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Fun With Mirrors


Mar 25, 2014
So I'm sure many of you have heard the old mantra of "don't look at yourself in the mirror when tripping". I think this is because when you see yourself in the mirror and the image of yourself starts to warp in the mirror you almost feel the changes on a physiological level and for many the experience can be unsettling. I believe though avoiding mirrors is depriving yourself of some very unique experiences. In a few of my trips I decided to dedicate some times to mirrors as I always found them fascinating, and discovered a few tricks the best of which I'll share.

I had taken 6 drops straight out of the vial of some wonderful LSD in this particular instance. I had a mirror probably about two feet wide and 3.5-4 feet tall. I was enjoying my reflection so much watching my face morph pretty drastically so i decided to take the mirror with me and go sit down on the couch. I leaned back in the couch sitting indian style with the mirror resting on my lap about 3 inches from my face. I turned the Tool music on my ipod and just sat there for a bit inspecting myself. I sat there for only a few minutes before I achieved a trance like state. The mirror began to feel heavier and heavier (probably me just gripping it harder as the intensity began to rise). Eventually though I lost my peripheral vision. There was then no mirror before me just only my reflection. As my Tool music began to reach an epic crescendo my mind started playing a trick on me. It felt like I had switch spots completely with my reflection. Now it felt like I was floating in the air holding hands with my reflection which was now sitting on the couch. Somehow the trip caused me to lose the ability to process it as a reflection and it instead 100% felt like i was floating in the air supported by my clone. One of the craziest lsd experiences I have ever had.

Now I'm sharing this because I'm curious if anyone will be able to replicate my results, and I'm also wanting to hear if anyone else has had some intense experiences regarding mirrors and psychedelics.
I also really enjoy looking in the mirror on psychedelics. I never quite got why people were so afraid of it. Never had an experience like what you described though. :)
when i look in the mirror for more than a second is when i am on some psychedelic :D but i can see why the advice could be useful for beginners as sometimes some very dark aspects of your self can manifest in the mirror in a very... visual and... in your face way
i used to use mirrors a lot at one point when i when i used ketamine but in a different manner not so much my reflection as the reflection of the space around me
Mirrors are my absolute favourite, especially the ones with shelves behind them so you can orient them to look on into infinity :D
I love mirrors on psychedelics! One time I was staring in the mirror and slowly this aztec style facemask made of neon holographic fractals manifested around my face and I felt like I was the psychedelic warrior and in some way I was significant to mankind lol (LOT's of acid and 2c-e). Another time on a bunch of mushies I litterally watched myself age over and over, my face would wrinkle and my hair would grey but as soon as I blinked I went back to normal only to start the aging process again. Besides that I typically get the standard face warping, or limb drifting etc...
Its really hard for me NOT to look into my own eyes through a mirror while tripping. Even when just walking into/out of the bathroom if i catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror i freeze and stare. Its hypnotizing.
Not only that but i love dialated pupils :)
I sat there for only a few minutes before I achieved a trance like state. The mirror began to feel heavier and heavier (probably me just gripping it harder as the intensity began to rise). Eventually though I lost my peripheral vision. There was then no mirror before me just only my reflection. As my Tool music began to reach an epic crescendo my mind started playing a trick on me. It felt like I had switch spots completely with my reflection. Now it felt like I was floating in the air holding hands with my reflection which was now sitting on the couch. Somehow the trip caused me to lose the ability to process it as a reflection and it instead 100% felt like i was floating in the air supported by my clone.

This sounds a bit like a specific kind of experience that can happen in vipassana meditation:

The no-self or emptiness door aspect has to do with the teachings on the mirror-like nature of the mind, the Spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters (that oh so mystical and overlooked line from Genesis 1:2), God making man in his image, merging with a tantric image of a buddha, seeing one's Original Face, thinking of who created thought, and that sort of thing. It relates to directly observing the collapse of the illusion of duality, the collapse of awareness into the intelligence or cognition of the perceived. It is a bit like staring back at yourself (or something intelligent regardless of whether or not it looks like you) with no one on this side to be stared at and then collapsing into that image.
(from here)
I try to avoid mirrors when im on LSD because I just immidiately stare at this scar on my forehead and think back to when I pulled two shards of glass off my scalp a good 6 months after being in a single car auto accident.

This was after the doctor had removed the stitches and everything and I didnt even know they were still there until I scratched my head one day. Kind of makes me wonder if any like microscopic pieces did some damage. Idk, I can still tell you how many fingers youre holding up so it is what it is.

I was in disbelief for a good 5 minutes though
Wait so the doctor stitched you up without removing all glass fragments? Yikes! I've had stitches like 5 times and still dread the process of them cleaning gravel out of my open wound, only to poke at it with a syringe full of whatever numbing medication they use.
I agree. At first I was quite terrified of mirrors when I would trip. It was too real, I could see on a level that was beyond my comprehension. But then I grew to understand that this was part of the experience, that although it was going to be difficult it was worth it. I do have to comment, however, that looking in a mirror can still make me a little restive if it is a heavier dose. One time I was tripping pretty hard and I was talking while looking into the mirror fascinated by the contraction and expansion of my head, when I swear I started talking fast-forward. I heard my voice in fast-forward, felt my lips move in fast-forward, it was as if I were a movie and someone where skipping past my prattling. And then directly after that I started talking, hearing and feeling in slow-motion! It felt like the same movie sensation as before just in slow-motion versus fast-forward. Although I was a bit disconcerted I was absolutely amazed. Since I like to record my thoughts while tripping I have the whole episode recorded. When I listened to it the next day it happened exactly as I remembered. Extraordinary.
Mirrors are great. I haven't tried while on LSD, but on tryptamines it can be great fun playing in front of one (also while on Cannabis, to make one more playful). Strange things have happened, because the organism will respond on the reflection, this goes very fast, thus the ego can't really keep up! So buy using a mirror, control can be lost. It's a bit embarrassing, however. But there you are. Naked. (No not literally, you know what I mean)