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Flavored E-Cigarettes Forging New Pathways To Destruction


Bluelight Crew
Dec 29, 2008
Cotton Candy and Atomic Fireball flavored electronic cigarettes are forging a new pathway to addiction, death and disease

E-cigarette use among middle school children has doubled in just one year. Last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced e-cigarette use also doubled among high school students in one year, and that one-in-10 high school students have used an e-cigarette. Altogether, 1.78 million middle and high school students nationwide use e-cigarettes. Yet, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still is not regulating e-cigarettes. The absence of regulatory oversight means the tobacco industry is free to promote atomic fireball or cotton candy-flavored e-cigarettes to our children. Clearly, the aggressive marketing and promotion of e-cigarettes is reaching children with alarming success.

It is well known that nicotine is a highly addictive substance, whether delivered in a conventional cigarette or an e-cigarette. The use of sweet flavors is an old tobacco industry trick to entice and addict young children to tobacco products, and the entrance of the nation's largest tobacco companies into this market clearly is having an impact. Why does Big Tobacco care about e-cigarettes? Tobacco use kills more than 400,000 people each year and thousands more successfully quit.

To maintain its consumer ranks and enormous profits, the tobacco industry needs to attract and addict thousands of children each day, as well as keep adults dependent. Big Tobacco is happy to hook children with a gummy bear-flavored e-cigarette, a grape flavored cigar or Marlboro, so long as they become addicted. Concern is shared with the CDC that children who begin by using e-cigarettes may be condemned to a lifelong addiction to nicotine and cigarettes.

In addition, the American Lung Association is very concerned about the potential safety and health consequences of electronic cigarettes, as well as claims that they can be used to help smokers quit. With no government oversight of these products, there is no way for the public health and medical community or consumers to know what chemicals are contained in an e-cigarette or what the short and long term health implications might be. That's why the American Lung Association is calling on the FDA to propose meaningful regulation of these products to protect to the public health.

regulation = make it more expensive and difficult for people to quit real cigarettes and transition to e-cigs

Pay attention to what your own children are doing in your house and you don't need the gov't to do it for you.
I know people who started smoking cigarettes around then. Shit like this is going to happen whether you make it harder on the consumer or not.
Also can I not like a flavored smoke because I'm a grown man?

If you really want to avoid your kids getting caught up with this your best bet would be to sit them down for a talk and see what they have to say.
Maybe throw a few nicotine addiction statistics at them.
Banning or over-regulating them isn't the answer. It's never worked. People will just fucking do it ANYWAY.

But they do need to do a study (which I think may have already been done) on the long-term effects of e-cig use with various atomizers and different wick systems (ie, stainless steel mesh, silica, ceramic type, poly-paper, etc). That way they can then justify their use of e-cigs instead of real cigs. Might help reduce the risks of cancer and other tobacco smoke related diseases.
Honestly what the hell is the difference between a "kid" smoking an E-cig vs downing an energy drink with overkill amounts of caffeine and other shit?
Honestly what the hell is the difference between a "kid" smoking an E-cig vs downing an energy drink with overkill amounts of caffeine and other shit?

"Its ok to drink your drug" - Bill Hicks
Seriously people should start figuring out how to put meth into a tasty beverage then we can all enjoy some. I was also thinking about this the other day, couldn't it be possible to put RCs in say a soft drink, I mean its a pretty unregulated market. Just think of it MDPV sold as "Charge³ the drink that gives you psychosis" and Nbome sold as "NChew the gum that makes you trip balls". Ok you might not get it into big stores but I'm sure the high standards of Internet vendors and dodgy headshops wouldn't say no.

As for E-cigs they at least seem like a healthier alternative to cigarettes, why would you want to discourage people switching to a healthier product. Probably just looking for a way to add tax on them. I can see maybe wanting to protect younger people but again its probably better that they don't pick up real cigarettes anyway. I would have liked to start smoking an e-cig at age 15 rather than I did tobacco. 5 years later I stopped because I was hacking up nasty looking phlegm which I probably wouldn't have if I had started with an e-cig, not to mention lung damage.
It's still not smoking...

I support experimentation.

But saying it is being sugarcoated and handed to them? Not really...

It goes to show you, they are regulated much the same.

Big tobacco needed a distraction...
Well, what does the data show regarding the rate of middle school children smoking conventional tobacco cigarettes in correlation to this rise in e-cig usage? If more young people are starting on e-cigarettes and less on tobacco, then great. Not that nicotine in itself isn't a toxic and addictive substance, but I'd much rather see youngsters experimenting with these alternatives than picking up a pack of cigarettes instead. We may not be fully aware of the repercussions of e-cig usage, but we do understand the health risks involved in smoking cigarettes. If electronic smokes cause only half of the illness and detrimental health effects as cigarettes do, then I would consider this is progress. As an electronic cigarette user myself, I'm fine with regulation of the industry.

I would also imagine tobacco companies are quite uncomfortable with this new trend and are scrambling to put together an anti-electronic cigarette campaign warning us of the mortal dangers they pose to our children.
Tobacco companies lose a lifelong customer if this is successful.. Get your gear ready, get your boots strapped and X-ray glasses on! It's propaganda time %)
"Its ok to drink your drug" - Bill Hicks
Seriously people should start figuring out how to put meth into a tasty beverage then we can all enjoy some. I was also thinking about this the other day, couldn't it be possible to put RCs in say a soft drink, I mean its a pretty unregulated market. Just think of it MDPV sold as "Charge³ the drink that gives you psychosis" and Nbome sold as "NChew the gum that makes you trip balls". Ok you might not get it into big stores but I'm sure the high standards of Internet vendors and dodgy headshops wouldn't say no.

I chew meth gum on occasion. I've also got some of it dissolved in one of those terribly overpriced little "drink enhancer" bottles =D

When I want a short acting stim, it isn't unlikely to find me chugging an ethylphenidate smoothie. And you'll catch me with an oxiracetam (very sweet tasting!) spiked soda during most study sessions. ;)
I chew meth gum on occasion. I've also got some of it dissolved in one of those terribly overpriced little "drink enhancer" bottles =D

When I want a short acting stim, it isn't unlikely to find me chugging an ethylphenidate smoothie. And you'll catch me with an oxiracetam (very sweet tasting!) spiked soda during most study sessions. ;)

Meth gum, I feel sorry for your teeth.=D

I wish coke-cola still used real cocaine then we wouldn't even need to think about shit like this lol. Then we could have a nice "Oxy-Cocktail" to relax after a long coke-cola session.
E-cigs should be banned, since after all banning cloves and flavored tobacco worked so well at making sure Phillip Morris had the monopoly... Ooops I meant at getting kids to not smoke.
Meth gum, I feel sorry for your teeth.=D

I wish coke-cola still used real cocaine then we wouldn't even need to think about shit like this lol. Then we could have a nice "Oxy-Cocktail" to relax after a long coke-cola session.

Believe it or not, my teeth are in great shape! I've actually never had even a single cavity =D

"Meth mouth" is not actually due to meth being corrosive to teeth, it is caused by a combination of dry mouth/bruxism and not brushing your teeth, and actually quite avoidable if you're not doing crazy doses. I'm actually not much of a cocaine fan, even high quality stuff... it is just too short acting and "pushy" for my liking.
As if tobacco companies want people on a cheaper, safer alternative that they aren't profiting from... The government just doesn't want to lose tax revenue. Anything that makes nicotine less disgusting is always a psychopathic ploy to entrap the children... God damn, will this propaganda ever end?