General Heroin Discussion #18 - v. Stupidity ain't no badge of honor

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I love waking up early when i got dope and bong rips. i used to look forward to that shit but now i just look forward to waking and baking every morning.
I love waking up early when i got dope and bong rips. i used to look forward to that shit but now i just look forward to waking and baking every morning.
Ah, the morning "wake & bake"....I loved that shit back when i smoked pot!! Cup o' coffee, cigarette with a few tokes in the mix, it's wake & try to figure out a way to get some do-re-mi...:p It's impossible for me to save anything overnight but then again there hasn't been anything to save recently. Supposed to go do some Community Service cause I'm way behind and have to see my P.O. this coming Friday...haven't gone cause I have no ride or bus fare to get downtown to report @ 7:45am plus going when I'm sick really saps my motivation....
I hate when this bullshit happens I did 6 bags and fuckin fell asleep like 20 minutes after so i basically just waisted 6 bags FUCKKKKKK that makes me so fucking angry. Now I have to do like double the dose to actually get high so I'll probably end up doing like 2 bundles fuck that legit ruined my fuckin day already. It makes me wanna fucking find someone I don't like and beat them to a fucking pulp

How the fuck did I fall asleep I don't get it I didn't do the amount I normally do I wasn't even high I HATE wasting dope I just did another 8 bags and am barely even feeling a little high. 14 bags to be a little buzz what a fuckin joke
Dude you really need to take a day off or something like that so your tolerance can have a chance to buddy's in that boat too he gets pissed cause he shoots 5-8 bags and barely gets a rush...the shit's pretty decent too cause we have the same connect and I can do three in a shot and get a great zing then nod my ass off...If you can get through maybe 12-18 hrs without using then try!!! My tolerance is pretty low right now and I love it cause I don't need to cop as much to get fucked up, lol
I hate when this bullshit happens I did 6 bags and fuckin fell asleep like 20 minutes after so i basically just waisted 6 bags FUCKKKKKK that makes me so fucking angry. Now I have to do like double the dose to actually get high so I'll probably end up doing like 2 bundles fuck that legit ruined my fuckin day already. It makes me wanna fucking find someone I don't like and beat them to a fucking pulp

How the fuck did I fall asleep I don't get it I didn't do the amount I normally do I wasn't even high I HATE wasting dope I just did another 8 bags and am barely even feeling a little high. 14 bags to be a little buzz what a fuckin joke
That is what happens when your tolerance goes up real high. At the end I could snort a half gram as soon as I woke up on my day off and barely get high. It is frustrating that's when I knew it was time to stop.
Supposed to go do some Community Service ..haven't gone cause I have no ride or bus fare to get downtown to report @ 7:45am plus going when I'm sick really saps my motivation....
I'm reminded of a time back in the '80s when I went before the judge for the 3rd time in less than 18 months for simple possession during Operation Pressure Point. For more info on Pressure Point and what the open air market on the Lower East Side was like, read a brief but interesting article linked below. It begins with “There used to be 300 people out here, 24 hours a day.” The judge sentenced me to 40 hours community service and told me that I'd be off to Rikers Island if I blew off the community service. I got a letter in the mail a few weeks later which instructed me to report to a park in Washington Heights at 7 am the following Saturday. As luck would have it, it snowed heavily the night before and was freezing cold that morning. I awoke dopesick and broke so I had to jump the subway turnstile to get to the Park. Once there, I joined a dozen or so others and was given a tool with a long handle and a blade on the end and was directed to a stretch of sidewalk that had been cleared of snow but was ice covered. My job was to spend the morning chopping the ice. Other dudes were to come up behind me and shovel the ice onto the street. After about 45 minutes, I set the tool against a nearby fence and walked away.
^You got good stories, Tony. I love reading old heads war stories. I don't mean "old head" to be offensive but more a compliment. You should post more, IMO.

I broke my ice chopper thing the other day. Paid almost $30 for it cause it looked all reinforced and strong. Blade snapped off trying to break the ice up on my front step.

