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Favorite PLUGGING methods

I've tried shafting on numerous occasions. I even double shafted once. I honestly don't think all that highly of it. I got no where near as messed as i would if i'd just swallowed it. I don't see what all the rage is...
Coming from the man who went to the trouble of purchasing astroglide and condoms for this occasion and wants us to believe he didn't purposely choose RIBBED condoms for his plugging experience, lol :)

--- G.
no just everywhere in the world its inevadable some belong to this sight.

GO PLUGGING (im not gay)
I never heard of plugging until I started posting here a few years ago. After some consideration, I tried it.

While it may be great for some of you guys, it was TERRIBLE for me. I hardly got off on the pill, plus I felt like someone fed me a shitload of Exlax (pun definitely intended) because I started cramping up something awful. The thing that really sucked was it was my first time in a couple of years, and I hardly felt it. Waste of a good $20 if you ask me.

Have fun with your ass games. I will certainly keep swallowing my pills.
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it works you just did it wrong thats all there is to it. that doesnt make it your falt or anything you just messed up a detail so dont knock plugging!
Also I just had the best orgasm of my life. It was FANTASTIC!

You got an orgasm from pluggin? Humm :p

As for plugging wrong how could you go about doing it wrong? Oil base lube maybe?
ya or u jam the pill up into ur shit and it dosnt dissolve.
and not i didnt orgasm from plugging but mearly jacking off;)
I'm going to have to say that plugging definitely relates to sexual preference as well. I mean, would a straight person look at a pill and say "hmmmm, well I can swallow this, or....I can stick it up my ass....yeah the second sounds like the better option"? No, no they wouldn't. You'll be hard pressed to get me to plug a pill. No pun intended. Plugging gives you less or equal roll, so why even fuck with it unless your intentions are not all on drug experimentation? Keep playin with yourselves and I'll just continue to eat mine. :)
^^ that comment is homophobic. There are plenty of drugs which are administered rectally. Go to the hospital when you're really sick and you'll probably be in for at least one of them.

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4) post or upload any content that victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or any other reason;
Synto said:
Plugging gives you less or equal roll, so why even...
This is not correct. "Plugging" provides about 20% higher bioavailability of MDMA than does taking it orally (where it is broken down in the highly acidic environment of the stomach).

This is the same reason why some medications are delivered via anal insertion as a suppository. It avoids the acidic stomach environment (when effects some pharmaceuticals), and allows for more rapid absorption through the colon membrane.
Brian oblivion - do you have a reference for that? I'd be very interested in seeing a study of some form..
How does the bioavailability of snorting a crushed pill compare to that of plugging? I would think it similar given the fact that it too will avoid the acidic stomach environment...
My plugging method:

1. Acquire pill.
2. Stick pill up butt.
3. Have sex with your girlfriend while you sit around drinking and being worried over whether you look "gay".
4. Roll balls.

Brian Oblivion said:
This is not correct. "Plugging" provides about 20% higher bioavailability of MDMA than does taking it orally (where it is broken down in the highly acidic environment of the stomach).

This is the same reason why some medications are delivered via anal insertion as a suppository. It avoids the acidic stomach environment (when effects some pharmaceuticals), and allows for more rapid absorption through the colon membrane.

I'd like to see a reputable reference backing up the fact that "Plugging" provides about 20% higher bioavailability of MDMA than oral administration, and I'll stand corrected. I'm not saying it's not true, I've just never heard of it and would be interested in seeing some proof.

VelocideX: my intent wasn't to "victimize, harass, degrade, or intimidate an individual or group of individuals on the basis of sexual orientation." Please point out my victimizing, harassing, degrading, or intimidating comment(s). I was simply stating that I don't believe there is any advantage of "plugging" mdma to oral administration, therefor plugging is a waste of time and effort in my mind. I'm very aware that there are plenty drugs which may offer more through rectal administration than oral (due to stomach acids, etc..), but I don't believe mdma is one of them. When I see some sort of legitimate reference proving me otherwise, I'll stand corrected. To clear things up, I'm far from homophobic, being as I have many gay friends. I'm sorry you took my negative opinion on plugging mdma as homophobic.
From the Bluelight MDMA FAQ: " Plugging is more effective than swallowing or snorting, because the inside of the anus is lined with a thin membrane. The drug is quickly absorbed through the membrane directly into the bloodstream."

<- sometimes plugs

<- is not gay
VelocideX & Synto,

Sorry for the delay in replying. I'm currently working on a project and don't have much time to get on the net.

Anyway, I very much doubt that there is any authoritative scientific study which determines the actual absorption rates and resulting bioavailability of MDMA. As we all know since MDMA is considered a toxin, and not a pharmaceutical, there's no interest in this in the traditional medical community. At the same time, there apparently have been some studies related to what occurs chemically when MDMA (a mild alkaloid) passes through the stomach and on to the upper intestine. I'm not very fond of the folks at the NIDA, but based on how other pharmaceuticals react I believe that their description is right on here:


Ecstasy is a weak base--this means that Ecstasy is likely to "pick up" or accept a hydrogen ion (H+) from the surrounding medium (the gastric acid in the stomach is loaded with H+). Once the Ecstasy has accepted a H+, it has a charged (or polar) character, which makes it difficult to cross a biological membrane. Biological membranes have a nonpolar core, so compounds having a nonpolar nature are more likely to diffuse across the membrane (passive diffusion). Therefore, most of the Ecstasy is not absorbed from the stomach into the bloodstream. Rather, the Ecstasy molecules get emptied from the stomach into the upper intestine. In the intestine the more alkaline environment causes Ecstasy to give up its H+, becoming more nonpolar. The large surface area and the more alkaline environment enable the Ecstasy molecules to diffuse across the membrane into the blood capillaries very quickly.

MDMA requires the alkaline environment of the intestine to switch its polarity back to allow it to cross the membrane and enter the bloodstream. Something that they don't mention here is that the alkaline levels of the intestine change due to many factors (health, immediate diet, etc.). I would wager that one of the reasons people experience differing intensities and dosage to peak times with the same batch of pills has a lot to do with the "current" state of their intestinal tract.

If the intestinal environment doesn't happen to be very alkaline at the time of the dosage, it is very possible that some percentage of the MDMA never looses the additional hydrogen ion which it acquired in the stomach (e.g., it can't be absorbed through the membrane).

In terms of drug bioavailability the rectal/colon route, there is a great deal of pharmacokinetic research available regarding how compounds behave when administered in this fashion. As I mentioned, it is very unlikely that any lab has studded MDMA absorption specifically. But other drug studies that can be used to as a comparison to develop something of an "educated guess" as to what the drug bioavailability may be.

My "guess" is that it is somewhere around 20% higher than when administered orally. Partly due to the fact that MDMA is compromised to a certain extent when taken orally. And partly due to the fact that MDMA is naturally prone to pass through the intestinal membrane via passive diffusion.

The other part of my "guess" is from reports given by people who have tried it, and from my own experiences. There is definitely an increase in intensity when "plugging," and given what we already know about the pharmacokinetics of other drugs I don't think that the intensity is solely due to a placebo effect.
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Girlfriend tried it (nice to watch your G/F sticking drugs up her ass) and she loved it … or maybe that was just having something up her ass!!! :)

I cant cause for some strange reason as every time I start to come up on pills I shit my self empty, be a bit of a waste (a messy one) :(