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FDA May Ease Prescription-Drug Rules

codiene should be available but yeah right like it's gonna happen.

still for stuff like low level antibiotics and some birth control it just makes sense
Yeah. Things with no potential for abuse, or very little. As in...the mass use of the product's benefits for treating ailments outweighs the side of abuse. Kind of like diphenhydramine. People do it, but...atleast you don't.

center said:
Yeah. Things with no potential for abuse, or very little.
I highly doubt abuse potential is their only concern, despite it being what we're looking at ;) .

I'm gonna go on a limb and guess that there's an ass-ton of medications out there, with no abuse potential, that are potentially dangerous, have weird side effect profiles, need infrequent monitoring while using, etc, that there's waaay more to their choices than abuse potential.
^^ Well, thats supposed to be why they would be kept behind the counter. Frankly I think everything should be available to anyone, and if people die, well, tough fucking shit for them, there's too many humans on this planet as is, and they just keep poppin' more out like rabbits.

In reality, as its been said above, I really can't see any opiates, benzos, or amphetamines, or any kind of stiulants for that matter. A different kind of pain killer, gabapentin for example could be possible, and greatly useful for people who have severe pain or COX inhibitor sensitivity, though still unlikely. I cannot forsee any stimulants at all being allowed, unless the actually do schedule ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, and a different sympathomimetic may be made OTC or BTC for decongestion and asthma and such, phentermine, perhaps? Benzo's and other GABA agonists are very unlikely, but at least we still have nootropics like phenibut and picamilon, and herbals like kava and valerian.

The forces of corporate greed are just so categorically immense, and I would imagine that most pharms that would become available would be allowed only in brand names form, though possibly insulin could be BTC since it is so vital for so many, and has never been patented AFAIK. Think the recent OTC release of the fat blocking weight loss drug orlistat only available today OTC but only as Alli, commonly priced between $40-80, yet available in more rational countries at sometimes less than a fifth of that.

This is a positive move, but not nearly enough, at all. Its quite deplorable how we allow heartless corporations to pantent medicine.
There is a surprisingly powerful stimulant sold OTC although it takes some hardware hacking to get to it.

And phenibut is a GABA agonist I believe. The stuff feels exactly like baclofen and gabapentin.
bingalpaws said:
That's teh thing I hate though. Certain people (*cough* me *cough) actually know sooo much about anything they put in their body, that they know more than the doctor they see, which makes having to get a permission slip from someone who's less knowledgable than you regarding said drug pretty frustrating! I was recently at the docs and I could've told the woman more about SSRI's and benzos than she knew, it was pathetic. Yet it's her pen that I need to have write for me if I want these items, which is retarded given that she barely understands them.

Actually, that is why I just don't use the medical system anymore. All the medical information and prescription drugs you could ever need are available at the click of a mouse, as long as you know where to look and got a bit of fundage.

Imagine, if everyone figured this out... all those years of pointless study and thousands upon thousands spent on all those self-glorifying MD diplomas. Fuckin' beautiful, man, all those lameass script pushers realizing their lives have been fuckin' worthless. Too bad people have to be so stupid, I think it'd be awesome to live in a world with no "general practicioners" whatsoever.
mulberryman said:
^^ Well, thats supposed to be why they would be kept behind the counter. Frankly I think everything should be available to anyone, and if people die, well, tough fucking shit for them, there's too many humans on this planet as is, and they just keep poppin' more out like rabbits.

In reality, as its been said above, I really can't see any opiates, benzos, or amphetamines, or any kind of stiulants for that matter. A different kind of pain killer, gabapentin for example could be possible, and greatly useful for people who have severe pain or COX inhibitor sensitivity, though still unlikely. I cannot forsee any stimulants at all being allowed, unless the actually do schedule ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, and a different sympathomimetic may be made OTC or BTC for decongestion and asthma and such, phentermine, perhaps? Benzo's and other GABA agonists are very unlikely, but at least we still have nootropics like phenibut and picamilon, and herbals like kava and valerian.

