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For those who smoked everyday and then gave it up, how's life been before/after?


Aug 19, 2013
Hi all, I'm curious to find out from the former daily tokers of BL how their lives have changed since giving up a daily smoking habit, as well as the various reasons for stopping. I am interested because I myself smoked everyday for about three years before I kicked the habit. For me I specifically notice how difficult it is to get through the day without getting high in some way. I got so used to getting my extra kick from weed that now things seem a bit drab when not smoking. I would also say that things are less intriguing in general.
The positive effects and my main reason for stopping are no more rebound anxiety and depression and no agitation for a couple days afterwards if I don't smoke again. So really it's a two way street. Not being constrantly high means the lows are less severe I suppose but on the flip side the psychological addiction potential is fully there.
Just my two cents.
Hello, recognized the part about agitation. I get that in between the three times I smoke some.

But some time ago I managed to take a 3 month and shortly after 1 and 3/4 year break. At the end of it I was deeper in then at the start and nothing usefull came oyt of my hand. At least that was how I perceived it at that point. It gave some immense peace of mind not having to smoke 4/5 times a day and doing groceries for it twice a week. And the relief to the wallet.

The depressiveness and boredom really got to me at some point and I got into the synthetics. Switcded back to herb and that's were I am at. Oh and don't forget the stoned look upon your face. I mean it's not like it's invisible someone is high. I am very curious how my next long term period of soberness will be as it will probably differ a lot due to thee other variables in ones life, good luck.

So really it's a two way street.

1st of all i've quit my cannabic SMOKING habit in mid-2007 and never looked back, then VAPORISATION was a major eye opener after years of total cannabic abstinence, then adjusting my CONSUMPTION METHOD proved being a final step toward liberating myself from some old demons. So i'm also curious, have you considered there could be a 3rd route??


Now i'm contemplating complementary scenarios like bio-feedback while naïvely hoping Canada will really normalize (instead of "legaleeze"), so we can buy THC/CBD rated cannabis at the SAQ eventually. Dispensaries would seem an even better option but that's not going to happen here in Québec. As for drugstores i find they just don't need to collect more money...

By the way, have you tried nicotine patches (to quit tobacco smoking as well)?...

Good day, have fun!! =D
Smoked everyday for ten years at leaast morning to night, did have his really good period and bad period but tbh i had at least half this time i wanted to stop someway, it did happen finally after an amphetamine binge that opened some lot of anxiety about anything i consume so the good point is i could stop almost all my addiction no matter th products, i do smoke occasionally now and it really tiny amount, the high is almost psychedelic which is im searching for compare to before where it was only a calm down.
About the nicotine patch funny you talk about it, i tried this morning, but unfortunately it didnt went that good, i have 14mg patch which is not a big amount for what i heard and im smoking quite a lot in the day, anyways some minutes after puting the patch i started having kind of headache and not feeling that good, so i cut it in half and after a little time i have a big wish to smoke so i took it off, smoked , felt like shit for a good moment because maybe too much nicotine.. i'll try again tomorow or aftertomorow with a fullone and see if it was just once cause im quite tired of tobacoo tbh.
Have a good one
I vaped quite a lot at one point and it didn't really make a lot of difference when the habit was strong
Hi again,

M'well i vaped that way too and finally realized it needed to correct my consumption method before the rest would follow...

Good day, have fun!! =D
I quit for the following reasons:

wasting thousands of dollars; inability to dream at night; increased anxiety, anger, and depression; increased emotional instability in general; decreased sociability; unhealthy obsession with cannabis; appetite loss and insomnia without weed; total lack of ambition; huge loss of creative ability (I am a guitarist and this really pissed me off); obvious damage to the lungs; inhalation of carcinogens; no medical benefits whatsoever in terms of chronic pain; getting ripped off by greedy weed dispensaries; inconsistent product; concerns over pesticides and mould; total inability to control my use in any way; frequent panic attacks when smoking too much; general feel of burnout; lack of concentration especially when reading or focussing on engineering drawings; inability to beat opioid withdrawal while stoned as I couldn't take anything seriously; pissing off pretty much everyone in my life with my obnoxious overuse of cannabis; sole interest in hanging out with people who are getting stoned

