Fender Bender, Insurance, and Police


Feb 9, 2002
Yesterday, I was rear-ended by this girl while I was stopped at a light. My bumper was cracked in 2 parts, and some plastic was broken off around the trunk. No one was hurt. We pulled over, exchanged info, but the girl said the car she was driving wasn't hers, and offered her insurance info for her other car. I didn't know any better, this being my first accident, and said that info wasn't necessary (I figured it wasn't relevant).

So yesterday I talk to my insurance company, and they said to contact her and get her insurance carrier and policy #. I've tried calling her, but I'm having trouble reaching her - there is some message she left on her phone saying she's having issues with her cell, and to leave a voicemail, but I can't leave one for some reason.

So now I'm getting worried about what to do if I can't reach her. I thought about calling the police to have them help me contact her, but we didn't file a police report, so I don't know if they'll help me because of that. Also, is it illegal to leave the scene of an accident, even if the damage is minor and no one was hurt?

Well, I'm wondering what my best option is. The damage isn't a big deal, and it probably won't cost much to fix, but I'd rather have her insurance pay it if I can. This is in AZ. Thanks...
An exhaustive search of the AZ statutes didn't yield an answer to your question whether it is illegal to leave the scene of an accident in which there are no injuries (obviously, it's a felony if one leaves the scene of an accident in which there were). Perhaps one of our other mods or posters will have more luck.

I did, however, come up with the following site that outlines what to do in the event of an accident:


Keep attempting to contact the other party. If you still have no success after 24 hours, I would suggest you call the police non-emergency number and speak with an officer about what happened. I can't think of any reason why you would not be able to still file a police report. I anticipate that the police would be willing and able to assist you.

ALWAYS get the insurance information of the other party, even if the other party was driving a car other than their own. Also, ALWAYS write down the state and number of the other party's driver license.

Good luck, and please post an update on what happens.
DJWhat- have you reached the woman yet? Just curious to see if this has worked out, and how. Please advise.
I am still trying to get a hold of her, but it seems she is trying to give me the run around.
get the cops to do a search on the girl.

someone hit my car in a carpark the other day. im pissed off. its only a cracked bumper but it annoys me every time i see it.
If worst comes to worst, can't you get your own insurance to pay for the damages? My mom was rear ended on New years eve, and the cop said noone was at fault. But she went through her own insurance, and got everything fixed. Then her insurance (State farm) collected everything back from I think Greco, including her deductible which she got back.
Adam Peepers said:
If worst comes to worst, can't you get your own insurance to pay for the damages? My mom was rear ended on New years eve, and the cop said noone was at fault. But she went through her own insurance, and got everything fixed. Then her insurance (State farm) collected everything back from I think Greco, including her deductible which she got back.

Rear ended and no one was at fault? = the cop knew the person that hit your mom. Unless, of course, she was driving in reverse.

FYI: police accident reports are not admissable as evidence in any jurisdiction that I know of.