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Experiences : Amphetamine and Mdma


Nov 3, 2014
I don't roll often enough to experiment and find something I like. I don't like being really fucked up either. I tried mda/mdma combo and it killed the initial mdma roll, and made it seem like an emotionless mild mushroom trip, and a bad comedown.
One night with untested crystals we danced all night, like I literally could not stop dancing, the music played in my head after the party was over. I tender remember almost everything from that night. I had a fabulous three month afterglow as well. The last few times I've rolled with tested stuff I've had the empathy and body load, but my legs feel like lead, even when I'm seeing my favourite DJ. I just want to take my honey and cuddle and other.... Things.... Lol.
He said that night I'm talking about he remembers his skin burning and feeling prickly, reminiscent of some nights on speedy pills.
I'm wondering if adding some amphetamine to our stuff will make our nights better? What are your experiences with it? I don't want to do a whole lot and be uncomfortable or something... Is there a large risk we won't have a good time?
if u add a point or 2 of crystal meth that would make it a lot more fun. I've done pure tested MDMA and it was awesome but I didn't feel like hyped up or like dancing, and I've done pure tested crystal meth and I danced the shit out of my favorite music. I don't think I've ever done them together but I read that it'll make u more dancey and hyped up
Have you seen this thread: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/754666-Interesting-Revelations-Regarding-Effects-of-Pure-MDMA

MDMA+meth gives me the effects that you are seeking. In my opinion it's an insane combo - but with higher abuse risk (the meth makes you want to do it again and again and again, more and more and more - so if you have low self control I would stay away from it actually).
MDMA + amp does give me a little bit more energy - but the extreme jaw clenching is a problem for me. I don't get any increased negative side effects from MDMA + meth (apart from compulsive need/wish to redose and roll again).

A lot of people also use caffeine with MDMA to get more energy. I would definitely try that before mixing amphetamine or meth in the mix, cause those combos are more neurotoxic for you than pure MDMA.
I'm wondering if adding some amphetamine to our stuff will make our nights better? What are your experiences with it? I don't want to do a whole lot and be uncomfortable or something... Is there a large risk we won't have a good time?

for me amphetamine completely kills the roll. i've heard from other people who react similarly to this combination that doing methamphetamine instead of amphetamine leads to the desired increase in energy.
Fack. Caffeine does nothing, but the one time we had MDxx mixed with meth and some other shit, and gawd it was awful. I chewed the shit out of the inside of my mouth, and had a super shitty week long come down. I don't think we could bring ourselves to do that again. But from the sounds of it, that may very well could have been what was in the good stuff we had. Maybe just stick with the mdma and try harder to pump myself up. Lol I must be getting old.
I've mixed the two and I'm not sure they go together that well. At first it's fine, but once the peak ends there's a lot of stimmy side effects from the combination. I used to like it, but either one on their own works better. This was with amp+mdma or meth+mdma. For me, at least.
A girl I knew mixed adderall, ecstasy, and LSD. She lost her shit, tried to seduce everyone one, didn't work, smashed a lot of shit, threw my gps at me, ripped her clothes of... like legit ripped them, kicked me in the face and my glasses went flying, ran away into the snow naked, was found by the police in a graveyard, she was cut up and bloody, attacked the cops, restrained and tied down to a hospital bed.... then I got interrogated for that shit, police made all sorts of egregious accusations, I got lucky and was freed... although I was innocent of all the crimes I was accused of. Guilty of other crimes they weren't concerned with, like possession of pot.

Point being I do not recommend this combo, there is not telling how one will react. The girl aforementioned was an experienced daily substance user. Use caution if you proceed. I'm not trying to scare you, this was just something I witnessed and was a part of... and it clearly didn't go well.
A girl I knew mixed adderall, ecstasy, and LSD

It's a crazy story but throwing LSD into the mix completely changes the situation. Just amphetamine with MDMA is a relatively safe combo providing both doses are reasonable.

@OP, I don't think it's the worst idea and I'm actually very tempted to try it myself next time. Just remember that taking two different stims at the same time will potentiate the effects. So, keep doses of both lower than usual. Something like 110mg MDMA + 5-10mg amp could produce all the energy and euphoria you're looking for. If I end up doing it, my doses will be around that.
It will be at a festival, but talked to my so, the risks are lower if we just do the M, since we'll be doing mushrooms and acid the other days. At least if we're not energetic, we can go bone. Lol
Been taking adderall/dexedrine with MDMA at a club for as long as I can remember (at least like 9 years now).

15-25 mg of dexedrine. 3-4 hours later MDMA (regular normal dose i.e 1-2mg per kg of bodyweight). Never an issue. Just MDMA by itself is too sedating. Taking both at the same time is kind of a waste of both drugs imo, as they fight eachother a bit. Back in the day day a lot of pills had a bit of meth in them with MDMA. So a lot of people used to unwillingly take meth+mdma at the same time. It was fun, but oviously unhealthy, also a lot less rolly.

Do not take amp AFTER mdma tho, this increases chances of pushing dopamine into sert transporters even more.