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extreme thc reclamation


Nov 3, 2016
i decided to see if it was worth trying to get high from whatever came out of my pipe resin.

i also had a few other things with thc (distillate syringe leftovers, a crushed stale edible, a broken oil burner i used for concentrates), but the buildup from my bubbler was epic at this point.

i let all of this soak in 70% rubbing alcohol for like a week, and filtered it. it was some dark foul-smelling concoction (like bongwater dissolved in alcohol... go figure)

at this point, i started following the guide found here (the "OH MY GAWD!" part):


i evaporated the concoction down to a more concentrated evil sludge and moved it to sealable glass.

then i added about half of that volume of vm&p naphtha*, shook (vented periodically), and let the layers separate for a day.

ill try to remember to add a photo i took of the layers, but for now ill paint a picture: the bottom layer was black and quite opaque, with a light behind it revealing an emerald hue. the top layer was like a glass of black tea; transparent and golden-red.

i dont have a separatory funnel, so i sucked the naphtha out with a nice big oral syringe (the naphtha will start to dissolve the plastic after awhile, so i worked quickly and vowed not to leave the syringe in the medicine cabinet), added it to an evap dish, and got rid of the naphtha in a well ventilated area, away from idiots with cigars.

i added more naphtha to the sludge and set it aside for later processing.

i then dissolved it twice again, this time using 91% isopropanol, evaporating over a hot plate each time, with plenty of air flow. this was to ensure that ive got no residual naphtha.

what was left was syrupy and runny, almost certainly had some fats from the edible that i dont know how to remove (im guessing its not possible). smelled vaguely of ash, but did not taste of ash.


now for the report:

i had saturday off, and decided it was a nice time to try this out. i had no idea how much thc was in there, so i prepared myself to possibly be floored. i also decided to add a gram of freshly ground but very dry buds. i estimated that this was about 150mg of thc, which would probably not be much more than a threshold dose for me (500mg is more like a regular dose).

i heated and stirred everything together on a hotplate with a heated fan blowing over it. i added gatorade (citric acid) and powdered ascorbic acid, in the hopes of speeding up the decarboxylation of the dried buds. i got impatient (day was running along and i worked the next morning), and imbibed at around 1:30 p.m.

normally, on an empty stomach, oral thc takes about 2 hours to come up. i had started the experiment with a belly full of sushi, so was quite startled to feel a stirring at the half hour point. by an hour after ingestion, i was quite stoned, and was sure that it would continue to raise in intensity. it did. by hour three, i was higher than i remember being in quite some time. a walk downtown for some cupcakes was mighty satisfying (freestyling all the way), and of couse my social skills were shot.

around 6pm, i laid down in my bed, and drifted off into closed-eye visuals and fantastic body high (apparently i may have over-decarboxylated and produced that sedative thc metabolite i hear about, cause this was the most relaxed i remember feeling from cannabis. very pleasant.)

i drifted off a few times, realizing late into the night that i was still high. finally went down for bed, woke up for work, and realized that i was still VERY high (felt like my normal dosage at this point, or maybe less... like 300 or 400 mg of thc). got through the workday, and still this morning felt not quite baseline. probably took till about noon today (almost 48 hours later) to feel actual sobriety.


10/10 would get this high again


*the original guide calls for lab-grade n-hexane, but im not going to be serving this to other ppl, and the msds for vm&p naphtha identifies it as "light naphtha", a mixture of hexane and pentane in various isomers.
You didn't over decarb, the pipe resin was already hot at one point and probably heavily oxidized to CBN = sedating.
I'm disappointed that there's a person on this forum who's stooped to this god-awful low. :(
im disappointed that there's a person on this forum with a mind thats so tightly closed.

what about my experiment did you find so ..."low"?
Everything. Scraping a bowl, soaking the waste in whatever, smoking the dried leftovers...

