Gang stalking

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Dont know if this is gang stalking but I have started noticing polices in the same exact locations that I have seen them before. Often the same fucking civil police car on the same/next street where they arrested me when I go visit my family and friends.

That is most likely just police doing their routes. They have spots they watch and probably eat donuts and snort the drugs they take from others!

You are just feeling paranoid about it due to a recent encounter with them.

You are okay. Keep calm.
There are ways that a person could set up counter surveillance in order to determine if they are being watched. If you are truly being followed than you have an upper hand of knowing about.

Im not going to go into detail but you could bait, manipulate, or confront the situation

I went in shop earlier and my neighbour was in there too. I asked what they were doing and they said getting a loaf of bread.
likely fuckin story!!! Obviously following me around and stalking me.
After that I was driving home and a police car passed me going in the other direction. They didn’t even look my way and I assume it’s because they know I’m on to them. Gang stalking bastards

Ok I'm sorry, but this makes absolutely no logical sense. Your examples of gangstalking are:

1. Seeing your neighbor at the store

2. A police officer that DIDN'T look at you

Basically any and everything you experience is relatable back to you, in you own mind.

Please explain a scenario that would explain the reason you would be gangstalked?

Why would your neighbor be involved?

Is your neighbor police? If not, why would the be working together?
I applied for disability benefits and I had these guys show up at my door saying they were FBI agents and needed to talk to me.
They even flashed me a badge. I said “Let me see that” and it totally threw them off they immediately intimidated me and were like “we just showed you, we need to speak to you.” They were all dressed in black with guns and showed up in a black car, they seemed totally legit but my senses are keen and I felt this was a weird situation.
Like since when do FBI just show up at your door ya know??

I ended up letting them in and into my living room onto the couches because I told them “I can’t stand here and talk to you, I can’t stand up for very long, I am injured.” So we went to the couches and they started telling me that they had busted a big identity theft ring and that someone had stole my identity and they just had to notify me in person. I was of course grateful because they were telling me that they got to it before anything was done with my identity. I offered them some water and they were watching me closely, how I moved, how I got up and sat down etc. I even told them about being injured in a car accident and having liver failure and a near death experience! For fuck sakes!!

Then when I went to court for disability benefits those fuckers totally used things against me like “she was wearing a new matching sweat pants outfit” - how is that proving not disabled? I have to wear matching sweat suits because I can’t figure out what clothes go together! I have a majorly hard time with that! My daughter came and brought me clothes and organized them into outfits in my closet for me and that is how I get dressed and appear “normal”! They said “her family has a nice house and is taking care of her.” Leaving my family in a tight situation! They should not HAVE to take care of me. I have worked for a long time and paid into the system!
They said “she can get up and down from the couch and she can walk.” Lol! I could not stand for more than a few minutes and let them into my house because I could not stand and talk to them at my door!

Disability benefits denied! I even heard them say “her family can take care of her.”!

