Finally kicking Norco habit

Glad to hear physically you are feeling a bit better the energy comes back slowly at least for me it did still actually struggling with that some days. Did your nap have any negative impact come night time? Yes take some Imodium it will help. The anxious/crappy feeling is common too, hopefully it won't stick around long, for me I only had it for a few days but the more posts I read sounds like many people suffer from anxiety and depression for a long time after drug abuse. Are you familiar with PAWS? It might be something to look into just incase.
So proud of you!!!!
The nap had no affect really... I sleep pretty well regardless of what I'm going through. I just usually don't take naps because I usually wake up feeling worse.
And I have looked into PAWS... I hope I don't go through that... Plus I think the more I read about things the more I feel them. Mind over matter!! Lol

Yesterday was pretty good. I felt kind of crappy but taking that Imodium seemed to help somewhat. Anyone know if that's making things worse taking the Imodium? I know it's an opioid and I don't want to set anything back.
I finally told my family about what's been going on. They were really supportive and glad I decided to quit before things got worse.
I ended the night smoking a little weed which helped a lot to calm me down and let me have a little time to forget how I was feeling.
Just woke up and feeling not too bad. Might be making a short trip today. Deciding if I should go. I'm still feeling a little anxious but physically I feel a lot better.
Will update later!
Thanks again everyone!
Glad to hear you slept well. The Imodium does not cross the brain barrier so it's all good take as you need to be comfortable. You won't set yourself back just stop taking it once the diarrhea has stopped. You are doing great :) keep us updated.
Thanks for the encouraging words Sosick!

Yesterday was pretty good. I ended up going on the little car trip and it felt good to get out and about. Then later last night my best friend came back into town and we went out for a few drinks.

I haven't gone out and had fun like that in a long time because being on the Norcos always made me want to just stay home and pop a few pills and relax. It was nice to get out and have fun and shoot pool and be with people I had kind of cut off for a while.

I thought waking up today would be a nightmare. I hadn't drank in a LOOOONG time. But to my surprise I actually felt pretty good!
I still feel great as the day goes on and I haven't even taken any Imodium or Ativan today! It feels amazing!

I hope this feeling continues. I know I'll probably still have some rough days but I'm very excited about the future for once in a long time! Thinking about starting an exercise regimen.

Will update later/tonight!

Thanks again Sosick and everyone!!
That is awesome to hear!!!! It's always nice to hear when a person rounds that corner. I'm sure it helped to have a good friend in town too. No hangover that's even better!!!! lol
Your doing amazing !!!!
How are you feeling today KenD?

I am feeling OK. This anxiety or depression is lingering. I've also been getting sore legs/hips but that may be from taking my son for a walk yesterday.

I bought some Vitamin D and B12 supplements because I remember the Vitamin D seemed to help a long time ago when my Dr. prescribed it for my RLS.

Just working on getting use to life without drugs. It's not easy but I hope it will pass. I can deal with the soreness and fatigue but the depression really gets to me because I never had depression issues and don't know how to deal.

Been keeping busy as much as possible. Go back to work tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. Have a work trip and zoo trip this weekend that will hopefully put me in a better mood. Plus I'll have my kids this weekend which puts me in a good mood.

Thanks for asking Sosick!
How are things going for you?
Anxiety and depression can be debilitating I suffered from it years ago. Many people have success with gabapentin. The fatigue for me is really lingering, not to the point I can't do anything but just frustrating i can't do everything. I guess it doesn't help I'm up several times per night with a teething baby lol. Your extra vitamin supplements will make a difference. Just hang in there and your muscle aches, rls, fatigue should all get gradually better. You are through the worst just think how bright your future is. :)
Anxiety and depression can be debilitating I suffered from it years ago. Many people have success with gabapentin. The fatigue for me is really lingering, not to the point I can't do anything but just frustrating i can't do everything. I guess it doesn't help I'm up several times per night with a teething baby lol. Your extra vitamin supplements will make a difference. Just hang in there and your muscle aches, rls, fatigue should all get gradually better. You are through the worst just think how bright your future is. :)

I also have a baby at home. My kids are what keep me going everyday. If I had been addicted and was single/had no kids I don't think I would have been able to make it through.

It's my first day back at work in a little over a week. I feel pretty good mentally. But my damn RLS or whatever it is really drags me down. I really hope it's something that goes away because idk if I can live with this type of pain. I didn't have this before I started taking pain killers so hopefully it's something that will fix itself. I know I need to exercise... That would probably help a lot. Besides that I feel pretty good. I'm very optimistic about my future being drug free.

