Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. The Endorphin Factory


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
Welcome to the Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction thread! The health benefits of exercise are extraordinary. It creates positive differences in so many areas including mental health and addiction recovery. This is a social thread where we can share positive things we have received from exercise. This is a social thread but we are going to allow talk about what drug you are addicted to and how exercise has helped you. So please share any mental health, addiction, life, or health symptoms or conditions and what difference you have experienced by making regular exercise a part of your life. This is also a place to discuss anything exercise related and to socialize about your current exercise routine.




Previous thread can be found here Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. I worked all that out
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I was on meth for 5 years. i was 135 pounds and 6ft tall. I started working out in rehab and got up to
170 pounds in 4 months.. But now im back home and being lazy. I havent worked out in 4 weeks.
The gym is a 30 min walk but, that's not really nothing. i'm only 23. I know i need to work out
but I'm depressed or have no motivation.. But, I guess ill just suck it up and just do it.
Sitting around all day is causing me to feel like shit. But yea, working out is the best therapy.
Makes you feel good, look good. I don't know why I ever quit.
I know i need to work out but I'm depressed
Makes you feel good, look good. I don't know why I ever quit

Get back at it:)

I had a nice workout today. Decided to have a nice long walk and jog, then I just really worked out the Biceps and wrists instead of all the rest I had planned.. I got to the gym late so it was around five and it was packed.. So this worked out pretty good.
I remember going for walks while starting to withdrawal and waiting to re-up. Always helped and now that I've been on subs for awhile I really need to try and get my fitness on!! Ugh even after months of not using H i still find it hard to find motivation though, not as bad as when I first got of the dope. I need to just do it, but kind of lost about where to start. Like is there a post junkie workout routine to reintroduce me to the fitness world? haha jp but idk I just feel like I don't want to start a fitness routine and then get totally depressed about how low my endurance is and then just give up. I'm going to do some research, I probably just need to get a gym membership and be in that environment.
I decided to just walk and run and hit biceps really hard yesterday. Huhh, they are pretty sore.

Im going to head in now and go for a jog and lift back and shoulders. :)
today i paced around while talking on the phone to my grandmother for about 15 min. Also some arm-circles with a light weight. And 20 body-weight squats. (BP feels kinda high today, and I have those big aneurysms so I have to take it easy overall)
My team just got beat. SO im going to head off to the gym and burn off some frustration. Decided to lift legs yesterday so back and shoulders are def up.

EDIT: I felt strong the whole workout and flew through it in no time. I feal capital.
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Wont be able to workout until thursday. Spinning class thursday then saturday i plan on going to spinning class again then hot yoga after
If Doctors wrote as many presciptions for exercise and eating healthy as they do pills,
Overall health would be much better.
But that is dependent on one taking medicine as prescibed.
I'm visiting my family and I find it much harder to exercise here... I've been doing pushups though. I wish I had some free weights.
Did spinning class last night and rocked it! On again tomorrow and possibly sunday, monday and tues.
At the end of the day I find myself extremely tired from working. Sometimes I would stay online and working at the same time for over 14 hours, everyday.
When I do get home I do the dishes, help my wife, homework with my children. Then, not a single bar of energy left to exercise.
I often work during weekends so when I have some time I need to be with my family and again..no exercises..
It became a habit not doing exercises. To compensate this I try to eat very well and do the least I can in terms of medication.
I´m using Seroquel to sleep. And that´s killing me..
Off to the gym today.. doubling up today as its such a holiday week im not sure how often I will be able to get in.
Rest today and back tomorrow. Still contemplating if I should go in the morning or after work
Great workout yesterday.. going to hit it again to day.. they took out my favorite treadmills.. they are the ones that flex quite a bit when you run and everybody that ran used them more then the others and they replaced them with a newer version by the same company.. nice big flat screen tv's on all of them, but they don't give as much. Im a big heavy dude and i hope this does not start to work my joints and feet. I think I need some new running shoes as well. Oh, well what can you do.

So today will be walk run shoulders shoulders back and biceps. Then two days resting and feasting. So hitting it hard today:)
Another spinning class done around lunch time!! Tomorrow ill go again then back to working out in cuba since our resort has a gym facility.
In the gym atm. Have another 29 min of cardio then done!