?

I need to know if the GHB will interact causing any sort of effects such as serotonin syndrome (or dopamine syndrome if there is such a thing).
In my opinion and experience you will be fine assuming you understand the strict dynamics and approach towards ghb dosing... In reality, ghb doesnt have a pronounced dopamine rebound like gbl which i believe that gbl should NEVER be consumed without the conversion to naGHB. Just start small and gauge effects and remember to allow 2
Hours between your first and second dose.. Respiratory depression should not be a concern with this combo... GHB if taken correctly and learning your
Dosing protocol is one of the safest drugs but there also a fine line between safe and disaster...So many factors to consider
From the concentration of the GHB to body weight and what othter substances are floating in your system...
I only recommend GHB for sole use, comedowns, deep sleep flood doses
I.e. 4-6 gram doages before bed, and taken in conjunction with CNS stimulants... My favorite combo is Ghb and adderall IR
Thanks for the detailed response. Yeah, I've experienced the rebound on GBL even after only 1.5 days of chronic use. I never use GBL anymore and I would only use GHB twice per day max.