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Harm Reduction Fake Adderall


May 19, 2015
Here's a link to an article about counterfeit Adderall tablets. I know it's a year old, but I'm pretty sure the same pills described are still around. I'm almost positive that they are what I've been getting here in Chattanooga for a couple of years now.

I do take them now&then and I've never had any problems with them, but I knew they weren't real the first time I tasted one. Dextroamphetamine (one of the active ingredients in pharmaceutical Adderall) has a slight but distinct sweet taste. These do not.

Also, the effects are slightly different from the real ones since the fakes contain methamphetamine and caffeine. I'm OK with that, but people who normally don't consume much caffeine may experience a jittery edge with these pills.

I will say that these pills are well-made. I've found them to be very consistent and I've had no undesirable side effects. YMMV.

Here's a link to an article about counterfeit Adderall tablets. I know it's a year old, but I'm pretty sure the same pills described are still around. I'm almost positive that they are what I've been getting here in Chattanooga for a couple of years now.
I hated these. To me, it felt almost identical to adderall however after a couple days I started to have bad groin pain (I think it made me incredibly low on magnesium), chest tightness, and I started hallucinating whilst driving.

I do stims a lot, and I make sure to take care of my body. I’ve never had such a negative reaction to a stimulant before. Maybe what I got was something worse, I don’t know.

Had there been no physical side effects, it would have been pretty alright. Again though it just felt like adderall to me.
I hated these....

Could be you got a different batch?
I dunno.

Other than my heavy coffee intake I generally don't do stims much (except for a 2-year meth habit a while back), so when I do I keep the doses pretty low. I rarely take more than one of these in a 24hr period and almost never take them for more than a week or so before laying off for a few months.

As I always say, YMMV.

(edit) PS-- I usually prefer script Addies over meth, but it's not a huge preference. The difference to me is subtle and hard to describe, but I guess Addies feel "cleaner" than meth?
I've had fake IR addy pills that did not contain meth. It was some RC stim.

I wish they did contain meth, because the high kinda sucked. For the first few days they felt like dexamp, but after 3 days I barely felt anything from them except side effects.

They were pretty good fakes, matched the taste of adderall filler almost exactly.

That was about 5 or 6 years ago in Texas.
These are definitely around. I'm a bit further west by a few states and these have been circulating for years. I hate them. I immediately felt the meth vibes compared to a standard Adderall. They split different due to being softer/chalkier and you can see little white chunks of drug on the inside. A real pharmaceutical pill doesn't have little hotspots like that.
These are definitely around. I'm a bit further west by a few states and these have been circulating for years. I hate them. I immediately felt the meth vibes compared to a standard Adderall. They split different due to being softer/chalkier and you can see little white chunks of drug on the inside. A real pharmaceutical pill doesn't have little hotspots like that.
Yea, it seems that nowadays they don’t really put in effort to make it seem real. Everyone kinda knows what they’re getting. I’ve seen some pressed addys that are so comically large I busted out laughing.
They split different due to being softer/chalkier and you can see little white chunks of drug on the inside. A real pharmaceutical pill doesn't have little hotspots like that.
What you've gotten are different from the ones I'm getting.

These are actually harder than pharmaceutical Adderall (I know, that's unusual) and very difficult to break-- but they usually split almost perfectly along the score.
Also, they are uniform in color (peachy-orange, just like Rx) and seem to be uniform in strength.

I do prefer the real Addies, but these are OK.
So where do I get my real Adderall they came from the real Pharmacy tested for Quality because I know for a fact this is not real Adderall something's wrong with the recipe. I get four to take a day but I only take one and that gives me instant energy wakes me up in the morning now I can sleep through four pills that I took just this one time to make sure I got up early and got could get out of bed without struggling for my son's appointment. Slept right through it this is b******* I need to get these two pills tested for Quality where do I do it?