It was just an annoying distraction in general. Makes me wonder why I ever smoked it, but I guess a lot of cigarette smokers would say the same thing. A pest to be ridden of my life and I'm a better man for it. This stuff isn't for me at all, I am one of those people who always ends up fiending weed on a daily basis. I was smoking for the giggles. That is the one positive I can think of. I have my life back on track now and I feel like I wasted the majority of this year smoking my life away. Not for me. Never again. What a fucking waste.
I quit because my tolerance to weed became an anxiety induced trip after I turned 20/21.
Throughout the past five years I have stopped daily use, I can honestly say that getting stoned is really intense and is amazing if u keep consumption to a few times a year. I hate fiending weed. and the craving is strong as fuck
It slipped my concious mind but the combination of weed and tobacco definetelycreates more addictiveness. It's much harder to not do it when tobacco is involved. Being high on thc alone is imo intenser and less craving. Although that could be just me. So vaping thc only product seems safer then smoking it and adding some tobacco to the high here and then.
I fiend for weed psychologically, more than any drug I have ever tried in my life. I am very accepting when I don't have opiates and I'm sick... weed I used to be a little bitch, I constantly needed a hit even if I was already stoned and it wasn't going to do a thing to change the way that I felt. Also, weed is the only drug I have ever stolen from someone to get, when I was younger.

Psychological addictions can be horrendous too. Cocaine doesn't really have any physical wd's either, you know.

The moment weed is out of the picture though, I see it for what it is. It is only when I am under its spell that I act like that. It honestly just feels like a drug run. I run with it until I somehow run dry and then I'm like what the fuck even happened? I wish I never smoked the stuff, it did nothing but harm me.

I can keep it under control for a while, but within a few months I am fiending it like crack again. So I will never go back... even after a 3 year break, I had the best highs ever at first but ended up experiencing the same stupid fucking garbage. I was waking up an hour earlier than I needed to for work, so I could fiend dabs for an hour straight to try to keep the high going until I got home 8 hours later. Also, there was no longer any high to speak of. My receptors were so fried I could take 10 dabs and no even feel anything, yet I'd still do it compulsively like I didn't have a choice.

I'll take physical dependency over that distracting bullshit.
Salutations ShroomySatori,

My receptors were so fried I could take 10 dabs and no even feel anything...


« Fried? » ... Exactly??


M'well, lets just mention the word "pregnenolone" while providing some related reference, for the benefit of curious minds...

ScienceDaily: Molecule discovered that protects brain from cannabis intoxication (2014-Jan-2)

« ...THC is what triggers the production of pregnenolone, which then inhibits the effects of THC... »

It's not even real "news", euh...

And here are the researchers behind this study:


Pier Vincenzo Piazza (left), Giovanni Marsicano (right).​

IMHO there's enough mythical preconceptions originating from the adverse side as it is!... But that's me. %)

Good day, have fun!! =D
Wow. You really went to town man. I don't care what the studies show... I feel stupid when I smoke weed every day and I lose all of my ambition. I don't need a study to be in touch with my own body and realize I am infinitely better off without cannabis in my life.

Since quitting, I've been aiming to practice my guitar 8 hours a day and started recording again. When I was a stoner earlier this year, I had no interest whatsoever in my playing. Zapped my creativity, and I didn't touch my guitar for months. I just can't take anything seriously as a stoner. The original question was, how is your life before/after... and my life is way better now! No contest. So many improvements I could write an essay on it haha. I really don't feel the need to bring scientific studies into this topic... they are asking for anecdotes from people about how they feel before / after. Sounds like someone is a little too left-brained...

I'm not saying I was fried long term. I should have stated that it was receptor down regulation of my cannabinoid receptors to the extent that I could smoke any amount of weed and not feel a thing (or whatever you described above with pregnenolone... it's the same thing... entirely reversible). "Fried" is just a slang term that I use to describe the braindead feeling of having a heavy cannabis tolerance, and you picked on that one word to stick up for a silly weed and bash my post. I meant it, like people are saying they are frying on acid, but no brain damage is actually occurring... it can just leave you feeling wiped out sometimes. Soon after quitting, I felt like my normal self besides insomnia and appetite suppression. I'm just saying that the effects of the cannabis while I am high turn me into a dumbass, and delude me somehow into thinking it is good for me (really just a justification for another hit) - so I choose not to smoke it, as, like I mentioned, I am so much better off in so many ways that it is undeniable. Also, this only happens after heavy, extensive, long term use... but I end up there every time.

Why do you feel the need to stick up for a silly weed so much anyway? I never told other people not to smoke it. I just answered the question of the thread. It isn't a miracle cure for everyone, you know. Man... some people are just fanatics with cannabis, moreso than with any other drug I find. It is like they feel the need to force weed on people who don't like it and get bad effects from it. It's always the wrong strain, bad weed, need to relax, some bullshit... some people just don't like pot and get stupid when they are high! (actually, far more people than who enjoy it in my experience... almost everyone I know who used to smoke weed daily in college days has quit). It's literally like most any other activity if you think abut it. There are going to be people not into it, people who love it, casual users... weed is not something for the whole world to enjoy and you just need to find the right strain. That's a joke, and it can damn well fuck you up smoking too much at that. Everything in moderation. Not really long term with weed, but being high all the time and not dealing with life priorities as well as you can is almost ubiquitous in modern day society. All the flower power to you buddy...