The forces of corporate greed are just so categorically immense, and I would imagine that most pharms that would become available would be allowed only in brand names form, though possibly insulin could be BTC since it is so vital for so many, and has never been patented AFAIK. Think the recent OTC release of the fat blocking weight loss drug orlistat only available today OTC but only as Alli, commonly priced between $40-80, yet available in more rational countries at sometimes less than a fifth of that.

This is a positive move, but not nearly enough, at all. Its quite deplorable how we allow heartless corporations to pantent medicine.
Out of curiousity, would you prefer a socialist country, or communist? It seems as though every single post you've made in the past couple days has been laced with attempts, at any chance you can possibly find, to spew anti-capitalist sentiment. It even contradicts part of what you're saying..

mulberryman said:
Frankly I think everything should be available to anyone, and if people die, well, tough fucking shit for them, there's too many humans on this planet as is, and they just keep poppin' more out like rabbits.
If you truly believed this why were you saying that the way we handle medicine is essentially genocide? You were casting it in a negative light but seem to agree with it in general :\

mulberryman said:
Think the recent OTC release of the fat blocking weight loss drug orlistat only available today OTC but only as Alli, commonly priced between $40-80, yet available in more rational countries at sometimes less than a fifth of that.

mulberryman said:
Its quite deplorable how we allow heartless corporations to pantent medicine.
First, you don't want corporations to patent medicine? Do you understand that, the way our current system is run, the patents are pretty necessary? If you spend 8 years and millions of dollars on research and development of a new product, approval, etc, and then everyone else just copied the chemical and made money, while you were trying to recoup your losses before even thinking of a profit on the drug. I don't see why you have problems with patents, they're not even lifetime patents despite being the companie's own creation/invention! If this were a different industry, say, computers, the evil technology companies would have *lifelong* patents on their products!
No, I think people need to realize creation, invention, development, and even art should be done for the sole benefit of humanity, and not to appease their own greed and inflate the one-dimensional corporate state. Personally, I don't think any form of licensing ideas, information, or inventions is necessary and we can only learn to work for a greater good when we dispose of these types of rapidly becoming arcane concept.
Incidently, encouraging self poisonings would also help ensure the surival of the the species greatly.

...That's right, kids. Save the world. Kill yourself. :|
Ham-milton said:
Suboxone? It's C5, now right?

LOL!! I don't think so buddy. That would create a huge illicit market for suboxone, and you know the DEA wouldn't be too keen on that. And btw, buprenorphine is a very strong opioid in individuals who have low to moderate tolerance. Its not schedule V; its schedule III. It was briefly schedule V before 2002; but as soon as suboxone and subutex gained more popularity as Rx medications the DEA moved it back up to III (b/c in sub- formulas bupe is available in 2 and 8 mg; in old formulations like temagesic, it was only something like .5 mg).

Even so, they most definitely aren't going to allow any scheduled drugs to be sold OTC; not even class V. If they do, i'd be completely surprised.. it'd be a complete 180 degree turn in the "war on drugs."

The only drugs they're going to even consider for OTC are the unscheduled ones (Its not even illegal to possess unscheduled drugs w/o a prescription.. which makes no sense as to why you still NEED an Rx to get them?).

The only semi-recreational ones would be:

Soma (Carisoprodol) -- scheduled in some states. Unscheduled nationally.

Ultram (Tramadol) -- unscheduled in most states, as far as i know. Unscheduled nationally.

I'd still be surprised if they made these available OTC. Anything thats recreational is likely to be denied OTC status by the FDA due to pressure from the DEA.
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mulberryman said:
No, I think people need to realize creation, invention, development, and even art should be done for the sole benefit of humanity, and not to appease their own greed and inflate the one-dimensional corporate state. Personally, I don't think any form of licensing ideas, information, or inventions is necessary and we can only learn to work for a greater good when we dispose of these types of rapidly becoming arcane concept.
You think people need to realize that huh? Have you contemplated the fact that, without patent protection to actually recoup their development costs (the way the system is at this time), they would spend *years* developing their medicine, getting it approved, etc, then bring it to market. Because they bring it to market, and under your idea have zero patent protection, everyone else will be selling it.

