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Extreme anxiety and heart pain on first time with shrooms help!


Nov 9, 2015
I'm 16 and I weigh 110 pounds. Ive done a lot of drugs in the past but now I only just smoke marijuana to help relieve my anxiety. So two days ago I ate a 1.5 of shrooms with my boyfriend and it wasn't really a bad trip but I was experiencing extreme anxiety. I've been diagnosed with major depression and anxiety for about 4 years and anorexia for 3. My anxiety is always accompanied by paranoia. We took it around 10:00 and it didn't hit me till 10:45. I felt very happy and smiling but when it kicked in more my heart started pounding fast and irregular (I've had some history with high blood pressure due to my anxiety) and I felt like I was dying or something. I then felt like I had to throw up. I threw up a lot and I felt a little better after but then the anxiety took its toll again 30 minutes later. I am pretty sure I had about 3 anxiety attacks throughout this. It ended around 2:30 and we both started to relax and we talked for hours until we went to bed. Now I've been feeling extra depressed and suicidal. I feel as if I don't know what to do with myself. My heart is actually aching too (not emotionally, literally physically) and It starts beating fast easily. I feel emotionally and physically drained. It was a really eye opening experience nevertheless but it took a big toll on me and I really need some advice or explanation. I feel truly terrible.
You sure it's heart pain not heart burn from throwing up?

It's pretty easy to confuse chest and stomach pain.

If you're thinking the mushrooms damaged your heart in some way then relax. They didn't.

Also :

Weeds great. It does many, many things. Relieving anxiety, in my opinion, is not one of them.

If I smoke too regularly I often find trivial things overwhelming. The lack of motivation it can cause can make small tasks seem far bigger than they are and that makes me anxious.

Having a break from weed after a difficult trip is always a good idea anyway so I'd suggest you just eat healthy, sleep well and stay straight from a bit
It sounds like you already know what happened.... Mushrooms do not cause those kinds of heart troubles, but anxiety does. Having one or more bad panic attack can have a lasting negative effect on your psyche, especially when potentiated by hallucinogen use, and I would guess that that is probably why you still feel crappy after it as well. Assuming you didn't have some serious heart problem to begin with, it's important to know that you could not have done any real damage to your heart by taking those mushrooms, especially at that dose. The aching is very likely purely a symptom of lingering anxiety, and may become worse if you continue to worry about it. My advice would be to just take it easy and not do any drugs for at least a couple of weeks.... Get yourself back into a healthier and normalized state of mind. If you can do that then I expect you will begin to feel much better.
Are you OK now? It sounds as though you had a panic attack. Take a long break from all drugs, or just don't use them since they bring out a lot of anxiety and give you really bad panic attacks. Good luck, and stay safe.
anxiety / panic attacks can make one believe that there is something terribly wrong with their body, I speak from experience. I also know chest pain, seemingly "irregular" heart rate, etc from strong panic attacks. I don't think you are / were physically in danger, but I know how easy t is to believe that there's something wrong, when it feels so real.
Yes anxiety / panic attacks can make you feel terrible. The adrenaline and stress hormones do a serious job working on your sensations. You are not really in danger though, the heart does not really send out pain in the normal way. You can feel insufficient oxygen supply to the heart, yes. But usually pains in that region are from tension and sore ribs / other things. Psychosomatic symptoms are very normal, and feelings get amplified so much on psychedelics.

The thing to look out for is not getting imprinted severely by such a negative experience. Fears of being harmed or dying are typically from the spiritual dissociation from the trip. It is very normal to feel as if dying on mushrooms I would say, but if you are the type of person to not know that and be seriously alarmed, then it can be detrimental. If you interpret in a more natural way as being confronted with our mortality and that it's really all okay, that life and death are complementary and in balance and that there is no point in being overly afraid, then it can be really worthwhile and healing. Some say one of the major things in life is learning how to die properly, not to let go all the time but to let go when it IS your time!. Realize none of this says that it would be okay to just abandon your joy for life prematurely, just that cramped attachment doesn't really help you. If you know that you cannot be hurt from normal experiences, trips, things that are physically non-threatening, you can use the confrontation to your advantage. To look death in the eye is to be alive. All the while the trip itself is safe though, you will not actually die or get hurt physically.

It's unfortunate if you only expected hallucinations or even just nice colors and a sense of wonder, but psychedelic trips really do go beyond. If you let that get to you the wrong way it can cause problems. Only use them if you understand these matters better. Go through the difficult process and rise from it like a phoenix.