I was planning to get a bundle of the same Sleep Walker bags I got last weekend but apparently my buddy ran out. Waiting on another stamp I know is fire. Hopefully soon. I need to get high. There seems to be nothing but bad news in my life these days and the most recent news takes the fucking cake for horrificness. Fuck life. I'm gonna get high.
^Seriously Tony has some of the best posts. He reminds me of this dude I used to know who had his hey days in the 70s in NY. Always had the craziest stories and a rat tail.
^ until you here the same 10 stories in 50 different versions 650 times.

^All Tony's posts are good, and he doesn't repeat, I'll just assume that was an inside joke you have going with yourself...
Yes Tony is cool.. until you find out his secret.. That he's not really an old hippy, he's actually a 17 year old dork who never used heroin in his life, who loves role playing... :p

^Ha! Now everytime I see his handle Im going to think that. We all know hippies dont use computers...
I like how ohshea mentions that she knew a old hippy, rat tailed guy from the city but fails to mention that it was the same guy with the horrid, infected, pus filled hole in his leg. I remember. I've got a decent memory for a decade plus drug addict and also cause.... That story scarred me. :D
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we can say age doesnt matter but looking back it plays a part, how can you deny that?! dont get me wrong; the using might continue but the mind continues to grow regardless of the stupid actions taking place.

^^ youre 24 and been using dope since 15? this is why I want to know more about the peeps I speak w/. everyone made it here but has taken different paths; no one cares for that story? or wonders who this person is? or why? or what? so just listen to the same people daily but have no idea of a background that person may have/coming from!? dope game is diff all over the world; even throughout the US. just good to know who is where, what, when, where, why, etc.

I'm 25 and I've been using heroin since I was 16, but opiate pain pills (oxycodone, hydrocodone, etc.) since I was 13 and a freshman in high school (if I remember correctly.) I started smoking weed and drinking freshman year of high school, so again, around 13 which was at the same time my grandmother (who basically raised me because my parents were working 24/7 when I was growing up) died after many years of battling with cancer. I never connected the death of my grandmother to the beginning of my drug use because it happened around the same time I entered high school and started to "party" with other kids but maybe there is an actual connection instead of just becoming an adolescent. I started doing coke around 14 and got arrested for it when I was 16 and then had to stop all drugs for a year due to probation. But after probation ended I definitely made up for lost time and smoked, drank, and took a shitload of different pills on a daily basis (some were prescribed such as Adderall, Xanax and Klonopin, but many others were not.) I couldn't manage being at school if I wasn't high on something, mostly due to my severe social anxiety, agoraphobia, panic attacks and A.D.D., not to mentioned I was bullied quite a bit by a few select older bitches due to my (bi)sexuality (which I still to this day don't know why they targeted me when I never even spoke to them before they started their bullshit.) I started sniffing powder heroin junior year of high school so probably around 17 and did it on and off, when I could get it or if pills weren't around. After high school I started sniffing a LOT of heroin on a daily basis and after over 2 years of this (so around 20 years old) I had a "friend" convince me to let him shoot me up for the first time (since I was scared of needles and wouldn't do it myself.) I'm 25 years old now and still struggling with heroin addiction and mental health issues.
^Welcome, dood. You're amongst peers in here.
My dad died when I was a teenager and it took me a long time to realize that his passing was what really caused me to go off the deep end with narcotics. It's like I knew that's why I lost it but putting that blame there caused too much pain. Years later I was able to look back and clearly see that's a huge part of why I just lost it.
Do you think it was kinda similar with your situation with your grandma? It was too painful to admit?
It always amazes me that there's kids out there prescribed Xanax and Klonopin at the same time. It's like one, ok. But both? Is it a thing where the longer acting Klonopin is prescribed for general anxiety and the short acting Xanax is for "breakthrough" anxiety?
schwiftee wrote: "until you here the same 10 stories."

Yes my learned friends, she actually chose to use the word "here." Many, including oldhippytony, are shaking their heads and are embarrassed for her but accept her into the fold nonetheless.

Those of us who are not of sub-normal intellect quickly realized she meant to write ... hear ... the verb ... which means: to perceive a sound with the ear.
With that said, she should've written ... "until you read the same 10 stories"

Stick with us schwiftee. You'll be a better girl for it.
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