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First Time MDMA (molly) user


Dec 15, 2013
Hey guys! I have a couple questions for you all. I'm trying MDMA (molly) for the first time ever this next weekend and im super SUPER nervous about it, my friends have done it before so they know exactly how much to give me. I weigh about 140 and im average height, theyre thinking .2g would be fine. I'm actually a bit scared only because I'm prone to having really bad highs, i ALWAYS have them. the only drug I've ever done is weed though and its fun..sometimes...but when i get super stoned it comes along with extreme anxiety and panic, so I'm afraid that It'll be the same with molly. Even though I've herd so many different and wonderful things about it. ALSO I'm super anxious about when it hits me, I have depression and anxiety and im scared i'll freak out ESPECIALLY since I will be at a rave. But my questions for you guys are...

- What is it like when it first hits you? are you able to function or are you super out of it?
- Do you feel sickk when it hits you?dizzy? nauseous? vomiting?
- What exactly does it feel like
- Since i have anxiety and depression will it make it worse? will it help it?
- am i going to feel like I'm dying?
- How do i stop myself from freaking out?
- Is it worth doing?
- Can you guys tell me something to ease my mind about it and calm me down? :) :) (i worry alot, it sucks but thats anxiety for ya)

I'm like literally so nervous but i really want to try it because it sounds so amazing and quite frankly, i need amazing at this point in my life. i love EDM sober, i want to experience it a whole other fantastic level... i just don't want to fuck myself up.

Surprisingly I'm not worried about the day after, the molly hangover, but i feel like that'll be the worst part :l

Please help me and thanks so much!<3<3<3<3<3
First, make sure what you're taking is MDMA. The ONLY way to know is with a test kit. "My friend said it was good" is not good enough. Second, 200mg at 140lb will completely destroy you if it's your first time. You may get overwhelmed. I'm 5' 11" 165lb and wouldn't go near 200mg. I'd say 120-150mg would be optimal.

Anxiety from weed is something that happens because its weed. If you take the appropriate dosage it would be very difficult to have a negative experience on MDMA. You may feel nauseous and/or vomit during the come-up, but it's quite normal and it also depends on the person so I wouldn't worry about it. You may also feel terrible stomach pains, but they tend to subside within 5 minutes. I haven't experienced the nausea or the stomach pains, but my friends have and it seems more common among females now that I think about it.

The moment the MDMA starts peaking you will know. It's hits you rather suddenly from my experience. The come-up involves jelly legs, improved mood, boost in confidence, but the peak takes everything to a whole different level with the addition of endless euphoria. Everything is beautiful, you'll love everyone, and you can't even imagine how it was possible to think negatively about anything in your life.

It's very easy to function on MDMA. I feel significantly more clear headed in terms of emotions on MDMA compared to when I'm sober. Obviously math would be difficult, but speaking to people will come so natural. You can have the deepest conversations with people and establish emotional bonds. Be wary of "M love" though as I'd like to call it. You may develop feelings that you normally wouldn't towards certain people.

Dealing with anxiety is something I believe you have to learn. I suppose just know that the worrisome thoughts are produced by the state of being anxious and not the other way around. For anxiety related to MDMA you will not die, your friends have done MDMA, your friends can take care of you if need be, MDMA is quite easy on your body, and it's very difficult to have a negative experience on MDMA.

It can help with anxiety/depression, but it's not something that just happens while you're on it. You can have a spiritual experience if you'd like to and in that it may or may not help you. It helped me a lot with my anxiety as it gave me a different perspective on things. It also changed what I wanted to study as well.

For the negatives of MDMA there are a few. This is so you can make an informed decision. MDMA is neurotoxic and will cause the death of some serotonin neurons in your brain. This can be minimized with antioxidants. The next day, or the day after you may suffer from acute depression/anxiety due to low levels of serotonin in your brain. This may last a few days to a couple weeks, but 5-HTP can help alleviate symptoms.