so...this totally does happen!! I have a totally clean record and am a good girl! I don’t have much dirt that could even be used against me!
In 2014 I got fired from the NSA because I added a friend on my Facebook that was pro Al-Assad and pro Syria and was in the Syrian Arab Army . They never gangstalked me but they sent me a email saying I was terminated so I lost my job. Then shortly after I had a mental break down and started to cry at my therapy session because my life had changed dramatically where I was getting paid 52k a year to zero and my lifestyle had altered I no longer had the money to keep up with my rent for the 2 room apartment I had so I had to move out and find a cheaper 1 room apartment. I had to sell my 1991 ferrari mondial because I couldn't keep up with the insurance policy on a sports coup anymore it was $300 a month policy for the car that was labeled exotic collectors item.
All of this happened because I added a friend on Facebook that was in the Syrian Arab Army. In 2018 I then tried to apply for a different tech firm and was rejected because my I was taking anxiety medication that my doctor forced me to take after I cried at a therapy session. So now currently I had a small anger tantrum recently at another therapy session and the doctor diagnosed me with paranoid schizophrenia! , just because I said a couple of bad words about this government. I believe that I was wrongly diagnosed. Now the mental health system has gotten involved and the police and my doctor showed up to my apartment and they wanted to do a safety check on me. Nothing bad happened the cops were super friendly and kind hearted but my doctor was acting upset and wanted the police to take me to the hospital for a mental health evaluation. The cops rejected my doctors request and told my doctor that since I don't want to harm my self they can't 5150 me. Then my doctor whispered in the cops ear I heard him say "but he wants to harm others". Then they said well he doesn't seem like he wants to harm anyone. Shortly after a few minutes past they left me alone and left my apartment. At my next doctor's visit and therapy session they told me that they now will be giving me SSRI injection court ordered from the state. And the recently forced me onto SSI social security income.
I now get $900 a month and once every 3 months I have to get a injection in my arm.
So I'm happy they put me on Social Security Income but I'm not happy that I have to take the injection. If you keep getting denied for you're disability then try getting a Doctors note or look for volunteers of America health partners . Those the people who put me on SSI.
In 2014 I got fired from the NSA because I added a friend on my Facebook that was pro Al-Assad and pro Syria and was in the Syrian Arab Army . They never gangstalked me but they sent me a email saying I was terminated so I lost my job. Then shortly after I had a mental break down and started to cry at my therapy session because my life had changed dramatically where I was getting paid 52k a year to zero and my lifestyle had altered I no longer had the money to keep up with my rent for the 2 room apartment I had so I had to move out and find a cheaper 1 room apartment. I had to sell my 1991 ferrari mondial because I couldn't keep up with the insurance policy on a sports coup anymore it was $300 a month policy for the car that was labeled exotic collectors item.
All of this happened because I added a friend on Facebook that was in the Syrian Arab Army. In 2018 I then tried to apply for a different tech firm and was rejected because my I was taking anxiety medication that my doctor forced me to take after I cried at a therapy session. So now currently I had a small anger tantrum recently at another therapy session and the doctor diagnosed me with paranoid schizophrenia! , just because I said a couple of bad words about this government. I believe that I was wrongly diagnosed. Now the mental health system has gotten involved and the police and my doctor showed up to my apartment and they wanted to do a safety check on me. Nothing bad happened the cops were super friendly and kind hearted but my doctor was acting upset and wanted the police to take me to the hospital for a mental health evaluation. The cops rejected my doctors request and told my doctor that since I don't want to harm my self they can't 5150 me. Then my doctor whispered in the cops ear I heard him say "but he wants to harm others". Then they said well he doesn't seem like he wants to harm anyone. Shortly after a few minutes past they left me alone and left my apartment. At my next doctor's visit and therapy session they told me that they now will be giving me SSRI injection court ordered from the state. And the recently forced me onto SSI social security income.
I now get $900 a month and once every 3 months I have to get a injection in my arm.
So I'm happy they put me on Social Security Income but I'm not happy that I have to take the injection. If you keep getting denied for you're disability then try getting a Doctors note or look for volunteers of America health partners . Those the people who put me on SSI.

That is some scary shit! What kind of an injection are they forcing on you? (You don’t have to answer that if you would rather not)

I have heard similar stories from police and other people In high positions in government.
I was an insurance broker for ten years after I was unable to meet the physical demands of being a hairdresser any longer.
which was a career I loved and had passion for! But anyway, I did the insurance for all the police and city employees in multiple cities in my state and I have heard horror stories about them being fucked over and just thrown away after working for the companies for 40 years! No respect for all the service they had provided. It is like people have just become disposable.

All the police officers were taking any benefits they had and retiring early and they were just broken from all the shit they had seen. They all had PTSD. Good men!! Strong men! Just left broken.
If it wasn’t for me watching out for them with their insurance benefits the insurance companies would never have paid them. I showed up with their life insurance checks, disability checks, etc. they were so fucking glad to see me. They were like, “I totally forgot I had that, thank you so much, how did you know? And they would break down crying saying thank you”.
I knew, Because I looked out for them and made sure they got every insurance check coming to them!

There is no loyalty or security in any job anymore. They will just replace you and work the next young person until they have a stroke and get a new one. Like we have become robots and are just disposable!

Makes me sick! I’m almost glad that I have a health condition so bad that it took me out of the system totally.
I am broke as fuck but happier!

I too lost my beloved Shelby mustang and house and business. I don’t think it is possible to even be self employed anymore or start up your own business, things have become so competitive and back stabbing. It is so sad! I know guys!
I was assigned to market with a Brazilian company called Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) They wanted information and surveillance on people who were choosing to opt their children out of taking injections / Vaccines . They also wanted information on targets who were attending University college in Brazil that had not taken any Vaccine shots.
My partner in 2011-2012 sold spy equipment to another Brazilian firm called Indra.

What exactly were the products commercialized? What kind of technology?

Do you mean general information about non-vaccinated people or information about a specific individual?
No need for that. I’m allowed to give my opinion

So, do you think this comment was helpful to anybody?

look at the website you are on. We are all a bit fucked up here!
We help each other out not bring each other down!
That is not the type of community we are here!

So maybe you should keep this opinion to yourself!

