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Social Following People on Bluelight


Mar 25, 2021
I had no clue where to post this, so mods can feel free to transfer it to a more appropriate forum if need be.

Anywho, I'm still not really sure what that feature does, but I did start following BL'ers whose posts I was interested in. Well, I recently read a post by someone who was freaked out by being followed by another member, so I un-followed everyone that I had been.

So, I just wanted to say that:

1) I'm sorry if I bothered anyone by following them myself.
2) I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings by un-following them.

Peace, Love & Faith,
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I take it as a compliment if someone follows. They like reading what you have to say. I think if someone freaks out about it they are probably being unreasonably paranoid(which hey, this site is full of drug users, paranoia is not uncommon here!)
This is a dumb question, but what does it mean to follow someone? I couldn't find an explanation in the guidelines.
I think it's like when u see a girl with a nice butt in the grocery store. All of a sudden you're going where she's going ;)

At BL I follow people I am interested in hearing what they have to add to conversations, usually folks I already know. For example I follow CFC from back in 2018 we Modded some stuff together; others in the Psychedelic Drug forum I knew would always make great contributions.

Bluelight was a lot busier back then it and it made it easier to see if someone you interacted with said anything noteworthy.

These last few years traffic seems to have slowed down so I can read most if not all the posts daily if I had a mind to.
I thought that was when u Watch someone. I don't get any alerts and I'm following people.
Yeah, I've never gotten any alerts unless someone replied to me. Maybe I was just looking in the wrong place. I'm totally clueless; that's why I was asking. I stopped following people anyway 'cuz I didn't want to creep them out. :)
I think it makes it so when you click the lightning bolt at the top and then click "your news feed" the posts of people you follow are there
Huh. I have a couple people following me; not sure what I've ever posted to warrant that, but okay. It's a site feature and people use it.