Good day, have fun? That's just not cool man. You can't insult me like that, picking apart my post linguistically, and then tell me to have a good day. That's just insulting. Have a wonderful, beautiful day smoking as much chronic as you can afford, I'm sure it is a miracle cure for every ailment in your life. You should be on the street corner handing out pamphlets about weed curing cancer like they do about letting Jesus into your life. I really appreciated your post, it was inspiring to me. I think I'll go take your advice and go smoke myself retarded again, blow a lot of money on something that is worth less than tomatoes in reality, and stop giving a shit about writing and recording my music to pointlessly fiend bong rips until I pass out.

That was actually such an immature response to my post, that it's saddening to see. I thought weed was supposed to make people more open? You can't accept that I have a bad reaction to it? That everything starts off nice and chill with only positives, but very quickly I become an obsessed fiend until I quit cold turkey and wake up to the bullshit that I'm doing to myself? By the way, it was totally off topic. You didn't say a thing about how you were before / after weed, probably because you are perpetually stoned. So let's get back on topic here, and I won't be checking back in this thread as I already answered the question. I smoked for over 10 years and was expressing my thoughts on it at the end of the day. It certainly wasn't all bad, I had a lot of good times when I was stoned - it just ended poorly. Very poorly.

It doesn't have to cause brain damage to fuck you up when you are smoking it all day every day... there can be adverse reactions and side effects based on the way it impacts an individuals neurochemistry. Even just getting obsessed with it like that is a huge life distraction in my opinion, and so many people can't leave it be as a regular hobby. I see it turn into an unhealthy obsession in myself and in others. I like mangoes... do you see me sticking up for mangoes pulling up studies on their health benefits and nutrient contents if someone else says they ate too many and got too much of a sugar rush, likes the taste a little too much and has to swear them off forever? If anyone feels the need to stick up for a silly weed that much, there's something wrong with you in my opinion. Man, I feel like you ruined the momentum of this thread with that immature post. Good job.
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I smoked heavily in high school and constantly in college, then stopped when it started making me anxious/paranoid for no reason later in adulthood. I still smoke occasionally for medical reasons, but the daily recreational blazing is OVER. I feel fine with the decision, though I'd rather still be able to tolerate weed without the negative effects. I use opiates and stimulants in low doses now, so I'm by no means "clean and sober" but weed isn't really a part of my life like it once was.
Smoked from mid-teens to early twenties. I sort of reached the point where I realized just how much time, money and energy cannabis was stealing from me.. it wasn't making me happy or contributing to the development of my life, all signs were pointing in the opposite direction. I stopped for short periods of time before eventually getting totally fed up with it and solidified my conviction to abandon that green cunt from my life altogether. And I'm glad I did - facing life is much more dynamic and rewarding when you're sober. There will always be pain, boredom and strife whether you're high or sober.. but you'll make greater strides if you face it with all of your ability.

I think it took me about 1-2 years to fully heal, for the neurological re-wiring and also some mental/thinking patterns. Definitely helps to make a real direction for yourself, to find some solid convictions about life and your life. Light a fire under your ass, not a joint..

I've also done more than a 180 turn.. I've done the whole 360! Gone from being naive and knowing nothing about it.. to school drug education.. to experimenting for the first time.. to a regular habit and friends associated with it.. to amsterdam.. to promoting the idea of full legalization.. to getting fed up with smoking it.. to giving it up completely.. and now to actually being against the idea of legalization!

Do I regret it? Sort of. Who knows what I could of been and what my life may have evolved to. The idea of missed potential does sting a bit. But then I'm also grateful for the detour it took me on away from conventional thought and the masses. But I've come to see now that cannabis, or any drug, isn't necessary for any of that. I could be where I am now if I had had guidance from a wise old uncle, or just parents/media/education that wasn't so lacking in depth.. which is what we should all be striving to create and bring into the world (and to be the best we are.. "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.").
Hi again,

I feel stupid when I smoke...

M'well i don't, what's stupid is when socio-toxic non-consumers target/pray on "stoners"/"droÿés" under cannabic influence to stigmatize them, etc. Ultimately to send them to re-hab, for example, then look in the opposite direction should suicide ever occur, etc. IMO that is even more stupid by at least an order of magnitude.

I don't need a study to be in touch with my own body and realize I am infinitely better off without cannabis in my life.

To each his own preferences, personally i don't need to witness cannabis-bashing on a dedicated Harm Reduction site after explaining the reality of "fried" neuro-receptors...

