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Opioids Fentanyl matrix patches


Dec 28, 2023
HI guys,

I have develop a 6-7 month old heroin addiction. Smoking. I have moved in Rotterdam and ran out of brown with my newest supply arriving Tuesday.
I have some Fentanyl 1A Pharma Matrix patches 12ug/hr, 5.25cm2 2.89mg fentanyl.
I sticked multiple patches on my skin(68 ug/hr total) around 5 hours ago and still feel like shit.
I also tried smoking the patch(as in put the plastic patch on foil and smoke everything). I can't say my withdrawals feel any better. I also tried putting in my mouth a piece.
I also tried alcohol extraction with vodka on an old patch and no luck.
What can I do to not feel like shit?
I have more patches? Would it help sticking more on me? Honestly I don't feel anything so far. I am not yet in horrible pain but I feel with every minute passing that things will just get worse at the moment.
Any faster relief would be amazing. I would really need to sleep and go to work tomorrow.
Last 4-5 days I smoked like 6 grams of street level heroin total(usually I smoke less thou, I would say 1 gram, 1 and some every 2 days and I aim with my new supply at dropping to maybe 4 x 0.1mg smoking per day hopefully)
I sticked another 12ug
So basically :
T+05:00 68ug/hr
T+00:00 12ug/hr
I don't feel particularly good and feel like I am anticipating the horrors I will experience.
I have I think left like 8-10 x 12ug/hr patches and a bunch I used patches.
Should I just put more and they will work?I kinda feel like they don't work but at the same time I don't want to put too many.
With this addiction I am always second guessing myself and my feelings.
FFS don't keep sticking patches on yourself or you will od. If you od on that shit it's going to take ages for that fent to leave your system so they will have to narcan the fuck out of you for hours.

I was on trhe 25 and 50ug patches years ago. I got swsitched from about 120mg's of morphine to 25ug then 50ug of fent. At first i got the patches with the gel in them and they worked great. Then i ended up getting the matrix ones and they sucked balls. I ended up going into wd on them and as they also cost a fortune i went back on morphine. You cat just smoke the patch that wont work neither does just chewing them. That is very dodgy anyway.

Can you get any other opiates? Fent sucks balls compared to morphine or dilaudid for euphoria anyway
You will OD by sticking more patches on. These patches are super easy to OD on because they take 4 or 5 hours to work.

Heating them lightly with a blow dryer causes more fent to be release faster. Only done this on mylan matrix patches but it hits very hard.

Wearing on skin is the most efficient way to use them ; chewing and stuff is a waste

I don’t know why you aren’t well off 70 ug hr that’s a big dose…unless you were previously smoking real fent and not heroin
Hi y all.

So I have slept okay-ish. I am not feeling extremely well but I can function.
I have is 1 x 25 ug/hr fent matrix patch and some 12ug/hr patches.
I have some goosebumps thou which is annoying but livable
@paranoid android - unfortunately not. .
If things become more painful after work, I can travel to Utrecht and buy either some scratchy ass heroin or their methadone pills from some homeless people i know. I tried em in the past. 20-30mg methadone were enough per day to stop withdrawal but as you can tell it is not a reliable source

@LucidSDreamr I don't think I ever smoked "real fentanyl "(the China synthetic put into heroin). It is really not so common in europe/netherlands. More like the heroin is cut with coffee or my guess would be kratom?

I ll also get some xanax pills this week. My idea is maybe this weekend or next weekend(after I taper down) to try to use the xanax Friday Saturday and Sunday during the withdrawals and Monday go to work clean.

I do have some stomach issues and burp uncontrollable on 80ug/hr( multiple 12ug/hr and 1 25ug/hr sticked on the the rib cage). Could it be not because of withdrawals but placebo since I haven't smoked?(placebo may not be the best word here)
Weirdly somewhere last week I also did 40mg ER oxy in the morning and felt somewhat fine for like 4-6 hours.

Sometime I think maybe the psychological addiction kicks in and makes me "think" I have physical symptoms. I don't know if it makes sense

I am not in pain. 80ug/hr do works. But it takes so fking long to actually feel it.
I am not high bt any means but I am not withdrawing. I can work.

2 contradictory questions:

Can I abuse the patches? If so, how?( I would really prefer to tamper with the used ones first. I tried extracting with vodka but maybe I did something wrong? Should I try again?

I am getting some xanax this week and will try to self medicate to get clean and get pass the withdrawals.

I heard lyrica and ghb also works. Any ideas guys? What would be effective?
You can extract he fentanyl from those patches if you cut them into strips and wash them in alcohol and then evaporate the alcohol and you will be left with fentanyl crystals which you can bang or smoke or eat
You can extract he fentanyl from those patches if you cut them into strips and wash them in alcohol and then evaporate the alcohol and you will be left with fentanyl crystals which you can bang or smoke or eat
Hey genius, you mind telling us just how in the name of you're story telling tongue the fentanyl crystalizes when it wasn't in crystal form in the matrix in adhesive patch? Are you telling us that alcohol ( btw Mr chemist do you mind telling us what kind of alcohol? Iso, ethyl or methyl? Unless you're saying they are all the same to which I say I'd love to watch you take a shot of each) produces this amazing crystalization? You should be banned from this site for obviously being a lonely status telling jack ass.
Good way to kill someone Iso. Have them shoot some dissolved glue. Moderators, why do you let a fool like Iso post incorrect extraction methods?
Hi guys,

Still noone answered the questions I asked nor have they experimented with smth similar. J am quite lost.

Btw I am tryna quit
You can extract he fentanyl from those patches if you cut them into strips andhere wash them in alcohol and then evaporate the alcohol and you will be left with fentanyl crystals which you can bang or smoke or eat
Where do you get this junk science? Crystals just appear?
You will OD by sticking more patches on. These patches are super easy to OD on because they take 4 or 5 hours to work.

Heating them lightly with a blow dryer causes more fent to be release faster. Only done this on mylan matrix patches but it hits very hard.

Wearing on skin is the most efficient way to use them ; chewing and stuff is a waste

I don’t know why you aren’t well off 70 ug hr that’s a big dose…unless you were previously smoking real fent and not heroin
Why is chewing a waste? Does it not release any meds
Why is chewing a waste? Does it not release any meds
It’s freebase fent in the patches and therefore not very soluble in water. Steet fent is a salt therefore very soluble in water. Your mouth contains a lot of water and it will be harder for the fent to dissolve into your mouth, saliva and water than it is for the fent to “dissolve” into your skin.

I had a script for these for a while long ago and tried everything with them and chewing in the mouth was the worst of all administration methods
It’s freebase fent in the patches and therefore not very soluble in water. Steet fent is a salt therefore very soluble in water. Your mouth contains a lot of water and it will be harder for the fent to dissolve into your mouth, saliva and water than it is for the fent to “dissolve” into your skin.

I had a script for these for a while long ago and tried everything with them and chewing in the mouth was the worst of all administration methods
So what should I do? Soak it in salt water?