Here's some harm reduction practices you should do prior to and during your MDMA experience.
- Test the MDMA, this is the MOST important thing you can do.
- Take appropriate dosages. It's usually 1.5-2mg/kg, but 120-150mg is a dosage that most people would agree on.
- Drink about 250-500ml of water per hour spread out relatively evenly on MDMA. You need to keep hydrated, but don't drink too much water or you may suffer from water intoxication. Don't chug a bottle of water either because you forgot to drink some in the past hour.
- Be aware of your body temperature. If you feel really hot make sure you cool off.
- Don't do any other drugs
- This is highly recommended but not absolutely necessary, take antioxidants. There's a supplements MEGA thread that tells you what's recommended to reduce as much neurotoxicity as possible
- Finally, do not abuse MDMA. It's relatively benign when you take precautions, but abuse will lead to the worst months/years of your life due to neurotoxicity and depleted serotonin. A 1-3 month break is extremely important, but since you suffer from anxiety/depression I'd say at least 3. I suffer from both as well and a 3 month break is pushing it for me. Respect MDMA and you'll be fine.
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Zalo said everything but i'll add a few;
First time you vomit, that's fine but don't try to think about it.
Start with 120-150mg it'll be enough, don't dose much you can't undo it, but if u start taking less u can increase the dose anytime (keep in mind)
Don't redose in your first experience.
Enjoy :)
If I'm honest, I would agree with your friends in that 200mg is about right (assuming it is actually MDMA. Maybe go slightly less at 180mg). Even for my first time 120mg was very mild and it didn't give me the full experience of MDMA. It's all about drowning in euphoria! :D

On a serious note, I would say 150mg is a ideal starting dose for everyone. It gets you into the full experience without being overwhelming :)
Zalo filled you in on all the basics perfectly, so make sure to take his advice seriously. 200mg for your first time is A LOT, way too much, it will probably be extremely overwhelming and uncomfortable, not to mention that women are more sensitive to MDMA than men. If this is good, clean MDMA you shouldn't need more than 120mg at the most. I personally also recommend first timers take half their dose at first to check for any kind of idiosyncratic or allergic respose. This means that if you plan on taking 120mg take 60mg, wait 40-50 mins, and if you feel fine take the other 60.

A note on intensity and effects - you mentioned you've never taken anything other than weed so be prepared for a bit of a shock at first. MDMA is strong and tends to come on strongly(will be less pronounced if you split your doses like i suggested for your first time). While coming up you might feel dizzy, nauseous, a little anxious and a little uncomfortable but these feelings pass fairly quickly so don't worry about them. It's not uncommon for people to vomit at the onset so don't be alarmed if it happens to you.

Your anxiety and depression -might- become worse during the hangover period(but more likely they will improve and you'll have a lovely afterglow). This is because your levels of serotonin will be low after taking MDMA and it's gonna take them about a week to go back to normal so keep that in mind and remember it will pass very quickly.

Lastly, MDMA and weed are very different in their effects so don't worry if you don't enjoy weed that much. MDMA is euphoric, antidepressing, anxiety relieving, stimulating and clear headed - you're gonna have an amazing time.
This means that if you plan on taking 120mg take 60mg, wait 40-50 mins, and if you feel fine take the other 60.
I'm sorry I'm going to step in here. Don't follow this advice! With MDMA, your first dose will dictate the experience, so taking 60mg & then another 60mg will not only ruin your roll, but you will also mute many of the effects.

If you NEED to do an allergy test with MDMA (although personally, I don't feel its warranted), then dose 1mg with an accurate set of scales earlier in the day.

I know it's good to be cautious, but some of the advice being given out here is ridiculous. It's only MDMA at the end of the day, just enjoy it :)
I'm sorry I'm going to step in here. Don't follow this advice! With MDMA, your first dose will dictate the experience, so taking 60mg & then another 60mg will not only ruin your roll, but you will also mute many of the effects.

If you NEED to do an allergy test with MDMA (although personally, I don't feel its warranted), then dose 1mg with an accurate set of scales earlier in the day.

I know it's good to be cautious, but some of the advice being given out here is ridiculous. It's only MDMA at the end of the day, just enjoy it :)

This was just my personal advice, no need to discredit it or say it's irrational.

60+another 60 in less than an hour will definitely make a first timer roll his tits off. True, the peak will be a bit weaker, but the added safety margin is worth it and she'll have plenty of opportunities to go balls to the wall(with a higher dose too) in subsequent rolls. Different people have different levels of sensitivity to MDMA, and adverse reactions are a realistic option.

It's very common for new timers to split a pill and make sure they feel alright before plunging head on, never heard of anyone who didn't roll hard his first time doing this. If anything is ridiculous it's claiming an allergy/reaction test is unwarranted with a substance that overwhelms metabolic pathways at recommended doses and changes a whole lot of chemical processes in your body within a very short time span.

Yeah, the chances are very very very slim, but trading a little intensity for absolute safety doesn't seem that ridiculous to me. If you don't want to give up one inch of intensity you can also wait 20 mins before dropping the other half. It's not optimal, but it's better than nothing and shouldn't weaken your roll in any way.
Your advice is not "incorrect" (and I'm glad you are trying to help people be safe!), but rather over-cautious and not needed. I wholeheartedly agree that a first timer should take a sensible dose, but if that dose is sensible, there is no need to split it. Yes people split pills, but we are talking 200mg dutch pills. I would never split a pill lower than that (truth be told, I don't split 200mg pills, but that's my choice).

