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Stimulants Furfenorex


Apr 29, 2012
I've been a drug user for 8 years and 3 years into it I found my love for stimulants. I have such a love for obscure drugs and this one has really my curiosity going. I'm a stimulant addict but I've been clean off of stimulants for about a year now. I've picked up studying chemicals again and came across Furfenorex. I remember during my speed days I was a HUGE fan of Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse); most times more so than Adderall. As plenty of you know Lisdexamfetamine is just a prodrug to amphetamine. Thars why they claim that its non-abuseable, becasuse you cant snort or shoot it. It's gotta go through the liver. Now onto the real topic:

Furfenorex ( furfurylmethylamphetamine )
Furfenorex is apparently a prodrug to Methamphetamine. Now this is something I'd love to try. I'm a huge fan of meth, especially orally. I'm very interested to know what this drug is like. I think I could handle meth a lot better if I couldn't snort or smoke it. Not saying I'd give up my sobriety for it, but I find it interesting.

By any off chance does anybody have any information or maybe even some experience with it?
I havent used Furfenorex but have used its close cousin Didrex (benzphetamine) recreationally probably more than anyone in the world (I joke but it is rare). Its not bad. Ive taken maybe 700-800 mg in less than 24 hours of benzphetamine and while you can tell its there, its nowhere as good as dextroamphetamine, racemic amphetamine, mixed amphetamine salts, and certainly not methamphetamine. I imagine the one you seek is much the same.

And lisdexamphetamine doesnt get metabolized by the liver all that much (barely at all really). Its activation occurs in red blood cells and this seems to be a saturable (at least the rate limiting step as saturation isnt confirmed afaik but postulated). You can snort or inject it but this process is the same regardless of ROA so there is no benefit over oral.
I havent used Furfenorex but have used its close cousin Didrex (benzphetamine) recreationally probably more than anyone in the world (I joke but it is rare). Its not bad. Ive taken maybe 700-800 mg in less than 24 hours of benzphetamine and while you can tell its there, its nowhere as good as dextroamphetamine, racemic amphetamine, mixed amphetamine salts, and certainly not methamphetamine. I imagine the one you seek is much the same.

And lisdexamphetamine doesnt get metabolized by the liver all that much (barely at all really). Its activation occurs in red blood cells and this seems to be a saturable (at least the rate limiting step as saturation isnt confirmed afaik but postulated). You can snort or inject it but this process is the same regardless of ROA so there is no benefit over oral.

Yeah thats an odd one! You very well may be the one with the most XP. It sounds interesting and more like what I'm looking for these days. I got real bad with meth and APVP some time ago so I'm kind of looking for something mild. I also just like researching. It's not like I'm gonna find either of these, but I just love to research this stuff.

Wow, I had no clue about that with lisdexamfetamine. I have always read that it is processed by the liver and until then; nada. Thanks for the help!