TDS From A Journal Entry [Phenibut Withdrawal]


Jan 29, 2016

Well, it's been a couple years since my last entry. B is long gone and I am renting a room at 79 X Street in Z. I have until Nov. 17 to vacate the

premises as I have fallen behind on my rent. My life has become a mess.

In March of this year I began ordering a highly addictive compound called Phenibut from a vendor I discovered online. It seemed to work

wonders. It gave me confidence, increased verbal fluency and acted as an anxiolytic (sp?) without being sedating.

I felt like Superman.

The warning on the bottle cautioned against taking it more than a couple times a week as tolerance is quick to develop. I did not heed that

warning. I used Phenibut daily for the past six months, in ever increasing dosages. The times I would run out before the next shipment arrived

were marked with bouts of horrific withdrawal. I have experienced terror unlike anything I've felt before. I would piss in empty Gatorade bottles

for fear of leaving my rented room and encountering another human in the hallway. The next shipment would never be too far behind though and

I would dive head first back in time and time again.

I was up to 25 300 mg pills a day (7.5 g).

My most recent shipment was due to arrive Friday Aug. 2, the same day I was due to run out. It got held up at customs for 12 hours, and, since

UPS only ships on business days, I would have to wait until Monday. But wait! Monday was Labour Day (a stat holiday here in Canada) and UPS

does not ship on stat holidays either. By the time I received my package on Tues Aug 6 I was four days deep into withdrawal. I entered the house

at approximately 21:30, exhausted after a twelve hour shift, eagerly opened the tightly sealed box containing my precious cargo, walked back

outside with it, down the street a short way and summarily dumped it in the sewer (bad I know).

Today is Day Six.

I feel like I am going through a living hell and I can tell nobody why. It is my greatest and darkest secret. My GABA and dopamine

neurotransmitters have down-regulated to the point that I am half crazed. And where does it end? I am afraid sitting in my room, afraid to go to

the store, terrified to go to work. . .

If I had enough days off I would just go to the hospital.

I am hoping for some light at the end of this tunnel. I have been using klonipin to ease the symptoms of my withdrawal and have even managed

to taper my dosage to half a 0.5 mg pill at a time today. Still, I feel I am in danger of losing everything and sometimes the thought of death

seems welcome.

I almost forgot to mention the anhedonia!

The inability to experience pleasure. I have been unable to do anything but lay in bed and stare at the wall or ceiling and claw at the bars of my

self-imposed cage until my fingers are little more than bleeding stumps.

Yes, my friends. I have been very stupid indeed.
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A dark read. It reminds me very much of a time many moons ago when i had lost my job, spent thousands on opiates and benzos, suddenly ran out of money, and reality (along with multiple withdrawals) came crashing in.

Like yourself, I was petrified to do most anything. The irony was that I had got myself into this mess, and at that point had to fight harder than any time before to pull myself out of it. Not just the withdrawal, but getting a new home, new job, even some food to eat.

I've no doubt you'll come through this, just as I did. The days will stretch out forever at first, but it'll get better. Have you a support network to reach out to right now? If so, it sounds like now is the time to do so. I know how impossibly difficult that can seem when you feel like you've fucked yourself and everything else right up. Especially on top of the cruel withdrawal anxiety you're going through. But never underestimate the kindness of others.
Thank you for your reply, friend. You sound like a person of great strength to have come out the other side of such an ordeal. My support network is pretty limited, sadly.. and I am really, really scared.
Dude, I know how that feels. That kind of fear breeds fear in itself, because it's scary to be scared of things that shouldn't be scary. Talk about a catch 22. I can't speak for phenibut specifically, but it sounds very similar to benzo withdrawal to me.