I think some people aren't quite clear on how MDMA works in regards to how important your initial dosage is. MDMA has a threshold line, that when crossed, will dictate the intensity of your experience, and anything after that won't add to the intensity. Your advice to go with 60 + 60 is just..well....wrong (I'm sorry to say it). Not only are you factoring a re-dose into the equation (a re-dose that isn't even needed!), but you are setting the intensity of the roll at 60mg.

I have introduced countless people into MDMA, all of which are still alive and have healthy brains. The best way to do it is to dose anywhere between 130-150mg, and then if needed, a 50-100mg re-dose 1hr/1.5hr later. That way they get the full experience. Sure they may feel a bit overwhelmed on the come-up, but they will just have to deal with it. MDMA come-ups are sudden, sharp and often intense. You are not in any danger, but if people can't deal with it, then they shouldn't take MDMA.

That said, I think the dangers of MDMA are overblown in ED. Yes HR is important, but at the end of the day, just enjoy the bloody experience without thinking about it too much!
This was just my personal advice, no need to discredit it or say it's irrational.

60+another 60 in less than an hour will definitely make a first timer roll his tits off. True, the peak will be a bit weaker, but the added safety margin is worth it and she'll have plenty of opportunities to go balls to the wall(with a higher dose too) in subsequent rolls. Different people have different levels of sensitivity to MDMA, and adverse reactions are a realistic option.

It's very common for new timers to split a pill and make sure they feel alright before plunging head on, never heard of anyone who didn't roll hard his first time doing this. If anything is ridiculous it's claiming an allergy/reaction test is unwarranted with a substance that overwhelms metabolic pathways at recommended doses and changes a whole lot of chemical processes in your body within a very short time span.

Yeah, the chances are very very very slim, but trading a little intensity for absolute safety doesn't seem that ridiculous to me. If you don't want to give up one inch of intensity you can also wait 20 mins before dropping the other half. It's not optimal, but it's better than nothing and shouldn't weaken your roll in any way.

I agree with you, 60+60 can easily work for a first timer. My first time was on a titrated dose and it was awesome. However, the whole allergy test thing is kind of unwarranted. It's not like MDMA allergies are regularly reported, the incidence is probably similar to being allergic to anything (be it a certain type of food, fabric etc). So it's kind of like saying you should take a tiny bit of novel food before eating a full plate of it, just to test if you're allergic. It's over the top. The only time i'd suggest that an allergy test is necessary is for drugs or food (like peanuts), which many people are allergic too.
Can I just make clear, I'm not trying to bad-mouth the guy, and I think he is doing the right think by helping someone to be safe. I just feel (and know) that 120mg at once isn't a high dose to begin with (my first ever MDMA dose was half of a 200mg pill) and it didn't take my face off. I just feel if you are going to take it, just take 120mg at once. It won't kill her, she won't melt her brain AND she will have a good time.

I found that a 150mg starting dose is the way to go.
Your advice is not "incorrect" (and I'm glad you are trying to help people be safe!), but rather over-cautious and not needed. I wholeheartedly agree that a first timer should take a sensible dose, but if that dose is sensible, there is no need to split it. Yes people split pills, but we are talking 200mg dutch pills. I would never split a pill lower than that (truth be told, I don't split 200mg pills, but that's my choice).

I think some people aren't quite clear on how MDMA works in regards to how important your initial dosage is. MDMA has a threshold line, that when crossed, will dictate the intensity of your experience, and anything after that won't add to the intensity. Your advice to go with 60 + 60 is just..well....wrong (I'm sorry to say it). Not only are you factoring a re-dose into the equation (a re-dose that isn't even needed!), but you are setting the intensity of the roll at 60mg.

I have introduced countless people into MDMA, all of which are still alive and have healthy brains. The best way to do it is to dose anywhere between 130-150mg, and then if needed, a 50-100mg re-dose 1hr/1.5hr later. That way they get the full experience. Sure they may feel a bit overwhelmed on the come-up, but they will just have to deal with it. MDMA come-ups are sudden, sharp and often intense. You are not in any danger, but if people can't deal with it, then they shouldn't take MDMA.

That said, I think the dangers of MDMA are overblown in ED. Yes HR is important, but at the end of the day, just enjoy the bloody experience without thinking about it too much!

Respectfully, I think you're the one who doesn't understand how MDMA works. The intensity of the effects is fixated only after it reaches peak concentration in the brain, and that typically takes anywhere between an hour and a half to two hours. People split regular dosed pills as well, especially their first time, never heard anyone complain as long as the other half was taken within a reasonable margin and the pill was dosed properly. Naturally the larger the margin between the doses, the weaker the combined effect will be - but taking a barely threshold dose followed by another one less than 30 mins later will make no difference to the end result and you can check it out yourself if you want.

