• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Favorite designs for interior/home/furniture/workspace?

Something cozy and comfortable......
Modern architecture in the rain forest of El Salvador

wow I just wanna lounge in here for days....
I don't have any pictures, but I can't stand clutter, or things that collect clutter. That little triangle storage compartment thing make me recoil with terror. My house is gonna have drawers that are hidden inside the walls. Flip out beds, tv's that drop down from the ceiling. Basically as minimalist as possible. With lots of plants, lots of windows, and obscenely awesome technology. That is all.
^^That is indeed pretty damn nifty. :D

As well as outlandish retro designs, I really like clean ultra modern/futuristic simplicity. I like lots of chrome, glass, plastic, and funky lighting.








I also have a thing for lofts, attic rooms, and rooftop gardens. :)



Really loving this site actually. Some really amazing things to be seen on there. :D
spork that bookstore is amazing! Imagine just letting some kids loose in there, they'd be exploring for hours! =D

tg, I love the first 2 pics and the spiral staircase!! <3
^As much as I love that bath, I can envision some kind of accident taking place with that glass panel somehwere down the line. I'm a complete klutz at times. :|

Why am I talking like I'm really getting the bath?. :D
^I really like the concept, but I think the execution could have been much better. Looks pretty snazzy tho.
^The bedroom's great, although I'd have a difficult time sleeping on such a colorful sheet. (personal quirk ) ;)

I love these bathrooms. So soothing for me.



Here's a nice shot of color.
One of my "friends" has impressive decor... a cardboard box for a table, and a tattered old couch that he found at the city dump. Comfortable yet minimalistic.
^^ Haha classy :D
We had a piece of chipboard over a couple of milk crates as a coffee table for a few years ;)
Good times haha.

mc, that bathroom is sublime <3