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First Real Experience with Ketamine


Jul 8, 2016
First off - I didn't really used to consider myself a user of drugs.
From like 18 to 28 I had only ever used Poppers and Alcohol.
Sure if anyone had some plantfood or whatever it was - I wouldn't know where to buy it, and I only ever did it to 'fit in' and of course there was the off chance that I might have liked it.
If im honest, most of the drugs I tried during this period, had little or no effect on me.
When I was 23-24 - someone did share a bump of ketamine with me, I took it, noticed the 'drop' at the back of my throat, tasted awful, and think my hands went tingly - that was about it.
Years later, I am now 29, and I had my first real experience with Ketamine - and wow, it was way different to that one bump I had.

The main drive for me to try Ketamine again, came after a holiday I had recently to Mallorca.
I got invited to an intimate party at a bar - yeah, basically an orgy.
One guy had lines of coke lined up for us, and it was my first time trying coke, I figured I would rather try it, than not try it.
At least if I try and it and not like it, I can say I tried it.
That was my reasoning.
All it did, was make me hot, sweaty and I didn't really feel any different.

A few days later however, I found that I was constantly thinking about coke, it was like I just wanted to snort something.
Didn't need to be coke, just wanted something to snort.
I heard the day after the 'party' that the guy who supplied the coke has 'shit' coke, that it is cut with novacane - an anesthetic. Not sure if that contributed to the craving I was having...
Didn't feel like a physical or chemical addiction, it was more like a mental craving.
It was like I wanted to just take another snort of something potentially risky - realize that sounds messed up, but I guess its the only way I can describe it.

So I had heard from a taxi driver of all people, that he has a friend that just orders drugs off the web, they just come in the post etc.
I didn't believe it and for the longest time, I held off on trying it myself.
However, after the coke experience, I decided I wanted to acquire my own Ketamine, and not just share a bump off someone else.

I wont go into details of how I got hold of it, but I ordered 0.5 g of a guy, and sure enough, the next day, it arrived in the post.
I wanted to test it out, so I just lay in my bed, and used a knife to get a small amount of it, and snorted it. No lines.

The taste at the back of the throat was familiar, so I was reasonably sure it was ketamine.
Sure enough, my head started feeling something it didn't get the previous time - a little woozy, touching myself seemed a little more pleasurable.
So...whether it was ketamine or not - it was doing something I liked..

Last night, I got home from the bar, and was in the mood for a Ketamine blow out.
I had been holding off on using the bulk of the 0.5 g. Last night I kinda went wild and its the morning after I am starting to wonder if I am slowly becoming an addict.

I started last night with a rather strong bump of k.
I had the k in a small resealable bag, I opened it, and put some on my penknife, snorted.
I repeated this 2 times.

I had a sex toy, that I was also playing with at the same time. (Yeah, im gay)
Within 10 minutes, I noticed that when I stood up, I felt a little light headed, but in a good way.
I proceeded to take another bump of k.

Time then started to become insubstantial.
I started hallucinating the weirdest stuff.
My bedroom, as messy as it was, started changing to look like lego blocks.
At one point, it was like the introduction sequence for Game of Thrones was manifesting in my bedroom.
I remembering flinging my body back from my bed at great speed, then thinking that I was going to slam into the wall behind me - surprisingly, I stopped moving instantly, no collision. It was like being disoriented in my body and perception, however my body was still obeying my commands at a reasonable speed.

The toy I was playing with, is quite big, but I remember under the influence of k, looking at it, and thinking to myself - that thing is tiny.
It was such a weird experience.
It lasted for maybe an hour or so.
I think I started around 22:00, and it must have been around 23:00 or after when I got into bed.
Main reason for stopping, or attempting to stop - was because I heard my mum coming up the stairs to go to bed.
I have no idea if I was making any strange noises - as from my perception - the whole experience was silent without sound.
I remember climbing into bed, lying in the most uncomfortable position, with my head /neck twisted at a strange angle against the headboard.
I lay in bed, just staring at the room as my perception started to return to normal.

Its now the next day, I'm in work, thinking about my weird trip I had last night.
Still craving more.

Is this experience typical with K?
Yeah sounds like the exact experience I go for with k, though without the sex toys ;) But yeah the best part about it is how weird the world gets live taken so many strange journeys in my bed only to come back and be like "oh yeah this is human reality and im still in my bed"

I typically get 2 of those a week in a sense, like i said i love the shit and basically use it to have strange experiences on nights where i have nothing else to do. I have a tolerance so it takes about half a gram to get to a comfortable weirdness and probably like 750mg to get to forgetting reality in a sense. And I make sure I get 2 nights worth because sometimes i fail to get where i want or like last night i got obsessed with whether or not a kid that paid me back what he owed me right before i got home actually paid me correctly so i spent the majority of the peak of the experience counting to 3 or 4 forgetting what i was doing stopping starting again. So tonight I'm just going to listen to music and stare at the wall or something like i prefer to do :) My favorite thing to do when I had no tolerance was K-hole with music in a dark room. I got through all of Shpongles discography before I got too high of a tolerance to afford to hole like that... its like watching a movie with a landscape painted by the music your listing to and you completely forget any other reality exists.

K can be psychologically addictive as its entertaining and has good escapism properties it also gets expensive with tolerance. Your experience sounds completely normal.