Mental Health Fucking anxiety

Simple Hatred

Jun 24, 2014
It is several months I have anxiety most days. My life is very stressful and anxiety often has a strong influence on my physical, some days is really unbearable. How I can cure this anxiety?
I am not sure what the root of your stress is, but LI'd first try resolving the problems at the root.
Before you turn to meds try exercising for about 20 to 30 minutes per day. Surround yourself with only positive people. Away from those that you know are a bad influence on you. Find new hobbies. Spending time in nature and/or with animals has helped me heaps in the past. Not sure if you can play any musical instruments, but I know that many people swear that those reduce their anxiety. Chamomile tea has the same effects on the brain as Valium does. Large doses of green tea are also calming (watch out for the shits). If drinking tea is not your thing, chamomile supplements will do as well. Valerian and hops (look them up) are some other anxiety reducing herbs.
Also try placing lavender oils around your room. In right amounts, lavender has been known to calm people and help with sleep (as well as pain relief, acne, urine flow, respiratory disorders, immunity, blood circulation, general skin care, digestion and even cancer).
Stay away from lavender oil though if you have diabetes, are pregnant or breastfeeding. Sign up for a yoga class. Many people come out of those a new person.
Give these natural remedies a try. They cannot hurt you. I think exercise would be my favourite one, with more than just a single benefit.
I hope I was of some help. Best of luck! Anxiety is also a torment of mine.
^Thank for your advice. Unfortunatley I can't do everything but I can do meds and hobbies. Thanks again.
Unfortunately you have a job that takes most of your free time and you are still quite young.
One thing I feel like you should do is to search a less time demanding job so that you can dedicate more time on your hobbies and/or find new ones like physical exercise (exercise helps a LOT) etc. And of course meditation :)
The problem is I know your financial situtation isn't the best so I don't know if this is a real option but you know, health > wealth
Anxiety is unfocused fear..what are u scared of? When u realize theres nothing to be scared of u take control and fear no longer drives u
you need to make a change; you've got to do what you;ve got to do to survive.
One thing i learned is medication isnt your enemy. Do pdocs get paid and input from biased companies, of course.

But the world isnt so black and white. There are many shades of gray.

Your source is definitely your breathing. Control this and you will regain positive feelings.

One thing is called 7-11 breathing. Do it very shallow. In for seven seconds, out for eleven.

Dont overbreathe. Use your nose. Meditate and refocus your attention. :)
I am not sure what the root of your stress is, but LI'd first try resolving the problems at the root.
Before you turn to meds try exercising for about 20 to 30 minutes per day. Surround yourself with only positive people. Away from those that you know are a bad influence on you. Find new hobbies. Spending time in nature and/or with animals has helped me heaps in the past. Not sure if you can play any musical instruments, but I know that many people swear that those reduce their anxiety. Chamomile tea has the same effects on the brain as Valium does. Large doses of green tea are also calming (watch out for the shits). If drinking tea is not your thing, chamomile supplements will do as well. Valerian and hops (look them up) are some other anxiety reducing herbs.
Also try placing lavender oils around your room. In right amounts, lavender has been known to calm people and help with sleep (as well as pain relief, acne, urine flow, respiratory disorders, immunity, blood circulation, general skin care, digestion and even cancer).
Stay away from lavender oil though if you have diabetes, are pregnant or breastfeeding. Sign up for a yoga class. Many people come out of those a new person.
Give these natural remedies a try. They cannot hurt you. I think exercise would be my favourite one, with more than just a single benefit.
I hope I was of some help. Best of luck! Anxiety is also a torment of mine.

Ive found past a couple mugs of chamomille, it starts to feel close to almost weed.

But the green tea, imo, it'd be better to jump straight to L-Theanine.