It's commendable that you've gritted your teeth and decided to cold Turkey from that shit, but I would question whether that's the best option here. You've got a hell of a lot on your plate with everything else going on. If phenibut is like other GABA drugs, perhaps tapering would be a much better option? At least that way you'd be in a much better position to sort out your other problems. Like I said, the irony when I was put in a situation where I had to withdraw was that I had to simultaneously sort out every other facet of my life, and it was the most difficult phase of my life to date. If I had the option to taper back then, that's certainly what I would have done.
I had definitely considered it, but, by all accounts the worst of Phenibut withdrawal is over by 7-10 days. With my case it could be a bit longer due to my dosages and duration of use.

Fuck it, you wanna know the truth? I don't have the willpower to taper. I am incapable of controlling my usage in any way. I'm just really hoping this subsides soon :(
I am beyond words - I am so sorry you are going through this. I know the pain, I got cut off Xanax after taking it daily for ten years and that truly was hell on earth. It's unfortunate you couldn't taper, but I understand not having the willpower. When it gets really bad just focus on the fact that it's temporary and it will get better. If it too extreme go to the hospital, they can give you medication to help support the symptoms.

I don't have direct experience with Phenibut, but I found this and it may help you. Read through user comments, many are people in a similar situation with daily high doses. Do the best you can with eating healthy and trying to sleep - those help any withdrawal significantly, but I also know the withdrawal from GABAergics usually isn't very conducive to healthy eating and sleep. Please keep coming back here and give us detailed updates as no doubt it will help others in the future who are going through a similar situation.

ETA: I edited your title to include "Phenibut Withdrawal" so more people will be inclined to contribute. If you hate this edit feel free to change it back - just trying to help as I know others on this site have been in your situation.
How's tricks, OneeyedRonnie? Sorry, I crashed out last night and haven't looked at BL since.. How you feeling today?
Wow, that took incredible determination and strength to finally receive the package then dump it. Someday when the worst of this is a distant memory and your brain and body have reset, you will have a whole new appreciation for Labor Day.
Thank you guys for your comments and kind words. I do like the new thread title :) I will definitely check out that link, Moreaux.

Today is Day 7 and I have successfully completed my responsibilities for the day, including a grueling 12 hour shift. I slept poorly last night and

am exhausted beyond words.

As for how I'm feeling? Well, my spirits seem to be a little better today. I'm having a hard time eating and when I do manage to get something in

my stomach I often vomit it back up. So I am feeling rather weak. I was able to joke around a bit and converse with colleagues at work today a

little bit. I'm hoping for more sleep tonight but we shall see! My anxiety seems okay at the moment, but the melancholia is still prevalent. It is

less a crushing, hopeless despair now and more a gentle whisper like that of wind through the barren pines of my cognition. But fuck I am tired.

I can't thank you enough for your kind words, well-wishes and even just checking in to see how I am doing. It means more to me than any of you


And yes, Labour Day will never, ever be the same! A special significance for me for sure. Day 8 tomorrow and I will update further. Thank you

guys for being here, really thank you.
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Hey man - you're definitely over the worst of it. You can do this and I implore you to keep at it. Believe it or not you're most likely to relapse over the next few weeks when the acute withdrawal is over so stay vigilant. We're here for you round the clock and I a, literally cheering you on. Please keep checking in.
Hey man - you're definitely over the worst of it. You can do this and I implore you to keep at it. Believe it or not you're most likely to relapse over the next few weeks when the acute withdrawal is over so stay vigilant. We're here for you round the clock and I a, literally cheering you on. Please keep checking in.

I will do my best to stay the course! Thank you for your support. This is a really nice community we have here and it's been a pleasure interacting with the fine people on

these boards. I will do my best to remain steadfast!
Quick Update: Day Eight!

Today was a much better day. I can feel my dopamine starting to replenish itself as I am starting to get my appetite back. I've lost about 8 pounds throughout this withdrawal.

Work was okay, challenging at times, but that is nothing new. I've tapered the klonipin to 0.5 mg a day and should be fine to come off it soon (I've only used it these 8 days).

