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Festive Talk to Yourself - version Party and Bullshit

Can I be The Great Pumpkin? or is that the wrong holiday...(gimme any name really, I just want one, even figgy pudding). Actually Ebenezer Scrooge would be cool (or Scrooge McDuck).

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My Christmas decorating is now complete.

Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

Land of Misfit Toys

it's 70 degrees outside... that makes it pretty hard to get into the Festivus spririt...
Im trying to finish painting one of my gifts, and still have to clean my room before tonight. Family starts arriving in 12 hours.

Its gonna be a full house at my parents, my sister is slealing my bed for the weekend and i have to sleep in the office. Ah well.

I just cannot wait till christmas eve and Champagne Punch!
baaaaah christmas shopping
i hate it so much
all year round im excited about giving people things
i have so many ideas that never pan out when the time comes
and the time goes by quick because im a hellacious procrastinator

already today i have:
cussed in a foreign language
gotten something for someone they already have (an expensive something too)
almost wrecked
had some old lady yell at me
spilled my coffee on a purchase
lost cigarettes
watched a well dressed gentleman get the last of an important item on my list
walked 30 miles of parking lot to a store i bought nothing from

im never shopping again
I am having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit as well with the warm climate, but one look at the Christmas tree is a great reminder. I bought myself a new coat at H&M but the mall was freaking crazy. One thing New York City has in common with the Mall here is you do not want to make the mistake of making eye contact with the venues or cell phone people in the center. They are savages. . . I wanted to kick them in the face.

Other than that I really need to get high or drunk . . I need something. It has been almost 3 whole days without anything other than one beer on the flight. My brothers wife's sister arrives later this evening and the parents arrive here tomorrow.

I went up to the mountains near by the other day and witnessed Arizona people shoveling snow into they're vehicles so that they could take to down to the city with them. It was the weirdest thing I had ever seen. I think Im more pissed at the amount of money I spent this holiday and still have not payed rent nor do I have enough for it. .when I return to NY lol January is gonna be a sucky month.
I'm sipping on Baileys on ice, my liquid Christmas cheer! It's a tradition for all of the ladies in my family to drink a few bottles of this over the course of celebrations, so I feel a little closer to them by doing it. <3

I think the secret to Christmas cheer is; shopping EARLY and thoroughly. I had everything tied up in a big bow in November and had our groceries delivered on Wednesday. I've successfully avoided setting foot in a store for several weeks. I'm a born organizer. I should write a book or something.
I really really like these festivities, I almost shit a brick when I saw my username in the header of TL. And I agree w/ ninja about this one.
im glad we all agree
ive bought wiser whiskey because of this new skin
reminds me of Christmas
i bought a new winter coat and new boots and gloves too