I have a work trip and zoo trip with my kids this weekend. I am kind of nervous about the work trip just because I'll be on my feet all day in one spot. But the zoo should be a nice little leg exercise :)

How are things on your end?
How's the teething baby doing?
It will definitely fix itself, especially since you never had it before painkillers. I've had it all my life, as bad as a kid sometimes as during opiate withdrawal (except no pain, just that DAMN need to move/kick/thrash). It's one of the primary effects of opiate withdrawal and sometimes it can last longer than acute withdrawal, but it will pass.
I know none of you missed me but I figured I'd update anyway ;)

It's been about 3-4 weeks now since I quit all my pain killers. I won't say it hasn't been hard but it's getting easier everyday.

My RLS or whatever it was has all but disappeared (THANK GOD!) but my fatigue and anxiety are still lingering. I am going to see a counseler tomorrow just to have someone to talk to that isn't part of my life.

I have my good and bad days. But I can tell you one thing... Going through days not having to worry about pills... Not counting pills... Not worrying about running out... Is such an AMAZING feeling. Even if I'm having a rough day I know that I'm through the worst of this and now just have some lingering issues to deal with.

I feel optimistic. I feel good getting out of bed every morning. The only thing I miss about the drugs were the energy they gave me. It could have been the hardest, crappiest day at work but I could take my pain pill and feel great again... This is something that I need to address. I need to start eating better and exercising.

I'm finally getting my life back on track. Financially and emotionally.

I hope everyone out there is doing awesome too!

Any advice on natural energy supplements besides caffiene would also be appreciated.

Stay well friends!
Great job!! And yeah, you do need to start eating well and exercising. Just start working out, you'll feel SO much better, you really will. It helped me SO MUCH when I quit opiates (3 months ago)... it's one of my favorite parts of the day now. And I'm finally strong and in shape, loads of energy and I just feel good.
Good for you, you give me hope. I am going to do everything in my power to not use heroin tonight. Also was using oxy. I relapsed and have been using it for about a month. I have a tramadol and vicodin I may need, but maybe not.. if it will just delay. Thank you for the inspiration! Your doing great!! Sounds like your life is coming back... :)
Yaaaahhhhh KenD !!!!! You are doing so good !! Agree with Xorkoth exercising and eating well will make a world of difference. Your journey is inspirational :)
I wish everyone the best of luck who is trying to beat this. Whether it is heroin or pain killers or benzos. It is not an easy road to take. And it is so easy to fall into a vicious cycle of abuse.

That being said.... I still have my up and down days. The fatigue is the worst. But I think that had to do with the Ativan I was taking to deal with the anxiety. I am quitting the Ativan before it becomes a problem and hopefully see results in my energy levels. I also recently cleaned my basement and uncovered my workout/exercise equipment that I am going to utilize.

I cannot stress enough have much relief it is to not have to worry about any damn pills. Not have to count them out to make sure I can get through the month. To not have to worry about finding more if I run out. I cannot stress enough how much better my life has been since I quit. Even with my off days I would take them a million times over my best days when I was abusing.

Dealing with the pain I have is so much more rewarding than simply taking something to mask it. Having my emotions back and caring about anything is amazing.

I'm not going to lie and say it hasn't been tough some days. Some days I want to just be able to take something and have that energy/feeling back. But I always find a way to work through it. Because I know I have to. My life depends on it as well as my family/kids. I never want them going down the road I went down. I want them to see a hard working person who keeps going even through struggles.

If you have chronic pain but can manage your medication and take it how you're suppose to then more power to you.

But to the rest of us... The abusers. The addicts and junkies. The people who find any little pain or reason to pop that pill.... Please please please rethink your life choices. It's going to be a struggle... But life is way to short to be numb to everything all the time.

Sorry for the rant but it's just one of the nights that I am sitting here reflecting on the choices I made.... And the choices I'm making now to better myself.

I took my son to a baseball game tonight and just seeing him there enjoying it... Enjoying me. Asking me questions. Looking up to me. It made it all that much more rewarding that I got off the path I was on.

That's all for now people. Please take care and think about the choices you make because it might not just be affecting you.

You all are strong. Remember that. Every. Single. Day. Gets easier. Even the hard ones.

God bless.
I honestly teared up a bit when I read this post. Congrats on the progress you've made, for real. Very inspirational. I too rediscovered the joy of life without hiding behind a chemical/opiate mask, and my worst days are infinitely better than my best days from those times. I would never go back there because nothing is worth the void that your life becomes when you're addicted to opiates. Life is for living, and part of life is pain sometimes, and difficulty, and sorrow. But life is also for joy, happiness, fulfillment, inspiration, fun and love. These positive human emotions more than make up for the negative ones, and if you mask out the negatives with drug addiction, you also mask the positives, and without those, then what is life anyway? Everyone has the strength to deal with the difficult experiences in life, and doing so in a healthy way makes you a stronger person. And everyone has the strength within them to omit addiction from their lives. You do, you really DO. And you owe it to yourself to make that leap. After a period of intense difficulty in making the transition, you will wake up thankful every single day that you have your life back. <3