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game: RAGE


Bluelight Crew
Apr 26, 2006
I just saw the trailer on the TV.. you can check it out here:

ietech, bethsheda & ea games really came together on this one, pretty cool looking first person shooter game. looks kinda like fallout 3/vegas. the kind of 'post apocalyptic' type game.. meaning after the end of the world.
I might check it out.. its release date is October 14th.
just wanted to add, its from the makers of Doom & Quake.. so it's gotta be pretty sweet.

heres some gameplay of Rage,
Been seeing previews for over a year, it looks freaking awesome. Definitely not something I could play, I lack the coordination and am more target than shooter in such things. Still it's like a cross between mad max and fallout. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it.
Just rented it. Not bad, but am glad I rented first, but don't assume that means I've made up my mind. Some of the best graphics I've seen on 360. Sometimes I find myself unimpressed... but sometimes quite the opposite. Taking a break right now. Going back to try multiplayer in a few.

The control is very smooth. The game is...
id has always been about tech to me. its not like doom had a really compelling story, but it looked great and played good. the sound of a big openish gameworld running at 60 fps on xbox is very appealing to me.
I would be very interested in this game but I heard the single player is only around 20 hrs? I'm sorry I prefer games like fallout and oblivion where i can be entertained for up to 80+ hrs ;)
id has always been about tech to me. its not like doom had a really compelling story, but it looked great and played good. the sound of a big openish gameworld running at 60 fps on xbox is very appealing to me.

Playing this I felt the desire to see as clean a remake as possible of doom using this engine. Some beautiful things can.be done with it, definitely. It's like id delivered a diamond to be shaped any way it can be. They are definitely more raw tech though. A lot of things in game are just pointless/don't make sense/are unneeded when you really consider them. Like they tried to make it more than simple run and gun... but failed.

Someone pointed out the fact that although in single player npcs give you the choice to do something or not, you don't really have a choice. If you choose mi, it seems the game just won't continue. This us pretty stupid... a try to be an RPG. It's a joke. But then again, choices in life are often the same. I'm not far enough in to where I can see if you can actually decline some important things, and continue on. So I don't know.

MP us fun. CO-OP definitely fun. Competitive is only driving/racing, but I'm having fun. I played a lot yesterday. I think I'm ranked top 30 in at least one gametype so far, and rarely lost yesterday in other types. At first the play is very "WTF" to me, or was... but I gave my net one night sleeping to let the things integrate, and seemed to understand it coming back. Much less wtf...
Rage, pretty good. can't pick up enemy weapons so far which has been pissing me off. Head shots aren't instant kills even at point blank which for a post-apocalyptic (survival) shooter is just, infuriating/unacceptable. The openendness of the game is a little.... cheap... feeling. Like, you enter a new area it loads a new area just like your typical linear shooter. :/ and when you get off/ out of your vehicle it blacks out and then you're just standing next to it. when you revive you're just standing, not on the ground like a normal person who died a few seconds ago would be. So its meh. so far I like borderlands a long stretch better.