It's ridiculous and disappointing that you had to stoop to that low. I honestly feel that statement didn't really deserve an explanation but hey, you probably thought you needn't think it through either when you took literal tar and tried to turn it into figurative gold.

I'll never understand fiendin' for a weed high (or whatever you want to call it) to the point where a person seems legitimately proud of smoking resin. Shit's gross.
the funny thing is, i have money and access to probably any form of cannabis i want (aside from a tangwena style malawi cob of ace seeds zamaldelica, but thats another story...)

i did this for:

1) fun (isnt fun extra fun when u dont harm anyone else?)

2) learning (actually this is still number 1, isnt it?)
Yeah man, I definitely go out of my way to do what looks like "conserving" weed even though I'm a super light user and have enough money. It's all an experiment.

Nothing really special except more of the usual "Wall of Shame", e.g. vilification centered of a most fundamentally flawed consumption method which turned into a health issue of planetary scale.

But that's me, i guess the "experiment" word triggered something!...
im not sure im following... are you saying that vilification is justified in this scenario?

and what is fundamentally flawed about eating thc?
If you're interested in actually learning something, do this experiment again-- only, instead of ingesting the watered-down waste, send it off to a lab for testing. Also, don't add flowers to it. You didn't learn anything by doing that, you just ensured a high.

Until that spectroscopy gets posted up here I still think it's retarded for a person to try and recycle bong-tar.

And just for the record, Egzo' was talking about me vilifying your idea in this thread. He wasn't startin' shit with you, brutha, I think it was more of a low-key way to tell me to shut up and let you be.
the second naphtha pull i went for all on its own. it was active.

and i have no idea how to send this off, but it was more to learn the process rather than see exactly what is going on. if i were to repeat said experiment, i would also not add baked goods.
what is fundamentally flawed about eating thc?
It's by far the healthiest way to ingest. I don't understand why jib thought this has anything to do with smoking. Maybe he just skimmed your post without actually reading it?

I use to make edibles from oil reclaim on a regular basis. It's by far the easiest way to insure a high and a tasty edible. Way easier than starting from flower, that's for sure.

That distillate reclaim looks top notch for this project. Glad you enjoyed learning from your experiment.
Hi again nepalnt21,
Salutations Jibult,

...Egzo' was talking about me vilifying your idea in this thread. He wasn't startin' shit with you, brutha, I think it was more of a low-key way to tell me to shut up and let you be.

Not the least bit, typical forged character interpretation as seen from my perspective, but i should have used a few more paragraphs to explain i guess, though i believe my diatribe should sound familiar over here by now!

E.G. SMOKING is the main cause of self-vilification here. The "Wall-of-Shame" is for being serious about further building on SMOKING.

...you just ensured a high.

The quest for an ultimate SMOKER buzz is more self-vilification, because the consumer himself is proof of a mirage where a fundamentally flawed consumption method is being repeatedly confused with more consequences of bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionism; the lack of THC/CBD balance in THC-centric pesticide-laced mari-caca being a complicating factor. How about aroma/taste appreciation? ... As a long-term ex-smoker converted to vaporism i can't personally support further vilification by "perfecting" SMOKER-based consumption methods aiming for the ultimate "buzz", which i used to call the "unresolved obcession" - until i found the appropriate tool to manage with tolerance issues, that is. I'm afraid SMOKING just ain't part of it in any case, nothing hostile addressed against anyone here. My anger is about a perpetuated 1880 error attracting more errors on this screen like a magnet, it would be nice to see things done right for a change:


Don't be an automaton agent of self-vilification serving bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionism by proving the "harm" of mari-caca! Get smarter, put 1st things 1st!! Your reclaims can only improve if you don't contaminate them to begin with. It's not magic, it's logical.

im not sure im following... are you saying that vilification is justified in this scenario?

No, it's not even clear how to come to such conclusions unless being misled, euh... In any case i'm against cannabis self-vilification including that with no other purposes than to support bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist ideology practically turned into a religion, In The Name Of Children they once said! As soon as 1885/1890, 1908, 1923...

