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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film: S. Darko (The sequel to Donnie Darko)

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EA-1475 said:
Judging it on its own merit, DD was alright. But the 90's had a slew of movies with twist endings. You know, where you learn something at the end that changes the whole meaning of what you just sat through.
"Oh so that guy was ______ ALL ALONG!!! (for the blank, insert: making it all up, dreaming, in a coma, dead and actually in hell, etc) It all makes sense now! I'll have to watch this again with this new perspective!"
Off the top of my head, there was Jacob's Ladder, Usual Suspects, Fight Club, 12 Monkeys, In The Company of Men all with these last minute surprise revelations. And then came DD.
It was an OK movie but by the time I saw it, I was pretty tired of twist endings. I think you can only get away with them once every 10 years or so. Otherwise, they lose their impact.
If all you got out of Donnie Darko was a twist ending, you really need to watch it again. I wouldn't even call it a twist ending. It's not like the movies you've mentioned at all.(Maybe Jacob's Ladder, to a certain extent.)

For me, the movie was one massive, beautiful trip in every sense of the word. I can't even wrap my head around how horrible an idea of a sequel sounds. Donnie Darko is a standalone movie that wraps itself up from beginning to end. I wish the makers of this sequel and Elizabeth Berkley painful shits for the rest of their lives.
samantha darko goes on a quest to find out what a "fuckass" is
MethaContin said:
Donnie Darko SUCKED BALLS.......... That movie BLEW.........
Wow, jewcurls. Is that your impression of a 1st grader writing a movie review?
Did the movie warp your fragile little mind?
*grabs captainballs by the wrists and applies pressure for the assist.

Wait. Why are we stabbing you in the face again?
First, there's the sequel to Donnie Darko that is going to be garbage. Then, there's a barrage of posts talking about how Donnie Darko sucks. It's all so overwhelming that I'm thinking of using the spiked dildo tonight.
Here's the trailer for S Darko. Now it's going directly to DVD in April. This trailer's not fan made. It just looks fan-made.

I don't see how they could think this movie was a good idea. Fans of the original are just pissed about a sequel and the people who hated the original wouldn't give a damn to watch it.

That trailer must be fake.

The whole premise of a sequel to Donnie Darko is lame. One that involves a meteorite, the end of the world and his little sister sounds even lamer.
Oh dear. How tragic.

I hear that Richard Kelly - the director of Donnie Darko - has distanced himself from the project, stating:

"To set the record straight, here's a few facts I'd like to share with you all -- I haven't read this script. I have absolutely no involvement with this production, nor will I ever be involved."

"I have no control over the rights from our original film, and neither I, nor my producing partner Sean McKittrick stand to make any money from this film."

This seems like one of those poor decisions like American Psycho 2.
That trailer tells me absolutely nothing about the film. This is not going to be good. Donnie Darko was a classic as well. :\
all i can see Daveigh Chase as now is that little bitch from big love. lol.

i liked donnie darko, but i think the plot of this movie sounds a bit.. um... retarded?
I may as well derail this thread for a post or two by mentioning something I consider noteworthy. Yesterday I bought the director's cut of Donnie Darko (it comes in a cool looking white sleeve and has an extra special features disk) - and it was a totally different movie, basically. And Frankly (pun intended), I had a hard time believing that it was a director's cut because it sucked compared to the one released in theaters initially. If anyone's seen this version you'll know what I mean. It basically explains everything and leaves nothing up for speculation. They show what is inside the philosophy of time travel book in between key scenes, which basically does nothing except replace speculation as to the meaning of the film with bewilderment and confusion if it's the first time someone had seen the movie. And it just looks like a monkey with a pair of scissors edited it. Plenty of scenes that simply weren't in the initial release, and even a voice over at the end that reads the note Donnie put in old lady death's mailbox before "saving the world." Also, there are scenes where he actually blatantly says things like "I am the savior."

I guess I was under the impression that the director's cut would be an improvement, but it took away the mystique of the original release and replaced it with crap. I recommend everyone pick up a copy right away just to see how they fucked it up.