General Heroin Discussion #18 - v. Stupidity ain't no badge of honor

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Holy Shit dude....glad you're OK!! That car hit you on the driver's side and you got only bumps and bruises? What kind of car was it? Must have very good side-impact protection...
Someone upstairs must have been looking out for you. Glad to see that you are alive.
Wow! That's fuckin' crazy, dude!
Yeah, like many have said before me - You're lucky to still be here. Better give thanks to the ol' dragon in the sky. haha.
Geez, man... So, I take it your insurance is going to cover everything? Maybe even get a new vehicle since the 'old' one is completely totaled, yeah?

Was anyone else seriously injured? How did the drunken cocksucker turn out? Hope he's paralyzed for life and rots in a jail cell.
What a real piece of shit that guy is.
You've been doin shit since you were 15? Jesus Christ that's young. One of my boys was tellin me he started to do dope every weekend at the age of 13 when his older cousin would come over and give it to him, what a shitty cousin.

One of the Spanish guys I went to rehab with said he started sniffing dope when he was 10. Said his cousin was a dealer and he started sniffing some of the dope behind his cousins back when he would watch him bag it up. Caught a habit and one day when sick he went to his cousin saying he had the flu so needed a few bags to feel better, so then his cousin called him out on taking from his stash so he told his cousin to give him 2 bags a day or he would tell his aunt that her son was a dealer. That's how he claimed to have gotten hooked on dope at age 10, and he was about 40 or so.

31yrs now; but do me a favor and figure out how to fucking type/spell/write before exploring ANY other options, MATE!

I think that you are the last person to be telling someone how to type.

Man... this guy I use to hang with, he was a bit older than me and my friends but liked to party (at the moment he was 41, so like mid 30s when I hung around him) just OD'd and died along side his girlfriend, who was dead from OD too. I didn't even know the guy was a heroin user, I did coke with him years ago and knew he was big into coke, I think he said he use to smoke rock, too. It doesn't surprise me he used heroin, I just didn't know he was into it. Word is it was a bad batch, but exactly what was "bad" about it idk and ppl tend to say that about any heroin the is responsible for death. He was a real nice guy, it def sucks to hear about it. Was the cousin of a good friend of mine, thats why he'd hit the bars with us and he had this club we could chill at late night and keep drinking and he always was busting out lines of coke, it was like a small house converted to an after hour bar.

It seems like there are a lot of hot batches going around now. There were at least 5 deaths in recent days on Long Island due to fent bags, just days after those fent bags killed over 22 people in Pittsburgh.

So I get to the methadone clinic this morning sick as a dog because my guy didn't return my call till after 10 last night so he agrees to meet me at 6 am. So I am on my way this morning for my intake appointment and he tells me no dope till after noon. So I figure I'll probly get 30mg of 'done and that will help I hope. Turns out the doctor cancelled today so I had to reschedule my intake for Monday. I was so sicki went home and slept till noon. I was able to cop but it was only enough to make me not sick. I wanted to drive into a river this morning I felt so shitty and nothing was going right. Now I'm gonna be late for work Monday too but hopefully will be in the program and things will get better from there.

Did I mention I had to stop three times in the 30 minute ride to use the restroom on the way to the clinic. Man my stomach was fucked up. Fml

At least you were able to sleep while sick. The ability to sleep is one of the first things to go when I start withdrawing.
^ when in withdrawals I can nap but to actually "go to bed" is more like laying there wishing I was asleep.
Yeah sleep for me is the one of the first things to go when I start getting sick. I literally do not sleep a wink when in withdrawal. Not for 1 single minute. It's torture.
Yeah sleep for me is the one of the first things to go when I start getting sick. I literally do not sleep a wink when in withdrawal. Not for 1 single minute. It's torture.

