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film: Hitchcock Movies


Staff member
Dec 25, 2003
The first one I saw was Vertigo and I've been obsessed ever since, shortly after watching Strangers On A Train and Rear Window I felt the 'need' to purchase some.

I purchased The Lady Vanishes, then The Man Who Knew Too Much, and recently Marnie... I desperately want Vertigo and whatever else I can get my hands on.

Any other huge Hitchcock fans?
Vertigo was way ahead of its time (1958) in terms of photography. There are some very cool shots in that film. I've seen Rear Window also but that's about it. Jimmy Stewart was one of those rare actors that could pull off comedy and drama, and Hitchcock made good use of him. Watching all of the Hitchcock pics sounds like a good summer project.
he was exceptional.
i have vertigo, be jealous ;)


also check out the birds, campy but i really do love it... a frightening film of the time without ghosts. goblins or things that jump out at you.
north by northwest
dial m for murder
(just to name a few more)

and alfred hitchcock presents... must see short stories, nick at night used to play the series. creepy and fun. think on the lines of the twilight zone but i enojyed it more than that. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088476/
and always catch his cameos
oh yes, i've seen the birds, it was when i was younger and didn't really take in things, i'll have to re-view that one, and north by northwest was on tv the other day, and i'd missed half of it, it pissed me off greatly lol

i'll have to check out that website. thanks :)
Notorious is best. Dial M For Murder is most underrated.
Just bought 'Torn Curtain' today. I haven't watched it yet though.
I just saw Rope and I think it's the best Hitchcock movie I have ever seen.
^^^ i agree. in terms of how it's constructed, it's quite brilliant. weird combination of theatre and film.
I just saw Vertigo last night...first Hitchcock film I've ever seen (though I saw it mostly for Bernard Herrmann's score.) I will be sure to check out some more of Hitchcock's work now. :)
in the dali exhibit at the philadelphia museum of art they had the excerpt from spellbound's dream sequence yay :)
Hitchcock is one of the most technically brilliant filmmakers that ever lived. He could manipulate the camera in ways that noone had ever even thought of in his time. I took a class that focued just on his films last semester, and I have to say that after gaining a better understanding of his work, I think he's a true genius.