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First illicit drug experience -?


Jul 8, 2021
Which drug, what route, how did you come by it and how was it (good/bad/indifferent)?

For me, the first illegal substance I had was IV heroin. I already knew I had an affinity for opiates so had been keen to try it for awhile. A junkie friend of mine 'initiated' me; I had him show me how to do it.

I was expecting to get very sick more than anything else, as I'd been warned that 'nearly everyone throws up the first couple times'. In my case there was a passing slight nausea but that was wiped out in seconds and I felt... like oohhh yeah, this is what I've been looking for. I decided right there and then I had to have more of the stuff. The rest is a somewhat up and down history xd
LSD...pink microdot ...1972
From one of friends at the time
How was it?Absolutely out of this fkn world...everything thats descibed about lsd ...it was happening ...extremly visual ..auditory ..out of body experiences ...time dilation ..trails ...brilliant colours ...walls melting ...need i say more.
A week's worth of IV morphine in the hospital when I was 11. I didn't even know what drugs really were at that point, all I knew is I loved pushing that 'pain' button. An angel would come in and give me morphine, I could feel it burning/tingling as it went up my arm and bliss when it reached my shoulder.

Set me up for a life of addiction... but I also thank this experience for teaching me to stay away from IV use. Was on heroin from age 14-23, but consciously never used IV because I sort of already knew what to expect.
Crap weed then went deep into the legal high scene here in the UK (which obv are banned now - fuck you NPS).
1 acid blotter at age 17, alone in my parents' house. It was a strong blotter, causing time to seemingly move in spirals. It was a day of total hilarity and fascination.
I would have said LSD like a lot of others except it was still legal when I first tried it. So I guess weed. Sure seems a lot less adventurous,, doesn't it?

It was absolutely mind blowing and I really never looked at the world the same way afterwards.
Snafu, I was asking for the first experience of 'illicit' drugs, not legal ones given in a hospital setting.
Oh... my bad. I think the boundary between illicit and medicinal sort of dissolved for me, subconsciously or consciously, over the years.

other than weed at 12, cocaine and heroin at 14
At 16 A few tokes on a cone filled with average weed. pretty much sedated me, couldn't work out what all the fuss was about...
I was with a couple of friends and we smoked some low grade weed, we actually used a small snail shell as a pipe.
It was a pretty fun experience, at first I didn’t feel much but then went back to my best friend’s place and we both started laughing uncontrollably (I also ate a bunch of junk food afterwards). I liked it a lot so it wasn’t long before I started smoking regularly.