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First time mdma use comedown insomnia


Apr 1, 2016
Hi guys,

First time poster here, and first time mdma user.

I only drink alcohol on special occasions (less than once a month) and do no other drugs. I've done tiny ammounts of coke in the past year, but no interesting stories there. No weed, no nothing.

Five days ago I went to a party. I drank quite a bit. Then went to the toilet for a slash and met some guys there who were doing coke (at least I think it was). They shared it with my foolish self, but I did a very small ammount. Don't remember exactly, but it wasn't much at all. Then a bit later I took half a pill of mdma from a close friend (first time ever), who said it was high quality stuff (he knows his drugs). Other people who took the pill are fine.

Then I proceeded to go to an afterparty where I drank more and there is a chance I did something else, but it's slim- I don't remember doing anything and nor do the few people I knew there.

The first day after it was rough, but I slept through it. Later that night I had trouble falling asleep, but assumed it was because I slept the whole day.

The second night I fell asleep at midnight and woke up at 3am and could only go back to sleep after 2 hours of trying and a pill of bromazepam.

The third night I couldn't fall asleep naturally, so I took bromazepam and it didn't seem to help. Then took a shot of cough syrup which makes me sleepy and after quite a while I was asleep.

Tonight I didn't take anything to help me sleep and sure enough I didn't fall asleep at all.

During those times when I fell asleep, I slept till 1 or 2 am. It wasn't good quality sleep, but it's something. I've always found it wuite difficult to fall asleep, but not anywhere close to this.

I don't know if I feel anxious though. I do now because of all the horror stories I've read during this sleepless night, but generally I couldn't say that there is a noticable change in mood and so on.

I've ordered some HTP-5, will have it delivered this evening.

I am starting to get greatly paranoid and panic that I've stupidly harmed myself. I would be fine if not for the insomnia. Maybe someone has any ideas what to do, and what to expect and prepare for?

Oh, and PS- even though falling asleep before this trip was relatively difficult-ish, it very rarely took more than 15mins and I slept very deeply and long (though my sleep patterns were all over the place by choice).

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To be honest I think it's just a Hangover/Afterglow, You should be fine after a few more days, Since it's your first time your body probably wasn't used to it. Try not to worry because that would keep you up instead not the hangover haha,
I'd say if you are really worried go see a doctor to put your mind at ease
Some people have a hard time sleeping for a couple days, there are some residual metabolites that can stick around a while, don't worry about it too much, it should get a lot better in a couple days.
Thanks for the replies! Update on my situation: the night after posting I took a benzo and some cough syrup after failing to fall asleep naturally after being awake for over 60 hrs and slept rather well(not as well as before the incident though). The night after (night leading to today) I managed to only get probably 3 hours spaced out through the night with the same combo of meds.

Now I tend to get panic attacks when in bed, because of my inability to fall asleep, which makes it worse. But even when I'm calm, I still have great trouble sleeping.

It's been a week from the day of the party and my hypochondria is working overtime.

Will I get better?
Hey Liquid45,

Just checking in to see how you're feeling? I noticed that nobody replied to you after the last post so I wanted to pop in and give you some reassurance.

If you haven't already recovered (which maybe you have) then try not to worry too much. The sleeping problems will not persist. In time, you'll find it easier and easier to get good rest. Remember to be active during the day and gets lots of exercise. This will wear you out for the evening. Try not to eat too soon before you go to bed. If you can, swap out your cellphone for a decent book. It will calm the mind and thus pacify some of the anxiety.

This advice is fairly standard and I'm sure you've already been making changes on your own. Again, if you're feeling fine now then this is all redundant but I just wanted to stop by and add my two cents. I hope you're feeling better!

Post back and keep us updated.

Hey Harry , thanks for checking up! I'm feeling waay better now! All the other symptoms, like indigestion and so on, are going away steadily.

As for sleep: I kept taking benzos (clonazepam) in a responsible way before sleep until I felt comfortable that I WILL fall asleep and get rested. This stage took just under 2 weeks. Now the last 2 nights I cut the benzos and am going to sleep naturally. Sleep is back to being bad, but I'm calm that I'll eventually fall asleep and sure enough I do! If it improved on the benzos, it'll improve without them I'm certain.

Now I'm fighting off the end of term at uni and the stress probably doesn't help my recovery, but the progress is definately there and my head is back up high! I'm sure I'll be my old self by summer! Also I lost quite a bit of weight due to this comedown, which is good in a way haha.
That's great man! Glad you're coming along. I'm with you on the finals stress, that stuff keeps all of us awake ;p But like you said, once you're finished with school a lot of that fatigue will vanish. Good stuff on the weight, it's nice how there can be little benefits to these shitty experiences eh?

Take care and best of luck with everything!