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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

favorite erowid stories??

Anything datura related TBH.

Obiter, MGS, hope you're well.
Really? you actually liked that... I was mildly disgusted by it. That he would use such great things as ecstasy and shrooms and try to have sex on them...

Plus.. there was no point.

Oh my friend, you got this wrong. There is no greater spiritual experience in the world like sex on psychedelics. Sure, superficial sex of any sort is superficial. But sex during a psychedelic experience dissolves the body and the mind into one thing. The connection, the degree of sensations, the intensity, cannot be rivaled. It is not only fun, but (at least for me) psychedelics make me potent in a way no other drug can....I'm talking 9hr long marathons, at least in my younger years. As Tathra said, it is a part of the human experience...and just as listening to music on a psychedelic, or taking a nature hike, takes on new meaning...sex on a psychedelic is...just...well it leaves me speechless.

Obiter, MGS, hope you're well.

Awe, thanks for asking. :) I'm doing great, best I've been in the past 1 1/2. Working a job I *mostly* enjoy, happily dating, and returning to functionality after a long ride of loserdom. I'm working on a 1p-LSD report I hope to have done in the next few weeks, once I recover the draft that is from a failed PC. Soon enough I am sure.
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I'm doing great, best I've been in the past 1 1/2. Working a job I *mostly* enjoy, happily dating, and returning to functionality after a long ride of loserdom. I'm working on a 1p-LSD report I hope to have done in the next few weeks, once I recover the draft that is from a failed PC. Soon enough I am sure.

I'm really happy to hear that man. <3
ummm no... cuz they weren't even using it in that way. He was just fucking her. Sex is suppose to be something special with two people that love each other. He wasn't even married and he just made it sound... like a porno or something.
And I really don't want to talk about this anymore.
Youre fucking retarded for being on a drug forum complaining about sex before marriage lmao
Dizziness, Nausea and General Weakness (Mad Honey) by Michael T might just be the best story on that website


The way he narrates this adventure is like something out of Fear and Loathing but more realistic. I love it, a shame he's only documented one trip report on Erowid but I loved reading this and I think many of you will get a kick out of it too!
Great idea for a thread man! I've read some great erowid reports but struggling to recall or find. DXM reports i remember had some great ones.
Youre fucking retarded for being on a drug forum complaining about sex before marriage lmao
Mate the amount of hardcore conservatist types on here is truly surprising considering the theme of the forum.

No hate to them. But it always amazes me.