Mental Health Getting away from Anti-Psgchotic Depot Injections....

Mr Dan Hardy

Sep 27, 2017
Hello all

That will be 8 weeks yesterday since my last aripriprizole depot injection, I still feel pretty much like a zombie and I still am unable to get off my head on other drugs because the anti-pzychotics are still in the system preventing it.
This time has come to resemble a prison sentence in which I am simply counting the days off the calendar until the s**t wears off.
Does anybody else know how long this process will take and I will be back to normal..... ???

Yours Sincerely
Mr Hardy
Just curious why you wouldn't use the Abilify website to figure that out?

Less of a warning than anything, if you do things that may have lead to you being put on that shot, you're likely to be put on it again. Common sense here.

Counting the days won't make things go by faster, my friend. I can just about guarantee that. I'd recommend not thinking about it as much, and developing constructive hobbies, maybe seeing a therapist so you have less of a chance of being medicated again.
That's what I'll do,
Tomorrow is Monday and so I'll make a new start and get my old running shoes out of the cupboard and start headfing out to the gym again for. A while....

Yeah, focusing on bettering your life makes things a lot easier. It's like attending a course in college you don't like: watching the clock makes it go by much slower than attempts to get involved with the material.

Also, recovery is largely about what positive habits we build, not taking a substance or quitting one.