...what is fundamentally flawed about eating thc?

SMOKING is what's fundamentally flawed.

As for the pros & cons of eating i'd have to point out the matter of delay between intake and effect, then duration, ritual, intensity... As far as i'm concerned edibles are OKay except i prefer vaporism a lot.

...it was more to learn the process rather than see exactly what is going on. if i were to repeat said experiment, i would also not add baked goods.

M'well, at least consider doing it with purified condensate from a vaporizer instead! Even at that all vaporizers ain't built equal: Hot Dry Air Ovenizers generate residues which reminded me of tar/cauldron and ashtrays trying to reclaim some 0.5 g extract from 172 g of vaped material - imagine if smoked!...

I used to need 1 ~ 1.5 g a day as a smoker using my hachish smoker pipe on the left:


On the right that's my solution, trying to cope with Hot Dry Air Ovenizer short-comings as well - but Jibult forgot to mention it. No bid deal.

I welcome more questions, interpretations fail flat as you can observe here.

Good day, have fun!! =D
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Not the least bit, typical forged character interpretation as seen from my perspective, but i should have used a few more paragraphs to explain i guess, though i believe my diatribe should sound familiar over here by now!

Wll hey, my bad. I'm just used to catching shit for giving people shit about recycling bong-resin, and I kind of felt like I was vilifying (we're using that word too much) the act because it fucking deserves it.

But bro, you have to admit.... sometimes it seems like people need a translator for your posts even though they're in English. Not a fault, it's just, like... I feel like I get what you mean most the time. You've fuckin' stumped me on occasion, though, I can't even lie.
hey nepalnt, thanks for making this post! This is something I've wondered about for a while, just as to its possibility even if I might not try it. I don't smoke anymore myself (vape) but my dad has a jar full of pipe resin he's been saving... I can't for the life of me imagine trying to smoke it but maybe this would be a good way to get out some of the carbon before adding it to edibles.

Egzoset, I've gotta agree with Jibult here because I pretty much just skip your posts now, yes VERY familiar with your diatribe at this point. Sucks because you seem to have some interesting things to say about vaporization (vaporism?)
That distillate reclaim looks top notch for this project. Glad you enjoyed learning from your experiment.
just to be clear, the distillate in the measuring tin (second pic) is product i bought. i wish i had a short-path distillation setup :0(
well, im glad we seem to all be on the same page. i still smoke occasionally (would vape if i could find a cheap, effective vaporizer), but only if i need an instant effect (relief from g.i. disturbances, for instance). i prefer edibles for their effect, duration, lack of lung issues...

moxious, i would certainly use something with peanut butter, as the ashy smell is gonna be ever so slightly there, and the pb should mask the smell 100% (the taste was unobtrusive tho, so thats good)
Salutations Jibult,
Salutations Moxious,

...you have to admit...

...yes VERY familiar...

All i see is a few constants, the "Wall-of-Shame" is one, then there's this drive trying to deny a person's humanity by refocussing "discussions" on some forged "Drama-Queen" image supposed to represent said member, actually to justify hostility in echo to memorable previous confrontations it seems.

Never forget the virtues of the [ Ignore ] button, not to mention the OP has made his decisions anyway.


Too bad, i thought i read "experimentation"... The mistake is human, no bid deal! Even Egzoset ain't omnipotent yano. ... Like it's a fault to offer sharing the perspective accumulated from an experiment which started in 2013!

M'yeah, i'll admit i've been persistent challenging potential experimenters about replicating my observations, only to find equally persistent rejection which still doesn't stop instant experts to comment as if they've been in my shoes. Boring social content, cut it short please. My contribution resides elsewhere but the thing is that our correspondant fixed his problem with edibles as an alternative to inhalation. What is there to add if that meets his expectations! It's not as if it never happened before.

Good day, have fun!! =D