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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film & Television forum feedback - ** PLEASE CONTRIBUTE **

Hi Spade, we are doing away with the list. As you've likely noticed, we've been blitzing through them whereas before they were added weekly. Anyone can start a "which is your favourite:..." thread at any time.

The forum isn't just it's staff. As the mod who made this place what it is likes to quote "be the change you wish you see". Please by all means, do not let a lack of response dissuade you. Post more on world cinema. Post more reviews. If you see a trailer that is not yet posted, please do share it.

Most importantly: lead by example.
the reason that the many poll threads have been added recently was to try and pick up traffic through the forum. the forum actually has had a bigger traffic volume in recent times than in the past (correct me if i am wrong admins, but i believe i read this somewhere). the polls are supposed to be used to spark discussion. after a bit they started to go a little downhill and more towards the 'i voted for x film' that you noted in your comments... i agree to this.
as mods we are always looking for a new and somewhat exciting ideas for threads/games/polls that will bring a little life into the forum. eventually after a good round or two they die out and we move onto something else. tis life, wax and wane. even super threads like using mspaint to realize a move scene has gone a bit by the wayside. i loved that one.
i have also noticed that the polls are lacking and have been trying to think of a new... gimmick?, perhaps, to bring in some new blood. this is where you, thespade, come in. as a user of the forum you can make it better. yes, you try with threads on film you enjoy... but you have to realize that it can be hit or miss with threads. the users of bluelight are from many backgrounds and places. not everyone has seen in america has seen international films or cares to. not everyone in japan has seen what americans are watching on hbo. europeans may not have seen the thai fantasy film that came out last week. not every thread can be a direct hit. i have posted about films that have bowled me over and gotten one response whereas a comedy i deemed barley watchable has seen pages and pages of comments. any sorts of ideas you have please, shoot them over to us mods. we consider anything sent to us. we love feedback and ideas.
and please, we are uberspecial, fabulous, awesome, love worthy, amazing beings... us mods. we are never curt, rude or nasty. right? we do our job and try and make the forum go as smoothly as possible, we try and direct users into a situation that can take off into a great discussion. we try to not form all of the content of the forum ourselves. we rely on you people. and you guys do a pretty damn good job. sometimes we have bad days some times we are sick of people not using the search forum to start yet another thread on requiem for a dream or whatever junkie movie you can think of. for the most part i try and be nice. i try to also be efficient and do things with a short explanation. i also almost always merge threads on movies, one post or not, if it is more than 'i just saw..blahblah... and it is fucking awesome!!!#?!?!?@#?@!?@".
It sounds to me like you are taking all of this just a little too personal.

Not at all I'd just like to have a place on BL where we can have a decent discussion about films, at the moment I don't think we do unfortunately. Things need to be relaxed and less forced IMO, I think that'd help a lot.
I'll watch with baited breath for specific suggestions or actions that could improve traffic here. (this is said without sarcasm). It's really exciting for us staff to have suggestions in this thread. it's been a while.

i remember years before modding here, this place was so quiet, I jokingly gave it a subtitle (in a describe the forum thread in the lounge) "shhhhh, no talking in the f&tv forum!"
okay, so we've begun to include tv shows in the index (finally). i've only started with the shows on the first three pages. if there's a show thread not in the index, please post the link here and it'll be added post haste.
I actually figured it would be easier on the mods by doing it the way I did. I always find it weird highlighting text with a link finger.

This way they can highlight the text in the brackets, paste it in the index, right click the URL, copy, and paste it in the hyperlink box.

There should be an option when right clicking texted links "copy link location and text".

SO Felix, I was going to format my posts like that but decided it would be easier on them to do it the way I did it. SO, I already considered that and made my decision, SO poo on you! :p

To top it off; you have the power to edit any post on this site; Why didn't YOU do it? If I had the power I'd be glad to do it. Heck I already did all the legwork. Can I get a temporary modspot? ;)
edit post/copy/paste beats all the bullshit you be spouting up above. i rest my case, young'un. ;)

not my problem anyhow. :D
Alright; good point. :X

There, all re-formatted.

Having a quality index is a fundamental part of a forum IMO. I really like this forum, I just think the index needs to be updated more consistently. I'd be glad to go back further in that search command and get more links for you when I feel a bit better. :)

Coming from PD Index land I'm used to organizing threads and updating the index on a very frequent basis. A lot of those B&D threads also have a bunch of topic specific subthreads in the OP. I'm maybe even a bit OCD about it ;)
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^^Sorry been quite busy this week with work...Will update the index as soon as I can this weekend. :) Thanks PepperSocks!
I enjoy this forum. The only problem I have with it is that it does not get enough traffic. That is not the forums fault though. An up to date index would be nice. I'm a firm believer that this site's search engine is rather awful, which can make it hard to UTFSE some times.
nice work, pepsox.
I'm a firm believer that this site's search engine is rather awful, which can make it hard to UTFSE some times.
user error. how difficult is it to 'search by thread title'? :)
Does anyone else think it would be a good idea to split up the TV: thread into seasons? There are some threads I want to read because I've just started watching the show on DVD but I don't want to read too far.
motion to ban peppersocks plz

Yeah, I might have been a bit snarky then. I was really stressed and when I went reading through the index and noticed stuff missing my organizational mod sense started tingling.

Sorry if I was rude <3
Not at all you were a huge help PS!!! ( you already know this ;) Hush Max!
Oh, and please be patient, I will update the index again with the newest movies as soon as I can this weekend *Unless MAXPOWERS* wants to do it :p:p
I sleep now :|