• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Eye symmetry


Bluelight Crew
Apr 19, 2001
Is it just me or is everyone's left eye slightly higher on their faces than their right?

It really looks like this to me both in real life and on tv.
I just looked at myself in the mirror to see if my left eye is much higher on my face and it's not. Maybe it's just you :)
I had a friend I used to trip with and we both noticed this, but not necessarily the left side. I think lots of people have one side slightly different. Like one eye bigger than the other or positioned differently. It was more noticeable when we were high comparing facial features. lol
I'd like to agree with you, Lefty, but I'm afraid we're not going to see eye to eye on this issue. That's a knee slapper right there. :D

I've only noticed this with a few people. Shannen Doherty immediately comes to mind. I remember seeing her on the cover of Maxim magazine and that was the first thing I noticed. I thought that maybe it was just the magazine, but the internet proved me wrong on that one.

Yes,finally something I've always wondered and seen myself.and I think the eyes being non symmetrical has something to do with gravity and the way we hold our heads on a day to day basis.if that makes any sense...anybody onboard with this idea???...
"I'd like to agree with you, Lefty, but I'm afraid we're not going to see eye to eye on this issue. That's a knee slapper right there."

fucking lol
I don't see it on myself but then I can't see myself like other people can.

I don't know why but it is always the left eye.

Shannon Doherty just has a more pronounced case than most.
the only case where the right eye is above the left i can think of is sloth from goonies. 0_o
Its also the angle viewed at. Sometimes one might appear higher depending on head position. It could be a way of tracking, or like we prioritize function. Most people being right handed, it might make sense to have a bigger, more specialized right eye. It may appear uglier (Ive considered many a right eye to look "reptile" like... colder... not that that is ugly) than the left. I've been interested in facial asymmetry for awhile. How emotions are displayed, and read.

I've read that males tend to view each others left eye more. When I had trouble with eye contact in my late teens and early 20s due to certain anxiety, I began to focus on the left eye primarily, of males. It felt comfortable and natural, more so. Eventually I have grown to have no aversion to eye contact. My eyes connect naturally. But I had to enter in through the left.

Women... I sometimes think they require more right side attention. I don't know. I still shift. Maybe I'm afraid of their more emotional side.. But I understand male "emotional", left side face. That generalization is just that, though. General. There is just some difference.

I have noticed the left side sits back a little... While the right is forward. So maybe yea, left is up and back generally, and right is forward lower and bigger.
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It's different depending on the person. No one is completely symmetrical and it's not just eyes. Have you heard about people who have like one leg that is a significant amount shorter than the other? Stuff like that. Feet is common. My sister has two different size feet, one is almost a full size larger. I notice my feet are slightly different sizes as one shoe will be a tiny bit tighter on me. I've never noticed it with my own face, maybe my face is relatively symmetrical? I'll take a closer look sometime. It's pretty though, how people aren't really symmetrical :)
Its also the angle viewed at. Sometimes one might appear higher depending on head position. It could be a way of tracking, or like we prioritize function. Most people being right handed, it might make sense to have a bigger, more specialized right eye. It may appear uglier (Ive considered many a right eye to look "reptile" like... colder... not that that is ugly) than the left. I've been interested in facial asymmetry for awhile. How emotions are displayed, and read.

I've read that males tend to view each others left eye more. When I had trouble with eye contact in my late teens and early 20s due to certain anxiety, I began to focus on the left eye primarily, of males. It felt comfortable and natural, more so. Eventually I have grown to have no aversion to eye contact. My eyes connect naturally. But I had to enter in through the left.

Women... I sometimes think they require more right side attention. I don't know. I still shift. Maybe I'm afraid of their more emotional side.. But I understand male "emotional", left side face. That generalization is just that, though. General. There is just some difference.

I have noticed the left side sits back a little... While the right is forward. So maybe yea, left is up and back generally, and right is forward lower and bigger.

nice post!
That's true llama.... My left boob is smaller and higher than the other=D
That's true llama.... My left boob is smaller and higher than the other=D

Lol I wasn't going to say that upfront but now that you have mentioned it, that's the main thing that isn't symmetrical for me! My right boob is soooo much bigger than my left boob! It is a bit annoying :p
I think a perfectly symmetrical face is rare, and would look strange.
(Interesting note: I read people subconsciously automatically look at the "good side of people faces)