So, you have companyA who just developed this amazing AIDS drug, it took 8 years of R&D to get right, and some more time to get FDA approval. They take it to market, and all their competitors rip off their formula and drive the price waaaay down. Good for consumers? I know you're gonna say yes to that (or I assume you will). Now, think about the next time companyA has a really good idea for a new cancer drug. Do you think they're gonna want to spend so much time on R&D? Why on earth should 1 company absorb the entire R&D bill and then let all other companies sell the product they spent NOTHING to develop. Don't you see how that would lead to less drugs getting to the market?
^^ If everyone were to be pure of heart then all would give all that they can and ask only for what they need in return and noone would ever go without, and the drugs would get to the people who need them as fast as humanly possible. Of course, we'll need a whole new way to live for the whole human race... ...or maybe some kind of mega planetary disaster to reset the social equaston. Either way, there would be no need for any kind of authority over anyone else whatsoever, and governments and regulations will be arcane and forgotten concepts, as all humans will be truly equal and fraternal within the species.
bingalpaws said:
sooo.... OTC amoxacillin? I can't wait to see what, if any, they choose to make behind the counter/OTC, and what their reasoning will be!
wouldnt OTC antibiotics be really bad??? mutating bacteria???
what about asmtha puffers? Ive had a friend about to have an attack in town and they wouldnt give him one.
Epinephrine asthma inhalers are OTC in the USA, the major brand is Primatene and there are tons of cheaper store brands and generics. I don't have a clue why your friend couldn't get one, they are not even kept under lock and key like pseudo-ephedrine.
emergency contraceptive? like, the morning after pill?
because if thats what they're talking about, you can get that free at any planned parenthood...they'll ask for money, but if you just say you're broke and desperate, they wont turn you down. at least around here..
guineaPig said:
emergency contraceptive? like, the morning after pill?
because if thats what they're talking about, you can get that free at any planned parenthood...they'll ask for money, but if you just say you're broke and desperate, they wont turn you down. at least around here..

This is not the case in all areas. Just try asking for condoms, even, in small town, South Dakota. :|

garuda said:
Epinephrine asthma inhalers are OTC in the USA, the major brand is Primatene and there are tons of cheaper store brands and generics. I don't have a clue why your friend couldn't get one, they are not even kept under lock and key like pseudo-ephedrine.

True, but inhaling epinephrine is so incredibly unhealthy. Albuterol is a much safer drug, and the fact that its access is restricted, while more a dangerous alternative is the only available alternative shows the true nature of a system that places very little priority on peoples' actual health and well being.

qwe said:
bingalpaws said:
sooo.... OTC amoxacillin? I can't wait to see what, if any, they choose to make behind the counter/OTC, and what their reasoning will be!
wouldnt OTC antibiotics be really bad??? mutating bacteria???

This is why it would have to be kept behind the counter. Virtually all antibiotics are already easily accessable withourt a rx, and often dirt cheap, from overeas suppliers, and I've never heard of a single case of customs denying their entry. In fact, the same can be said for most any rx drug, save some of the more potent opiates and amphetamines. Besides, mutation of bacteria is more a result of people that quit taking them as soon as they feel better. If bacteria are still left in their bodies, they may not get sick again, since their bodies may have developed antibodies, their immune system has become stronger, but there may still be bacteria left, and its just like doing a crappy job spraying for roaches or ants in your house, they'll come back stronger than ever.

Edit:My bad, quotation fixed.
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That is a possibility with overusing antibiotics, resistant bacteria. That's why you should only use them if they're necessary.