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Feeling like I’ve grown out of weed but don’t really know else to make friends


Aug 19, 2013
I smoked every day for around 2 years and now I really don’t get the same pleasant high from it. I don’t get paranoid but just kind of uncomfortable and feel stupid. It used to be one of my favorite things to do but now it has lost its luster. However, I don’t really like being around most people who don’t smoke weed either because they are often not as laid back. So I’ve basically decided to limit my smoking to special social occasions although it still feels weird not to smoke regularly. Especially if I invite a girl over; I feel much more comfortable having some weed on hand to alleviate awkwardness. Smoking also used to be an easy way for me to integrate myself and find common ground. So now that I don’t really smoke anymore I’m wondering how to really make friends.
If the people you were smoking with have ceased to hang out with you because you no longer partake, they weren't your friends in the first place.
I moved away from Seattle where my friends live so that’s not necessarily the case but now as I’m going to a new school I’m not sure how I will integrate myself.
It took me a while until I realised there's much more to life than weed as well. Sounds like you see weed is the only way to gain friends or socialise etc. If you try get it out your mind that there's many more ways to gain friends and socialise you'll soon start looking for different chemistry between you and others instead of just weed. I love the stuff but it's no good making your life revolve around it either bud :).
how old are u? you sound highschool or early 20s.

try alcohol. (way more destructive) but alsways waaaaaaaay more of a catalyst for making friends or socializing. u will be the life of the party from all your stoned muted friends. but also likely feel like shit the next day, kill brain cells, and get into trouble such as getting girls pregnant or getiting arrested, but hey thats liquor.

i'm not going to suggest any harder/illegal drugs beyond alc which don't cause paranoia and are good for socializing but they are surely there. weed is a pretty antisocial drug in my opinion and you discover that once you get a few years into it and the "magic" wears off of weed
Honestly I have tried just about everything and the reason I mention weed on here is because in the past that has been the common denominator for making friends (I’m a music producer, if that puts things in perspective). I don’t care much for stimulants honestly. All in all I know it’s not a big deal but I can hardly stand drinking because of unpleasant mental and physical effects.

I’m 22 but I try not to make my age a barrier in making friendships.