The only difference is that you will come up slower - and indeed this is not uncommon in people who prefer a more gentle come up.

If you wanna talk in anecdotes though(and i don't understand why you brought up healthy brains, i didn't mention that), the first time my girlfriend rolled she dosed 60 and then another 60 after 40 mins and peaked much harder than me even though I took 140mg(i don't have any kind of tolerance) at once. The second time we rolled she also took 120mg but this time in one go and the only difference was she came up harder.

Seriously though, does it even sound reasonable to you that someone who takes two 60mg doses close to each other will have a 60mg roll?
I'm going to wait for Folley to come in on this one. As you have now specified the dosage timings then I would say that 60mg 20 mins apart would make little difference. However, my point still stands. Your initial dose DOES determine the intensity of your experience to a great degree. Argue with me all you want, but I'm sure a few on here will back me up, It is the initial serotonin release that you want to get right, and taking a barely threshold dose (twice) seems like a unnecessary way to do this, not to mention that you are technically re-dosing which is added stress on the brain.

EDIT: I'm just engaging in some entertaining debate, so don't take this as me trying to be a dick. Christmas spirit and all that! PLUR <3
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Its true about peak concentration (although I disagree about the timings, more like an hour to an hour and a half for peak concentration) but as has already been said, there really is no point in taking a lower dose to start off with. Take all of your dose at once.
If what your friends have is truly MDMA I kind of doubt they would suggest 200mg. Most casual users dont enjoy dosing that high. This leads me to suspect it is probably a substituted cathinone. Thats not necessarily a terrible thing. Cathinones can be fun too. One surefire way to tell is the duration. Cathinones come on in about 20 minutes and the peak will only last a couple hours. Much of what is called "molly" actually turns out to be some type of cathinone. This is all speculation but its based on experience. Aside from this info your first reply is dead on accurate.

Enjoy your experience.
just because your friends are telling you its MDMA and they get fucked up off it.....doesn't mean it is....i wouldn't trust your average 19 year old stoner to know that what they have is in fact mdma and not methylone, meph, or some other random amphetamine. I wouldn't trust them to administer drugs to someone who is very inexperienced and nerviouse like yourself....sure 99% of the time things will turn out fine, but sometimes they don't and I am getting the sense that your group might just have a habit of trusting that any random powder the next stoner sold them is what they say it is. In other words....if you aren't testing it yourself (with a testing kit or analytical methods), I would expect more often than not these days....that what you have is NOT MDMA.

I'm always shocked at the number of kids today that think that methylone is MDMA, they have no idea that what they have been taking dozens of time is not MDMA, its methylone.

I hate sounding like a dad or something....but its just sad that all these newly minted 19 year old raver kids have no idea what real mdma is and believe that the high is some shitty tweaked out shortlasting amphetamine like rush.
Thank you so much your reply helps a lot :) <3 <3 <3 and I meant to say they're planning on giving me 20mg which I believe is .2grams. I don't know, they know a lot more of it then I do. I'll let you all know how to goes!!
If they're talking about giving you 20mg then it is NOT MDMA. Definitely test it before taking it. .2grams is 200mg, not 20. .02 would be 20mg. 1 gram is 1000mg so you have three places to account for after the decimal point. .2 is actually .200 and .02 is actually .020.

Definitely find out exactly what it is. 20mg is the dose for a number of psychedelic chemicals but none of them are even remotely close to MDMA.
Isn't 30mg a Treshold dose?


I dosed myself 30mg for my first time and I could definately feel the MDMA :)

Yeah, threshold. I highly doubt that your average person is going to bother with a threshold dose though.

I don't think I ever even took a threshold dose as a redose dose. Maybe when I was with my friends acting like Pac-man all weekend back in the day but not when I had the pure stuff.
So I rolled last night and I can say it was pretty cool! A little weird because I didn't feel extremely happy. In the beginning when I was feeling it, everything felt lovely. But I did not have energy at all, I actually spent most of my night holding on to my friend and standing there, I felt like I couldn't move. I mean I was enjoying it in my head, no anxiety tho! I was very happy about that. It was just weird because my mind was completely blank and the music didn't interest me, I didn't really feel like dancing. It could probably have been that I had cramps too and it made my legs hurt pretty bad. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't really feel how everyone said I would feel. Maybe I was rolling a bit too hard in the beginning and since it was my first time. At one point I thought I was coming down but then I got a little happier and more energetic towards the end. The pressure from my jaw was really intense and I guess it threw me off a little lol but It was pretty cool feeling that good lol I would probably do it again but maybe not at a rave .-. Yet. Lol