From Kratom to Suboxone back to Kratom


Jan 13, 2018
Hey guys,

I've been addicted to Kratom for over a year. As I wasn't able to get off, I got prescribed suboxone at 2 mgs a day 6 weeks ago. I thought it was easier to manage because of the long half life, which was true at first, but now I've got the same problem. I've been dosing 1 mg in the morning and 1 mg at night with 12 hours in between. I was in a consistant mood the first few weeks but now I only feel good for a few hours and then the withdrawals already set it, mainly stomach cramps, restlessness and depression. I'm also extremely lethargic and I have no sex drive at all.

I plan on switching back to Kratom and taper down on that. I don't think the transition will be as easy as the one before, however. Since I can feel the withdrawals already after a few hours, how are they going to be in 2-3 days? Any tips or remedies? I've got Clonidine and Imodium on hand. What else could be helpful?
Suboxone is a stronger opiate than kratom for sure, so the transition will be harder. Clonidine will certainly help, as will immodium, as will kratom itself, but you'll probably have a week or maybe two of feeling some discomfort. Fortunately 6 weeks isn't real long for the suboxone so hopefully it won't be too long or bad.
I can't believe they would give you subs for kratom use not saying that your kratom use is any different than any other addiction just why come off something with a stronger and longer wds. You are smart to get off the subs I honestly think it does more harm than good but I've read that you should use kratom more frequently and lower dosing to taper with a short acting opioid but I'm afraid that the subs will still be lingering for a while . Kava kava, gabapentin , phenibut, 5htp, st John's wort, these can help reduce wds and speed up your receptors back to normal clonodine may seem like it's not working but it is just don't pop them like tic tacs it lowers blood pressure i have made that mistake and could barely stand on top of major paws. Gabapentin might be something to look into, get your tolerance down 50%right away and stay there for a week then taper from there . When your not feeling the sub anymore than go from there and do the kratom
Lower doses more often if kratom is key
Yeah gabapentin works pretty well. I'd say phenibut helps too, mostly by improving mood and giving a nice feeling. Both of them are also addictive though so you don't want to make it a lingering habit. Kava helps a bit, I was using lots of kava while withdrawing once and I kept not quite making it so I had weeks where I was using tons of kava... I got really sick and turned somewhat yellow and had horrific stomach pains all of a sudden one day, I felt very, very ill. It really scared me, I laid down for hours and I took more kava and it got even worse and I sudden;y realized what it was... stopped using it and I stopped feeling that way but it made me feel cautious about using kava for too long.
Kava is really bad for your liver probably why you were yellow. Can cause liver failure within a month of using it but it has allot of good effects too . Liver loss is pretty important
It's been the story of my life these last few years... oxy to subs to kratom, or oxy to just kratom. Most recently, I'm oxy-subs-and now I am trying to NOT get back on kratom.. I want my life back, no more physical addiction.

Like you, I was only on subs for a short time, one month. It was long enough to get hooked. I am now on Day 5 of no subs. Used kratom yesterday, will try not today, or maybe ever again? Dare I say it.

I am getting by with Adderal by day and alcohol by night along with small amount of benzos. I have a few gabapentin which I haven't really used yet. Hang in there. I induced at 4 mg sub and tapered down to .5 over a month, spending a week + at .5 then skipped a day, then done.
As for tips and remedies, TAPER that 1 mg. Cut it in half... some, I hear, taper as low as below .25. Those fuckers are strong! MJ helps a great deal. I should use it more, but I guess I prefer an alcohol buzz over cannabis these days, much to my detriment
Also, my sex drive came back strong once I stopped opiated myself so much. It's dulled somewhat the last few days cause of booze, but once I get that under control I should be good and horned up. Depressed and craving, but horny. My goal is to not be physically addicted to anything!
That's awesome krazikat yeah it's a vicious cycle sends like it never ends but it will if that is what you want I'm so scared too get on subs it keeps me using dope but i will use subs to wd. But I'm afraid to take them longer because how strong and long lasting they are. Do you think you could jyst slowly taper off the kratom. I'm not sure what kind of wds cine from kratom but i can't imagine it as bad as dope or subs
I'm so glad to hear others who are going through the same thing I'm experiencing. Except that I've been on subs for 10 years or so--I tried to taper completely off then hit a wall right before I went to zero. Went into w/d that just would not end. So I ordered some kratom, as I haven't got access to anything else where I'm at right now to sort of help with that last bit of tapering. But then I talked my doctor into stopping the taper and keeping me at this very low dose while I thought about what to do. I figured if nothing else, I could try to switch completely over to kratom and then kick that, since it's short-acting. Of course now what I've done is gone through my sub script too soon and the kratom helps somewhat but doesn't stop all the withdrawals. I'm going to have to just do kratom for a couple of weeks so I can get back up to where I'm supposed to be in case my doctor wants to count my strips. I'd love to get off of everything, but I'm in my mid-60's with a lot of health problems, including chronic pain, and spending weeks in withdrawal is not something I have any desire to do. But I guess the short-term w/d from kicking kratom would be better than the long, drawn-out ones from sub. So frustrating!