After about the third day if feels like a bad acid trip. If my boss would let me nap it wouldn't be so bad.
Its kind of surprised me, the times I was kicking and up for 3 straight nights, how I actually could even function. It is like a state of delirium, at that point you absolutely needs some benzos. When I've gotten to that point I have been able to sleep if I eat a bunch of benzos, drink a few beers and smoke some weed. With that combo on top of being just dead tired it seems to overweigh the dope sickness and I can crash. Last time I CT'd though, I needed like 12 mg of clonazepam taken i a 12 hour period just to sleep at all, plus like 2 or 3 beers. I had no weed, though. I think the weed really helps if you are so benzo'd out that it will prevent the weed from ramping up your anxiety.
Yeah you definitely start to loose it and get delirious after so long without sleep. My last detox, I had a seizure after day 9 of no sleep. It was horrible. After that, they put me on 100mg's of seroquel, and it allowed me to start getting 4 hours or so of sleep which was a Godsend.
Good. I would have put him in the hospital if the car accident didn't do it for him. Jackass.
Fuckin' sucks that one could be the best most safest driver then some other asshole comes along to fuck everything up...:!
So you're hurting pretty bad this morning from the accident? Like just from being bumped around? Did you get any kind of medical attention yesterday or did you just tell them you were fine?
^^Makes sense, but definitely sucks, no way they could know you're already on so much dope they'd have to seriously sedate you to help the pain...
That's one thing I've always been kinda iffy about.. Since I already have a high tolerance for pain meds, and if I were to fuck myself up, I probably wouldn't be able to get any relief from the prescriptions.
I'd have to go back on the streets to get my medicine.

Has anyone here ever had that problem before?
Not specifically to me but someone that I knew was using 80s and probably some dope at the time he got all 4 of his wisdom teeth out. He knew it was gonna hurt so he tried to be honest with the Dr and tell him 5mg hydros weren't gonna help. Dr was sympathetic but told him he couldn't give him anything stronger than the standard number of Perc 10s, just because he was a dentist and it would look weird if he gave a 19yo kid a bunch of Dilaudid or something for a widsom teeth extraction...

I've seen posts on here where people claim to have been extra doped up after surgery if they told the Dr they were heroin users beforehand.
^Getting my wisdom teeth out was the 1 time in my life I truly needed Rx pain killer to deal with pain. I was only 16 or 17 when I had them and I have had some issues with my teeth being too compacted before(Had a couple molars pulled at a younger age), so they were causing problems pretty early. I remember they told me one of mine was so damn big they had to break in into 3 pieces to extract it, the other 3 needed to be broke into 2, so I guess mine developed rather early on. I got home after it and the local anesthetic slowly wore off and the pain was unbearable. I hear some people say it didn't even hurt much, but mine were horrificly painful. I had to wait for my dad to fill the vicodin script and when he got back I proceeded to parachute about 4 of them, no real tolerance at the time but I had dabbled in percs, vikes and OC80s on several occasions. They definitely helped, thankfully.

That's one thing I've always been kinda iffy about.. Since I already have a high tolerance for pain meds, and if I were to fuck myself up, I probably wouldn't be able to get any relief from the prescriptions.
I'd have to go back on the streets to get my medicine.

Has anyone here ever had that problem before?

I always think about how my tolerance would probably mean if I needed pain relief from a serious accident it would leave me somewhat SOOL. Like if you were out in the middle of nowhere and had a long ambulance ride to hospital, well all an ambulance carries is 2x 10mg ampules of morphine and 2x 100 mcg ampules of fentanyl. Maybe some in more rural areas where it might be expected to have to drive an hour or 2 to the nearest hospital will have slightly more, but at most twice that. I just know what I listed is what the paramedics carry around here.

People I work with think given someone all that medication would be insane, too. I just think to myself....that wouldn't even phase a lot of people who do dope. Maybe since I don't shoot I'd get a nice initial buzz, but it'd probably wear off quick and leave me still in pain.
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I'll be 30 this year and I still haven't gotten my wisdom teeth. Don't think they will ever come in. Got very lucky on that front.
I know when someone is in the hospital they will give enough pain meds. Someone I know had broken their leg and the dr said as long as their vital signs don't drop to a dangerous level they will administer as much as needed. I don't know if they got a cool dr or if that is standard policy. I don't remember how much dilladid was injected but the nurse made a few comments like "wow I gave you a shit ton and you are just as lucid and coherent as when you got here." And "give that a few minutes and if your vitals are good I'll give you more."

As far as ambulances and what they do I can't comment on that.
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