You haven’t been around the block long enough. You just give it some time then you come back here and let us know how it goes.
How is it helping to feed someone’s paranoia?
Wtf u talking about saying I haven’t been around the block long enough? I been here longer than u and I’ve prob more experience with drugs than you.

not one account I’ve read has a single piece of evidence that there’s gang stalking.
The op had a visit to check the property she’s renting. That’s 100% normal. Letting agents do it all the time. Taking photos and taking inventory is common practice.
so all the op has is one person made a comment to another person that she didn’t hear properly but now she thinks she’s. being gang stalked.
How is it helping to feed someone’s paranoia?
Wtf u talking about saying I haven’t been around the block long enough? I been here longer than u and I’ve prob more experience with drugs than you.

not one account I’ve read has a single piece of evidence that there’s gang stalking.
The op had a visit to check the property she’s renting. That’s 100% normal. Letting agents do it all the time. Taking photos and taking inventory is common practice.
so all the op has is one person made a comment to another person that she didn’t hear properly but now she thinks she’s. being gang stalked.

I agree that it is paranoia in most cases. But how is it helping to say what you did?
It is way more helpful to point out the things and talk through it rationally and talk the person down.

That is true help. Wouldn’t you agree? That is what I was doing and others were doing.
I provided an experience I had that was indeed bullshit. You have to admit that was an invasion of my privacy and false deception at the very least. To say this kind of thing does not ever happen is just false.

It is NOT a nice thing to do to fuck with someone mentally.
People are already having problems here so things can easily freak people out.

I am sure you do have more experience with drugs than I do.
That doesn’t mean you were in the right on your comment. It was rude, mean, and just unhelpful!

I’m not going to argue with you. I am entitled to my opinion too. I am entitled to tell you to fuck off if I want and you are entitled to do the same to me. I do apologize for telling you to fuck off but your comment just did not sit well with me.

I was talking this person down In a kind way.
It’s not ok to tell me to fuck off though. this ain’t the lounge. I was stating facts. There is nearly always existing mental health problems.

your condescending comments about haven’t been around the block long enough and give it some time and come back to let u know how it goes is ruder than what I said.

you got mental health problems yourself? Is that why it touched a nerve?
omg. no more please. i'm starting to think gang stalking causes mental illness just by having to talk about it and try to figure out what everyone is saying.
i have been looking into it also and it seems like their are two different types.
the small gang banger types and then the paranoid disorder types.
i think the little gang bangers are just the small time ganging types.
but the paranoid types hopefully aren't as nefarious as they seem. lol. not really trying to laugh at all . . . . . but black helicopters flying above due to stalking, YEEOWW.
I'm honored to be a peasant. fo real.
Like I said before, if this thread can't remain civil it will be closed. Any more personal attacks will result in infractions, this is a blanket warning.
awww thank you for the warm fuzzy.
i really dearly mean that.
yes, if we can handle this amicably and
constructively, and have mercy with each
other to somehow resolve ! or at least make an effort to see if it is possible.
thank you for trying hard to see each others
point of views and in-crisis needs . . . kind of thingy. 👍🏼 okays !
That is most likely just police doing their routes. They have spots they watch and probably eat donuts and snort the drugs they take from others!

You are just feeling paranoid about it due to a recent encounter with them.

You are okay. Keep calm.

May I ask how you are so certain about one persons “supposed” gang stalking yet not theirs? You seem pretty confident in assessing this based on a few sentences on a forum.

Also the other threads had people simply showing the OP the logic of the situation. Allowing someone to fester in their own delusion is dangerous and one day said person may snap on an innocent bystander possibly hurting or killing them.

Why is it that every gang stalked person has vastly different reasons for being stalked? Think logistically for just one second what it takes.

Now, I think Painful one, had a story regarding two “FBI agents” which were really spying in regards to a case for disability. This does happen, but they don’t somehoe hire or brainwash everyone you know to do it. Typically they’ll either do a knock and talk like what happened or they’ll do drive bys, sitting outside your house. In this case it would be one or two vehicles at most, and not a common occurrence.

Please try to be logical, OP you said yourself you deal with anxiety. It all lines up to anxiety, nothing you’ve said out of ALL your posts (and I’ve read them all) sounds like anything out of the ordinary.

I just don't see why it's so hard to fathem groups of people harrassing someone for financial gain, or even just for kicks, through electronics and psychology.

It's the adult version of fucking with the loser on the play ground.
The other week someone was here in the morning taking pictures of the inside of the house. The guy could've been working for the government and spying/collecting information on me, or it could've been the fact that my dad was refinancing the house and they needed some pictures to evaluate. :rolleyes:

I'm not making this up btw.
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