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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

First Timer!


Oct 11, 2016
Hello everyone!
I've been following blue light since a year ago, enjoying various topics and descriptions but tonight I decided to join. The reason why I did this is because I've recently came into possession of some opium which I'm planning to smoke very soon but I'm worried.
2 years ago I started smoking weed which was my first contact with drugs. In those days I used to get this feeling like I haven't been living at all all this time! But that was a short trip because soon I started having terrifying panic attacks which then put me into hospital twice. The second time two of my friends took me to the hospital (and these aren't the friends who took me there the first time) they put me on the same bed as the last time! for the guy high on weed having strange thoughts, you can only guess how terrifying that was! So I thought maybe it's time for me to stop but the panic attacks didn't go away! The nightmare started invading my reality meaning when I was sober. Hopefully I'm recovered since then but I don't want to take any chances with opium. I want to approach in the healthiest way possible. I'll appreciate any hints or even warnings for that matter!
Thank you all! :D
if youre having trouble w/ the weed smoking opium may put you in a psych ward.

smarten up.
Cannabis and Opium are radically different drugs my friend. Cannabis is well-known for its ability to exacerbate malignant psychological issues in certain individuals, both mentally healthy and otherwise. The best of us can have panic/anxiety attacks on Cannabis when we get too high and such attacks are very intense and thus represent a traumatic experience for a lot of folks. What this means ultimately is that you might end up anticipating a similarly terrible experience every time you smoke and sometimes even when you're not. The intensity of the experience can stay with you.

Opium, Codeine and Morphine specifically are not really what you would call psychedelic substances in any sense of the word. Although they can transport you to seemingly different worlds where everything is sunshine and roses, you're always left essentially intact with reality. The only thing that will make you go crazy are the cravings and needing to go back to normal life when the high leaves you.

Also, I hope you trust your source for your Opium or are in or near a producing region, because if not, it's unlikely that you've received real product. The economics of smuggling don't really allow for sellers to decide upon smuggling a bulkier item for arbitrary reasons, like, for instance, the misconception by certain people that Opium is somehow a less hardcore drug than Morphine or Heroin.
Cannabis and Opium are radically different drugs my friend. Cannabis is well-known for its ability to exacerbate malignant psychological issues in certain individuals, both mentally healthy and otherwise. The best of us can have panic/anxiety attacks on Cannabis when we get too high and such attacks are very intense and thus represent a traumatic experience for a lot of folks. What this means ultimately is that you might end up anticipating a similarly terrible experience every time you smoke and sometimes even when you're not. The intensity of the experience can stay with you.

Opium, Codeine and Morphine specifically are not really what you would call psychedelic substances in any sense of the word. Although they can transport you to seemingly different worlds where everything is sunshine and roses, you're always left essentially intact with reality. The only thing that will make you go crazy are the cravings and needing to go back to normal life when the high leaves you.

Also, I hope you trust your source for your Opium or are in or near a producing region, because if not, it's unlikely that you've received real product. The economics of smuggling don't really allow for sellers to decide upon smuggling a bulkier item for arbitrary reasons, like, for instance, the misconception by certain people that Opium is somehow a less hardcore drug than Morphine or Heroin.

well finding the real deal in my region is not very hard! what's worrisome is the fact that some suppliers happen to add things like methadone and Tramadol to the paste making it dangerous for first timers like myself but that's not an issue, the product is legit. What's bothering me is that since quitting weed I'm a little hypersensitive. Even with my prescription drugs like xanax and sertraline there is always a lot of anxiety involved and xanax is anti-anxiety remember?!!
I haven't taken my sertraline for a week now preparing for opium leap since from what I've got from some people here, they don't really go too well together. Is one week enough for that matter?
Thanks you!
As Keif' Richards said above.. its highly unlikely you have actual real opium, well if you are in the US at least... if you don't know your opioids/opiates well, it very well could just be black tar heroin, which looks very similar! be careful, as it seems as though you have not much, if any experience with opioids of any kind, they can become extremely addicted, very fast because the feel so fucking amazing.. hope all goes well for you my friend, I have terrible panic attacks/ general anxiety disorder myself, and weed, when began smoking it would give me some of the most insane attacks EVER! it would get down right terrifying sometimes, but I began to like it, a lot more when I had some valium, Xanax or klonopin on hand... they made it perfect, no paranoia or anxiety.. now I love weed, opiates, stimulants of all kinds, benzos, pretty much everything that has any recreational value.. I am a poly drug addict, and have been for many years... that's why I am saying, tread lightly with opiates of all kinds.. they are the main reason I am a poly drug addict now!
As Keif' Richards said above.. its highly unlikely you have actual real opium, well if you are in the US at least... if you don't know your opioids/opiates well, it very well could just be black tar heroin, which looks very similar! be careful, as it seems as though you have not much, if any experience with opioids of any kind, they can become extremely addicted, very fast because the feel so fucking amazing.. hope all goes well for you my friend, I have terrible panic attacks/ general anxiety disorder myself, and weed, when began smoking it would give me some of the most insane attacks EVER! it would get down right terrifying sometimes, but I began to like it, a lot more when I had some valium, Xanax or klonopin on hand... they made it perfect, no paranoia or anxiety.. now I love weed, opiates, stimulants of all kinds, benzos, pretty much everything that has any recreational value.. I am a poly drug addict, and have been for many years... that's why I am saying, tread lightly with opiates of all kinds.. they are the main reason I am a poly drug addict now!

