Flashback or panick attach after ketamine trip


Nov 24, 2018
Hi everybody,

To introduce myself, I'm about 30 yo, I'm socially integrated with friend, work, girlfriend, and have no family problems. I nor have physical or psychological problems, except maybe some occasional little depressions wich have never been treated with medicine and didn't occurs since 1 years. I read on bluelight since a long time but never post before today. I use drugs since ~10 years, with often many precautions (ie : dosages, set and setting ... ). I test MDMA, LSD, shrooms, cannabis, salvia, cocaine and recently discover ketamine. I never really experienced a psychological badtrip ; only physical with alcohol or cannabis abuse.

There is a month ago, I tried K with 25 mg (threshold dose), then 50mg and two weeks later with 85mg. The two first experiences was very enjoyable. My third test was approximately two weeks ago. I was very tired and not sure to want to trip. I achieve to convince myself to do it because I wanted to experience K-hole since a long time (I'm very curious of dissociative effects). I took 85mg of ketamine and the trip was very cool. It last 1h hour and during the next one, effects began to dissipate.
Then, I smoke a small joint to kick them again (I saw previously that cannabis and K make a powerful synergy). I start to trip again. It was cool at the beginning but the trip go more and more intense (not exactly as it was with only K). At this moment, I feel like I was falling asleep, but with the two drugs effects. A sensation of boiling start on the top of my head, and a tinnitus (a sound in my ears) began more and more intense. The vision was very colorful and speed behind my closed eyes.
I began to be anxious about How fare I will go. I open my eyes to connect again with reality and then, I feel like my conscious was separate into two realities : like I was conscious to be in the real word but with the feeling of being in a dream. The tinnitus didn't stop and i was very scary. Physically, my heart rate was normal, but I had the sensation of a very high blood pressure. I heard every thought in my head like we were two. I try to calm down with rationals ideas : I am very tired, I took some drugs so a such state is normal, I didn't took an heavy dose, I'm not physically in danger, I can move ... etc.
Effects fade out slowly and I try to sleep. It was difficult because my thoughts often go on scary thinks (Why did I still heard tinnitus? What if it still here tomorrow? Am I experiencing a panic attack? What a fool to play with drugs ... etc). I make weird dreams were my father was asking me about the best prostitute to buy.... On the next day, I was okay but a bit buzzed and the tinnitus was still a bit present.The next days, I completely recover : I can go to work, smoke some cannabis, drink some alcohol, smoke tobacco and didn't have such disconnected feeling again.

But yesterday, a friend came home. I was tired. I drink a beer, smoke a joint and suddenly, like a bullet in my head, pinnnnnnnng, a tinnitus grow in my ears and I feel again separate in two states - a dream and the reality. I immediately make a link with my previous difficult experience which increase anxiety. I feel like a very high blood pressure but normal heart rate ; I heard my friend talking to me but i was only listening to myself speaking with me in my head, unable to understand what he was saying. I was scary about : is it a flashback? Am I subject to panic attack now (with a sensation of derealization) ? Is it a common feeling I had on cannabis which scary me now? This disconnection last around 5mn and then I came back but I feel anxious for the rest of the night.

Today, I feel again buzzed, but I'm ok. Do you have a idea about what happen? Can it be a flashback? Can Ketamine damage my brain an open it to panic attack (I never experienced it before ... ) ?. I love LSD but I'm scary that such effect come back during the trip, or i stay stuck ...

Sorry if I didn't write correctly, English is not my native language.

Thank you for your answers,

note : My feeling during the ketamine trip look like theses ones : https://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=98018

Here some news.

After this bad trip, I often felt anxious when i was smoking MJ : like the hypnotic effects was able to disconnect me again from reality. One night, I took a very small benzo to help me sleeping (bromazepam - I do it regularly). As usual, it work great but this time, just after falling asleep, I found myself in a very strange dream : I was in my house with some friend and colleagues from works. They all were very noisy and I was worried about disturbing my neighbor. I was also conscious that I was in a dream because of many things which was impossibles (like a box that doesn't exist in my house). Being anxious because of the noise, I tried to wake up but it was very difficult ; I think I experienced something like sleep paralysis. But finally my eyes opened and my room was soooooo calm and quit ; I felt like that too. I immediately think about my badtrip on K : it was like this wake up put a final end to the badtrip ; I am completely come back and now I can smoke without any fear or apprehension of disconnection.

Thank you for the "help", just writing this and putting some word on, was an help.