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⭐️ Social ⭐️ First Drug Ever Tried?

a real downer, some people loved them, my parents were into them before iwas born, a biker and a hippie chick, and they were dished out long long ago,pretty crazy drug, alot of deaths when drinking n driving on them, duh yah. i tried the last of the lemon7`14s, they just stopped being manufactured, but im no expert , will be after another month in BL. but yah true downer
Wolf Of Wall Street Reaction GIF by Jordan Belfort
Just read up about them will try them when i next go India said they made there first in the 50s and in south africa they called mandrix or something like that India chemists give you anything as long as you got the money and pills real cheap there
What are qualudes i hear joey diaz talk about them but what drug group they come under what the buzz upper downer or something else
sedative–hypnotic activity of methaqualone was first noted in 1955. Its use peaked in the early 1970s for the treatment of insomnia, and as a sedative and muscle relaxant. became increasingly popular as a recreational drug and club drug in the late 1960s and 1970s, known variously as "ludes" or "disco biscuits" a sedative that increases the activity of the GABA receptors in the brain and nervous system, similarly to benzodiazepines and barbiturates. When GABA activity is increased, blood pressure drops and breathing and pulse rates slow, leading to a state of deep relaxation.
The standard single tablet adult dose of Quaalude brand of methaqualone was 300 mg when made by Lemmon. A dose of 8000 mg is lethal and a dose as little as 200 mg could induce a coma if taken with alcoholic beverage.
In the United States it was withdrawn from the market in 1983 and made a Schedule I drug in 1984

Damn I am old!! I graduated collage in 1983/84 ( super senior its called Now, then I was just LATE:)
We had a huge Lemon party to grieve over the end of Ludes. They are a useful drug, but Deadly with alcohol, and Hurt a great deal of people!! I feel it is a similar Love/Hate as today with Fent. But walking in the mountains of CO. on them was amazing!!
sedative–hypnotic activity of methaqualone was first noted in 1955. Its use peaked in the early 1970s for the treatment of insomnia, and as a sedative and muscle relaxant. became increasingly popular as a recreational drug and club drug in the late 1960s and 1970s, known variously as "ludes" or "disco biscuits" a sedative that increases the activity of the GABA receptors in the brain and nervous system, similarly to benzodiazepines and barbiturates. When GABA activity is increased, blood pressure drops and breathing and pulse rates slow, leading to a state of deep relaxation.
The standard single tablet adult dose of Quaalude brand of methaqualone was 300 mg when made by Lemmon. A dose of 8000 mg is lethal and a dose as little as 200 mg could induce a coma if taken with alcoholic beverage.
In the United States it was withdrawn from the market in 1983 and made a Schedule I drug in 1984

Damn I am old!! I graduated collage in 1983/84 ( super senior its called Now, then I was just LATE:)
We had a huge Lemon party to grieve over the end of Ludes. They are a useful drug, but Deadly with alcohol, and Hurt a great deal of people!! I feel it is a similar Love/Hate as today with Fent. But walking in the mountains of CO. on them was amazing!!
I love muscle relaxants when i stayed in Punjab for 6 months i could walk into any chemist get what i want real cheap india king of generic drugs i used to buy this red muscle relaxant indian name for it provo spas something like that loved it total relaxed feeling and this lovely tickly kind of feeling in jaw wish i knew its proper name.

I love pregabalin that has something to do with gaba so these sound like i would love them . The funny thing is when I think of qualudes I think studio 54 its that era the 70s you always see them mentioned. I think i watched a episode of starskey and hutch they mentioned it in there also what's a super senior im old aswell when i went to high school you had freshman sophomore junior and senior . I remember watching the shining and just opened mouthed at the beginning when they driving to the hotel fucking breathtaking i always tell my wife if we ever move from northern California colorado the place
" also what's a super senior im old aswell when i went to high school you had freshman sophomore junior and senior ."
Its when you do not graduate collage in 4 years, ( As your parents want you to!!)
I believe qualudes are a type of barbituate.
Nope, they're technically not a barbiturate. Very similar in effects though, and same sort of precautions apply.

OT: if people would count 60mg codeine then probably that for me. Would be allowed to freely take my dad's for headaches from a very young age. Didn't really get high from them but remember feeling "better" quite soon after taking them

Then it's probably be beer, then cigs, then the first illegal drug I tried was "tack" - cheap brown hashish that mainly consisted of plant matter and had bits of plastic bag and rubber melted into it. Smoked through a hash can (coke can with holes poked in as a makeshift screen). Classy!
Alcohol first, smoked weed but didn't get high for quite some time, LSD at 17 and then got proper stoned for the first time the next year.

Tried multiple LSD blotters and shrooms over the next couple of years which never worked, got tired of getting duds and bought some MDMA at a rave on an impulse, god damn I had no idea what I was in for, was an absolute blast!
1. Nicotine (disposable vape lmfao but later quit vaping and moved on to cigs)
2. Weed (Bong rip was my first time... huge mistake lol greened out so badly)
3. Alcohol
4. Percocet
5. Xanax
-Sugar (like actual sugar.)
Got shakes once cause I cleaned up my diet scary stuff. Refined sugar is in evrything
-ICE (speed pills)
Codeine when I broke my leg at 9 years old, remember loving the warm fuzzy feeling when my mom would give me the Tylenol 3's. She would hide them in this cabinet and I would stand on a chair to get extras. My addiction started revealing itself pretty early on in my life.