heh! The way I describe my panic experience is "my very own personal tour in hell!" and for the love of the divine, I have no clue how you convinced yourself to do it again even if there are benzos in the mix! There is really nothing fun about a drug that puts you on the "Death" frequency where everything in life seems like having the potential to kill you right now! "hey is that a cat? maybe I should google the number of people who get killed by cats! and I have a cat already!" it's a shame though! my experience on weed was just "mystical", "philosophical" and "creative".
I "tried" opium in Amsterdamn supposedly and it was a bit different than dope/opiate type stuff; or at least from what i felt/was told i was taking. I wish it felt like a opiate but it was more harsh on the mind itself than your typical opiate. which is why I said you'd end up in a nut house. after a bit I felt "jammed", what we call high on opiates in Boston, but for the first 10-15 I was OUT LIKE A LIGHT in space kinda. zombie apocalypse. ha. so for someone who had/has a hard time w/ weed, is taking a risk taking something which they dont know of, never tried, and never had any experience w/ the actual drug, even a percoset 5MG.

to the original poster - where are you from? you've never done a pain killer, right? STAY AWAY! esp. if u dont know how much you'd be able to smoke, how to smoke and what the outcome will be like.
The fact that you just said "I definitely get real Opium in my area" and then immediately bookended it with "sometimes they add Methadone and Tramadol to it" really calls into question the validity of your statement. I know anything is possible, but I'd say there's a .00000000017% chance that there is a fully synthetic Opioid somehow "mixed in" with your Opium. It just wouldn't make any sense.
I "tried" opium in Amsterdamn supposedly and it was a bit different than dope/opiate type stuff; or at least from what i felt/was told i was taking. I wish it felt like a opiate but it was more harsh on the mind itself than your typical opiate. which is why I said you'd end up in a nut house. after a bit I felt "jammed", what we call high on opiates in Boston, but for the first 10-15 I was OUT LIKE A LIGHT in space kinda. zombie apocalypse. ha. so for someone who had/has a hard time w/ weed, is taking a risk taking something which they dont know of, never tried, and never had any experience w/ the actual drug, even a percoset 5MG.

to the original poster - where are you from? you've never done a pain killer, right? STAY AWAY! esp. if u dont know how much you'd be able to smoke, how to smoke and what the outcome will be like.

I took codeine pills before but nothing else.

The product I have is certainly legit. I'm from Iran and the average opium consumption is 8 grams per day! Where I am it's easy to get your hand on this stuff.

Already tried it! Took caution and started with 4 or 5 very tiny inhales. didn't do anything! I'll try it again tomorrow!
Oh damn. I spoke too soon. I stand corrected! As many of use like to say here in the United States, you're in the Thunder-Dome in terms of Opioid availability. I spent a year in Iraqi Kurdistan. I can only assume we were tasting the same product in one way or another. I still highly doubt that your product is adulterated though. I don't know anything specifically about your guys' scene, but it's just kind of an old urban legend that's been around for years.

It's more of an economics thing really. Part of what makes Poppy such an attractive crop is that it can be grown for little money, on generally shitty land. If these poor agricultural types add the facet of acuqiring fully synthetic Opioids like Methadone or Tramadol (products of a developed society, for the most part) it will throw a real wrench in their business model.
If your Iran i believe you might have real opium, i was thinking you were in the US! where, anything said to be opium, never is! That is pretty much unheard of in the states, real pure opium! You may have some garbage product then OP! if you have taken no more than codeine pills, probably the weakest opiate ever, and felt nothing from 4-5 hits, either you didn't inhale correctly or hold it in long enough, or you had some bad shit, considering you said it is lots of times laced with other pharms like methadone or tramadol, that is probably bad shit, if so... i have lots of experience with opioids of all kinds, just not actual opium.. would like to try it one day if given the chance and if I was certain it was legit.. But I would never trust anyone trying to pass off anything it the US as opium! it would most likely be Black Tar Heroin, which i would know off the bat, if it was, because I have done it many times, smoked and IV. I think the one of the only places in the world you can truly get legit opium, and very good quality, pure shit at that, is SE Asia... from what I have heard and read.
^Right, there aren't many places in this world where Opium is still a major drug of abuse. I've lived in a couple of hot spots, namely Northern Iraq and Cambodia/Laos and even in these places, Opium is kind of a rarity. They would just rather break the product down into its purer form before trying to move it anywhere. I think it's so cool that we have an Iranian here on Bluelight. I hope you're not a troll Ksoft. If you are, you will really be letting old Keif' down.
after reading your account KSoft, which i genuinely think is legit - the best advice i can give you taking into account my ignorance of the medical services in your respective country (which afaik is Iran), is to avoid other intoxicating substances; particularly downers. that, and to have a 'sitter' with you to make sure you don't take too much and stop breathing. and whilst i've never taken raw opium itself, i believe it is unwise, infact detrimental, to expose it to an open flame.
please let us know how your experience goes! i'm rather interested
stay safe mate
Couldn't really wait till tomorrow so I hit it again!
The damn anxiety is not leaving me alone. In the first few minutes my head was just filled with images of overdose but the feeling could be controlled. It's interesting since I couldn't control any of my thoughts while on weed easily translating into full blown panic.
Generally I feel NICE! feeling like lying down for a little bit. There is this warming sensation in my stomach and my foot muscles. Who knew breathing could be so joyful!
I hope the trip stays nice!
Opium is a big deal in Iran! It possess the same state as cocaine in US almost everyone except for the younger people use them. It's supper cheap and available. We are neighbor with Afghanistan remember? Most of our shit comes from there! There are dozens of suppliers in our area one of them is our neighbor. Although I resisted the urge of going to him directly! that would've been stupid!
I just went into a supper market and asked for a guy I knew from before (he used to run the shop before), the shopkeeper just looked at me and said how much!!
I think I have the preliminary limit on my tolerance so I'm diving in again tomorrow! thank you all!