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Favorite Things to do on Amphetamines?

Read online news papers
Read online forums
Listen to music
Answer questions on Quora
Clean and rearrange my house
Have conversations and answer quizzes with my partner
I prefer meth powder, amphetmine doesn't have that much of a "self-confidence boosting" effect. On meth everything I do is right. And I do it the best way of all possible ways. (That's why it's addictive, I only do it like 4-5 times a year).

My favs are:

A,Be around people. That's the most important. Texting just doesn't have what I need.
B, Smoking like 15 cigarettes in an hour.
C, Smoking weed. It's not just that I'm having my stoned weird ideas, but I'm ready to share it with basically anyone. (I smoke the weed before the meth, if I wouldn't do it like that weed probably had no effects on me at all).
D, I gotta admit I almost like meth comedowns better than the actual high. (Maybe because of I use it on rare occasions). I'm getting really-really emphatic, sensitive, I'm ready for some deep talk with basically anyone. I love to watch bullshit hollywood romantic movies, like "Love and other drugs" and shit wich I wouldn't normally do, like never ever.).
E, When I'm up for 2 days straight, I pop some Zannies, and let them do the work, I just enjoy as I slowly calm down, and fall asleep.
Listening to music, reorganizing, making lists, smoking cigs - basically tricking myself that I'm being productive but I'm just wasting time.
I use it to help me clean my house - find it a great help. Also for listening to and dancing to. Not sure about talking with others, sometimes. I prefer 3-FPM for socialising. Mind you, have managed to get my hands on some proper base speed so it is pretty good quality but desperately trying to abuse it. Dissolved 3-4 grammes in a nasal spray bottle - very effective and I reckon it gets absorbed quickly
After I've accommplished every physical task, I'll sit on my bed with a pad of paper and make out a monthly budget over and over again. Add up my pay checks, subtract bills, factor household needs and try to determine how much money I have left over for play time. That's also the only time I want to have rough sex. I woke my honey up at four am last night and demanded it.
I was prescribed them for ADD in low doses so I liked to read, write, and do homework on them. I also loved to drive, or clean on them.

I was never into smoking tobacco daily but even I would fiend for a cigar or cigarette while on them but never really did smoke on them.
I used to be so much more productive on stimulants when I was on opiates at the same time. I would clean, write, record, build, socialise, film, program, research etc etc

But using them with a libido means I end up just masturbating without fail for the duration of the high.
I always find projects to do or something to paint, and I like to take old furniture and redecorate it. My entire apt is full of refurbished furniture I've found on the side of the road while driving around at night (driving around is also something i like to do while on amps) lolol
I like to research anything and everything I can think of online and in books. I want to learn about odd
things it seems while I'm researching. Everything from UFO's to looking up which zodiac sign I think my cat may be lol. Other than that I enjoy cooking and arguing with my boyfriend about stupid things just to prove my point and just to irritate him. I usually win haha.

Everything seems to be fun while being spun. Just my opinion. Oh I rhymed! Sorry being weird haha.
Well I know its been said but sex is definitely top of my list....in particular I find meth and exploring my interest in BDSM with my boyfriend go hand in hand lol....shit gets cray cray!

After that though I love either getting absorbed in the games on my phone or lately Ive been researching my family tree.
My VERY favorite thing to do is work on a monthly budget to see how much shit I can afford. I write down my salary for the month, subtract my bills and whatever costs like groceries and gas and then see how much I have left over to get high. I do it over and over and over again and cut corners anywhere I can. Its like a game. How much can I cut? How much can I save? How high can I afford to be this month?
i really am happy to have come across this thread lol, i thought i was such a weirdo wanting to spend all weekend on forums & internet, finding myself so obsessed in things that wouldn't even in the slightest way interest me at other times...
good to know lol
Get creative! Customise things, play music, post on here, chat to folks, smoke, make silly gestures and armchair dance ridiculously! 8(