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Friday Thread - The summer ends here, regardless of whether or not it ever started


Bluelight Crew
Nov 9, 2013
So - yet another weekend is uopn us, which always leaves me with a feeling of trepidation, as its the one part of the week during which my mother can access alcohol which always potentiates any possible carnage. 2 weeks ago saw me barricaded in my room for 48 hours while she smashed half the house up, where as last weekend was much calmer, helped of course by copious amounts of heroin (for me at least - i wish she would develop a habit as she would be much more easy to manage). Whats in store for the big bank holiday then?

First things first - MXP - what a boring drug. Ive used a 250mg vendor sample over 2 different days, split into 2 doses, with approx 125mg bombed on each occasion. Its really good for making you not want to move and does enduce an initially interesting sensation of detachment, but I was completely bored by the experience on both occasions long before it wore off.

If the weather is nice tomorrow, then ill have the space for a 1-PLSD tab, the likes of which have provided great entertainment on certain weekends on the summer. Hopefully i should have some 3-fpm by the time the posties been, which should provide some nice rave gravy for the trip should I take it. I have plenty of weed, tonnes of methadone, 5 different benzodiazepines and about 0.7 grams of heroin which should be enough for supplementary caning and a nice post - trip cushion should I need one.

I've finally aquired a laptop after spending 2 years sans computer. I do 99% of my internetting on a smart tele every morning before the chaos starts, so it will be a real novelty to be able to type again, and will make it easier to keep in touch with my thousands of fans (they are out there - they just dont know it yet). Hell i might even have to open a twitter account.

Lets see what happens

Happy August Bank Holiday everyone (are they having a creamfields this year? just wondering)

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Stee, Not the twitter!!! NEVER THE TWITTER! *bites fist and looks away*

The weekend is what you make of it my love. Sadly the weekend makes me. I'm a 5-cl tonight then midshift tomorrow then on an early Sunday. Let the good times roll bitches! BRING IT!

I'm glad you have, You wanna take mine? It's up for grabs! I'll give that shit away to anyone! =D
I'm glad you have, You wanna take mine? It's up for grabs! I'll give that shit away to anyone! =D

yeah send it my way. a couple of runs thru the ol' beta-ketone flourinator should have it street legal in no time.
Nice heads up Stee but "Sadie deal with it" I think I messed up twice but the problem, I believe has been removed. Anal clenches and awaits complete laughter from fellow and former mods.....
no probs Sadie that was spot on - im sorry - didnt mean to bark like that it was rude. Took about 3 minutes to remove all trace of its existence %)
I'm spending the weekend on a crap campsite because it's conveniently located between two places I can go to visit friends this weekend. That is literally the only good thing about this family filled bank holiday hell hole.

Made it here under my own steam though, walked about 6 miles with all my camping stuff to get here from the train station. Learning about muscles that no longer exist in me. Tonight I'll find out whether my new 400g ultra light weight sleeping bag is gonna be warm enough for Bestival (just about ok at Boomtown but it was much warmer then) or whether I'll need to go back to the one which is warmer but much heavier.

After not having any money this summer because I spent it all on super light camping stuff, I quite fancy the idea of not having any money next summer because I spent it all on flights to good hiking locations. Anyone got any recommendations on good places to go do this?
Third bottle, first weekend free of the white lady in a while. Blasted some DMT earlier for the first time in a year, mind expanding to say the least. Feeling very manic all day since. Thinking about giving it another blast but I don't like to enter that special place under the influence of other drugs, and have a feeling it doesn't mix well with alcohol. Might give Narco's a watch on Netflix, looks good.
I wish summer was over - we still have unusually high temperatures / humidity, (not dropping below 100/40 this week). Not sure what I'm doing tomorrow - thankfully I have nothing that needs to be done so might have a late start and see.

Have a great extended weekend everyone.

Yeah i'm pretty sure creamfields is on this weekend. I'd have been there in a flash had I known someone that was going!!
I can't believe it's Friday already <3:D


When people start to flap their gums (I know because the same applies to me), it's hard to get them to stop. Had to shell out for a taxi because my co-worker was gabbing out the back. I would like to extend thanks to fuck, once again, as I have many times before. The afterglow of my lovely tax rebate means the start of the week is grand %)