May you find the strength and courage to fulfil your own ambitions! Feel free to come back for more "support" when this has failed...

...I just can't take anything seriously as a stoner.

M'well, i'm not going to suggest you should try to become a more serious "stoner". Seriously...

The original question was, how is your life before/after... and my life is way better now!

Me too.

So many improvements...


But i'm not going to open up like an oysteer - even better: a sitting duck on the lake, in the hunt season. This still is the internet, anonymous and cruel with little/no consequences for trolls.

I'm not saying I was fried long term.

That's what i wish i could have read in the 1st instance. Better late than never, but it's still not "fried" the way i understand it.

At worse my guess is that once saturated those brain cells start following a tad more "fuzzy" logic, that's all. I never lost my mind to the point of becoming hopelessly vulnerable from an intoxication. Anyway the damage *IS* permanent once these funny expressions are broadcasted by the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist culture. I wouldn't apply the logic of a burned land just because i know i'm safe. In other words lets not help them bragging around claiming the "stoners" themselves know their lies are true, or their truths are false, euh... By the way, does 2 false give a true?... In any case reduction doesn't help those who follow. Instead i'd point a finger at possible/eventual pitfalls if that's suitable.

Personally i promote avoidance of abuse the way it was taught/transmitted to us long ago. Lack of dosage + smoking is for those who can't care less for consequences.

...could smoke any amount of weed and not feel a thing...

If that's your reality then the term "fried" no longer applies.

...a slang term that I use to describe the braindead feeling...

Maybe it would have been a good idea to think of these things a bit sooner before the need to reflect on that individual-specific situation even emerges.

...you picked on that one word to stick up for a silly weed and bash my post.

Well then i'm sorry for the bashing-like comments, not to mention it's tiresome reading always the same rhetoric just for a few percents of the population that cannot separate contaminant items from cannabis, namely toxic combustion mixed with limitless consumption.

...it can just leave you feeling wiped out sometimes.

Or simply at peace - but that was more acute with LSD if my memory is not failing... Beyond that i know of nothing else that i would trust, assuming it's not laced, etc.

...insomnia and appetite suppression.

A man should always listen to his inner body and not wait to react accordingly to the obvious signals!...

...heavy, extensive... ...I end up there every time.

The unresolved obsession trap is now some old rememberances to me.

Why do you feel the need to stick up for a silly weed so much anyway?

I don't think you'd appreciate my answer any more than the rest.

It isn't a miracle cure for everyone...

If it was no "poison", whatever, for more than, say, ±2 % of a population, a century ago, then by all means try to explain the war on drug explosive budgets to me.

The answer is that THEY put the "Harm" in cannabis, THEY caused prices to inflate beyond reason, THEY indirectly influenced cultivation efforts in order to select THC-rich strains while disregarding true benefit from the rest, THEY blocked research on consumption methods and now THEY managed to ban even healthwise alternatives like e-Cigs and even worse: vaporizers!! And i'm not done yet. On the cultural side cannabis use has become a sensationalist target as if irresponsible individuals started masturbating in public, if you ask me - at least i find that's how childish our elites are. In any case it's not THEY who will convince ME what's best for ME and i'll always be hostile to those total self-centered good-thinking strangers who started the hostilities themselves, hiding, never being made accountable for real permanent prejudice, etc.

Miracle or not i refuse to relinquish MY right to so-called self-serving "expert$" when it comes to that, especially after i consider this is among the safest substances known to mankind!

...some people are just fanatics with cannabis...

M'well, look out as they'll reproduce and someday one might even grab you by force then inject THC directly into your veins if you don't comply by lighting up a "joint", inhaling the pyrolysis compounds of paper (wood), glue, addictive nicotine perhaps, and whatnot - seasoned with THC-only mari-caca, heavy metals and more!...

...some bullshit...

M'yeah, i know the feeling. But it's getting late and i got tired of this as it's going nowhere anyway. Too bad it hurts so much you must transfer YOUR pain on external sources. I hope you'll find freedom the same way i found mine nonetheless.

Good day, have fun!! =D
it is a miracle for many who wakes up in the sort of anguish that makes a person roll out of bed and start heaving first thing. some people are grateful for the relief cannabis provides just to be able to live a somewhat-normal existence. Shroomy, mate, no offense but your responses lately have come off a bit holier-than-thou. if you quit because it was holding you back then good on you, nobody is looking down on you for choosing opiates but it's a two way street, can't look down on all of us as lazy pot fiends just because you had the misfortune of that type of experience with it.
Hi again,

Oh well, i had some sympathy but then i got some growing impression of symbolic self-mutilation (...), so i sort of wonder now if a really durable solution can be found considering blame distribution is bound to fail in the long run... Que sera, sera!

Good day, have fun!! =D