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Experience after MDMA - Afterglow? Anxiety cured?


Mar 20, 2017
Hi! I’ve had somewhat of mind-opening experience after taking MDMA and I’m still trying to figure out if what I’m feeling is permanent or was strictly MDMA-induced.

Firstly, some background. I’ve always been a somewhat anxious individual, in that I tend to overthink a lot or create problems in my mind when in fact there is nothing or too little to worry about. I would not say I have problems socializing, but I find myself feeling ‘lesser than’ people in certain social circles, when my self-esteem plummets (again, has something to do with overthinking). Basically, while I have no problems being a functional individual in day-to-day life, I have great issues calming my thoughts, stopping getting mad on the inside or stopping my ego bursting for the most inane day-to-day shit.

Now..I took a pill this Saturday during a concert and had the best time ever. I did not drink any alcohol and stayed up until the morning with no apparent fatigue or needing to eat anything. Did not experience any comedown, it might also have something to do with the dosage, I didn’t take that much since it was my second time taking it. Went to sleep on Sunday at 10 am, slept like a baby for just an hour, but again, woke up with no fatigue and an amazing feel-good feeling. Since I did not feel tired, watched some movies and was surprised to analyze myself not giving a shit about a fight I had with my flatmate a night before, which really consumed me 12 hours earlier. I was calm and serene, went to the park, met with a girl and talked, overall a great day. Now, I still only had one hour of sleep when I went to bed on Sun night, so expected to still feel tired Monday at work after 7 hours of sleep. But then.. Again, I had an amazing and relaxing day and everything seemed to fall into place, the day just flew by. Analyzing myself again, I found out that while there were some negative thoughts there in my mind about some stupid shit, it was more like they showed up out of habit and they were so much easier to disregard. Now it’s Tuesday, I feel rested and still have this great feeling I haven’t had in a long time. It just feels like a normal person should feel everyday. The problem is, it’s starting to scare me a little. Is this still the afterglow or did I actually hit the jackpot and changed my fucked-up, anxiety-driven way of thinking?

Both. It's normal to feel better than usual after taking MDMA, especially if you use it infrequently. Using MDMA can also give you a different perspective on yourself, and if you pay attention and cultivate that perspective it can change how you feel / behave in the long term.
Thats the afterglow. It lasts for a few days and then goes away. So enjoy it while it lasts!
I have major depression and for 2-3 days after rolling I feel very relaxed, focused and calm. But after 2-3 days the feeling dissipates and I am back to my usual depression :-(
I actually had a very similar experience. I took a full dose my first time and experienced amazing after glow effects. No anxiety, very clam and content and able to work out my problem a without getting worked up. Since taking M I have had maybe two anxiety attacks and normally I have them at least twice a week. I first took it Feb 4. Now the first week after was bliss and I have definitely felt anxious since but not nearly to the extent I normally did. And after experience the euphoria that is MDMA I feel like I can sorta harness it now and remind myself it's possible to be anxiety free. So enjoy it and remember how you feel!