Work Extreme anxiety before job interview any tips please


Nov 27, 2022
Hi guys! So I've got an interview coming up. I've not gone to one since pre covid, I'm extremely nervous for some stupid reason. Any tips I'll be facing four people in the interview, it's for an admin position. I really love the company, ethics, and cause. I feel I'm the one standing in the way.

Thanks in advance 🙂🥲
When I read that you really loved the company, their ethics and cause I felt you meant that. Just be ready to tell them that and maybe elaborate a little on why you love each one of them specifically. People don’t use the words you just did without passion (unless they’re fake and that’ll be obvious). If I was hiring people for my company that’s what I’d be looking for. Passion. And also how much someone appears to mean what they say.

If that doesn’t work then just imagine that each of them has to bear down to shit just like you do. Politely tell them that you are glad that they got to see you and walk out that door like their biggest missed opportunity.

It wasn’t meant for you. They can’t go where you are going. Somewhere else needs you more.
First of all, I'm rooting for you, you got this! <3

It is something I like to do, and maybe it is not that useful, but usually calms me down a bit before any kind of talk in front of people: Try to write a speech/paragraphs answering questions you feel like they may ask or you are really stressed over. Just on a paper/word document and then have a conversation with yourself about it.
I usually use this when I have to do a presentation where we cannot read off from a paper or use any notes - of course it is not a bulletproof thing, and doesn't work with everyone, but I often catch myself in like a "autopilot" mood where, even if I rephrase many things, I mostly go off what I wrote down and practiced by "talking about it" with myself. I think this may give you a feeling of "being well prepared" and also you can try out different ways or manner of talking about something.
I second Kellsees point about expressing interest

Also lots of times they're looking for something pretty specific so, don't take it personally, and try to be as genuine as possible. Explain things in detail so they know you can back up your words

Visualise yourself rockin the interview and then starting your first day at work

Do some relaxation / grounding techniques immediately prior to interview (pm if you want actual example / steps of great technique)
Quit eating anything sweet for a week prior. For real, try it. Keep your total sugars from everything you eat under 30g a day, preferably much less. You can hit that easily without eating anything sweet, sugar is in everything these days.

the only non-drug thing that ever worked for me to is to physically exhaust myself. Run a few miles or however long it takes you to be exhausted. I'm always relaxed and confident after that for a few hours. The combination of residual endorphins and adrenaline makes me feel confident in social situations.
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the only non-drug thing that ever worked for me to is to physically exhaust myself. Run a few miles or however long it takes you to be exhausted. I'm always relaxed and confident after that for a few hours. The combination of residual endorphins and adrenaline makes me feel confident in social situations.

Maybe is because of B6 vitamin. Is only real B vitamin that does some.

isnt say for no motive, if you eat ok you move nhm
I find propanol is way better than Benzos for me. you are less dopey and can think clearer. yeah but real low dose makes sense.

I use propanalol before public speaking- game changer. you are welcome.

adderrall and dexamphet are good too.
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Quit eating anything sweet for a week prior. For real, try it. Keep your total sugars from everything you eat under 30g a day, preferably much less. You can hit that easily without eating anything sweet, sugar is in everything these days.

I quite sugar years ago, only use Stevia... Or a banana 🍌 if I get the shakes
I find propanol is way better than Benzos for me. you are less dopey and can think clearer. yeah but real dose makes sense.

I use propanalol before public speaking- game changer. you are welcome.

adderrall and dexamphet are good too.
I've got some Propranolol, it stops the physical signs of anxiety. I agree about it being way more effective than benzos for physical anxiety like tachycardia
I very recently had an interview for a job I really wanted and because I was the first person to walk in and shake their hand without hesitation it went a long ways to getting me the job.
So I was told once I got the position

I hope you done well mate
Oddly, things have gone best for me in interviews/tests I was anxious about if I failed to sleep enough the night before and ended up just too darn tired to care. Make sure you're prepared for the common questions, and find some way to downplay the importance of the interview. If you find yourself nervous during it anyway, it probably helps more than it hurts to just tell them you're a little nervous.
Research the company and the role, be very specific on why you think you’re a good fit and what positives you can bring. Interviewers are so drained by people just going in for interviews and not really showing interest.
Don’t be afraid to have some personality and a little banter, but honesty - they need you, you may want to work there, as long as you walk in with that mentality and enough confidence without being cocky - the job will be yours.
This might sound dumb but I remember my brother saying that what has always worked for him was "pretending" to be confident. Obviously not a technique for everyone but I understand what he meant and he is someone who struggles with anxiety in a big way, and he's doing well job wise and has been doing so for nearly a decade now. The whole thing is a show and so put on a show for them. Make them think that you were a confident person and let your skills and such speak for you (they got you the interview after all) and have them all saying, afterwards, 'He had it! Definitely put him on the call-back list.'.

Sorry if this is bad or useless advice, its just something my brother said once that I always found interesting. I've never struggled with interviews but I can see why people do. There's that Woody Allen quote (sorry to quote that perv): '80% of success is showing up' - apply that to other aspects of life. 80% of an interview is merely convincing the employees that you're worth it. Look smart and you'll feel smarter. Stride like you're a fucking legend and make them want you

Best of luck.
You might be a little groggy but I take a nap before a important interview. Nice relaxed and confident make eye contact answer the questions thoroughly and try to gauge how they want to be addressed.