Things aren't perfect and I am sure there are still challenges ahead, but today was a pretty good day.
Holy shit dude, you are one tough cookie. A role model certainly for people who lack the will to taper as well.
Cool man, great to hear you're on the up and up. The good days will outweigh the bad soon enough..
Hi folks! Quick update for Day Nine.

First day without the klonipin. Work was long and busy, but all things considered, it went well! Anxiety is fine. Still dealing with a bit of anhedonia and a feeling a little "flat". Whether the flatness is due to fatigue remains to be seen. All in all though, staying on course and feeling much better. Day off tomorrow, woot!
Wow, Ronnie. You are rocking this. I'm so impressed!

It's so helpful to see posts like this. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

- VE
Hey guys, it's Day Ten. Feeling a bit flat still and wondering if perhaps I'm going to have some PAWS to deal with or if it's from coming off the klonipin. I took 30 0.5 mg klonipins over 9 days and I'm not sure if that's enough to send me into withdrawal upon cessation? I did taper off towards the end.

Who knows what is what at this point? I've been doing a lot of journaling and I'm probably going to see if I can't start seeing a counsellor of some sort. Life is tough, eh? I'm 32 now and I think it's time to do some soul-searching and figure out what comes next.

The first time I ended up in detox I was 16 years old. My parents were alcoholics and addicts. I come about my nature honestly (which is not to say I'm not fully accountable for my actions).

I am not sure why I am sharing this. I'm just a bit down on myself today. The support I've received from the community here has really meant the world to me.

When I first started this thread, it was because I was scared and reaching out. I am continuing it as a record of what it is like during and after acute Phenibut withdrawal in the hopes that somebody else may some day find it useful. I only wish I had started it on day 1.

Although I suspect the opening post would have been extremely short: "Day 1: I'm Fucking Terrified"

Thanks again friends.

EDIT: As an addendum, does anybody here know if taking 15 mg of klonipin over 9 days and then stopping is enough to develop a physical dependence? I suspect the answer comes down to individual body chemistry but I thought I'd ask.
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Hey buddy - you're doing great. I'm 30 yrs old and am in a similar situation. I can't say my parents were addicts but I started the same age and have been down this road since. I actually very recently had a cathartic withdrawal experience and am CTing myself (AHHHHHHH) but not as bad as what you're going through I'm sure. I have a separate thread so won't get into it but am cheering you on.

The best advice I can continue to give you is that the way it is in early recovery is not the way that it is going to be forever. Early recovery sucks. It WILL get better, that is an absolute fact. I've been to a lot of recovery meetings and even the miserable old timer AA men who aren't able to 13 step young women (don't get me started) say they're better off sober.

Your brain is going to start telling you a lot of confusing stuff. You're going to start convincing yourself to use. You'll say just today. Or I "need" it to get through a tough day. This is when you need to be vigilant. You MUST ignore those thoughts. Come on here immediately and type away. I get email reminders when you post.

You definitely should start looking into a therapist and meetings. If you're uncomfortable with the latter definitely try a therapist and at least post here. Meetings <>AA. There are options other than 12 steps if that's not your thing, but we can get into that later. Today may suck, tomorrow may suck more, but if you average the days over the week, next week will be better than this week. That trend just continues!!!! Ride it out man - a few bad days for a better tomorrow.
^ Thank you for your kindness, friend. I have read your thread and will be commenting on it tomorrow. For now, it is bed time.

I went out this evening for a walk and dinner with my "kind-of" girlfriend. I was able to connect with her on a level that I haven't in a long time, even with my anxiety. It was a tough day but a wonderful evening. Back to work for another 12 hour shitshow tomorrow, so I best get off to bed.

Day Eleven tomorrow; I will keep you posted.
Can you get your hands on Gabapentin. It will greatly help you get off the phenibut. I did that for me. I got off with no wds after a three and a half gram a day habit for about a year or more.