Mental Health GAF Score questions/social security questions

bEnZo bUdDyY

May 29, 2016
I have been diagnosed with major depressive recurre severe, panic attacks with agrophobia, anti-social personality, bi- polar 1, and I have epilepsy just not on paper, but i am receiving medicine for it and being treated by my doctor for it. I have to take phenobarbital or ill have seizures ... but anyways also my GAF score is a 40 which is quite low, but I also have a lot of mental health problems now my question is im soon to be going to court for my ssi and I have a lawyer that got all my records from my past and I was a special education student. Do you all think Ill get my SSI benefits I really really need them bad. I live in Michigan, any answers much appreciated thanks in advance!
You should seek out a social security attorney. Reputable ones will give a free consultation
I have a very good lawyer who got all my mental health, and even school records.

I go tomorrow for my decison court date!!!!!!

My GAF score is a 40